Sen. Lora Reinbold today defended her behavior at the Juneau International Airport, and described an incident that happened while she was preparing to board a flight for Anchorage on Thursday. She has been banned from Alaska Airlines, the company said today in a statement.
[Read: Confirmed: Reinbold banned from Alaska Airlines]
Reinbold, speaking from her iPhone while on the road, said she was unaware of the various news reports of the day but said the airlines employees were uptight with her on Thursday when she asked about her mask exemption.
One airline employee said, “Mrs. Reinbold are we going to have problems with you on the flight,” according to Reinbold, who has been an anti-mask crusader for the past year.
Reinbold said she kept her mask on for 20 minutes while waiting for her flight, when employees approached her.
“She got in my face, and I said ‘Who are you?'” Reinbold described. “She said she is a supervisor. ‘Are we going to have any troubles with you on this flight?'”
“Then a guy named Troy with yellow vest on yelled at me and said, “Put your mask up.” It totally caught me off guard. He wanted it higher on my nose.”
“I believe this is going to be a nonissue soon. I think it’s interesting timing, that’s all I’m going to say there. I hope to be on another Alaska Airlines flight in the near future. I am working collaboratively with customer care as we speak, even as I am able to on the road right now,” Reinbold said.
Her remarks were to the Alaskans for Constitutional Rights group during a weekly Zoom meeting and she said she was calling from the side of the road. She didn’t say if she was driving to Haines to catch the ferry or a plane to Juneau.
The next Ferry from Whittier doesn’t leave until Monday. The next ferry to Juneau from Haines leaves at 4 pm Sunday.
Mask Nazis are UnAmerican!
Since Alaskans can’t get to Juneau any more for the duration of the covid for the forseeable future it is reasonable that legislators be ordered to Anchorage to complete their work where Alaskans can observe and influence.
If you have immunity, act like it. Wear your card pinned to your lapel, or show a pic of it on your phone. Tell them to get out of your face. During my last and final flight with AA, the steward and stewardess had their masks down to shoot the breeze next to me while I cringed and strapped mine on tighter.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Wow, talk about uptight…
The best way to cage a group of people is to keep them fighting among themselves. The mask thing wasfound uneffective in 1918 flu epidemic and that has been the medical pronouncement for 100 years. Anyone with any knowledge of viral spread and critical thinking skills knows that those masks are good for huge particles like pollen and dust but are useless against a virus.
I’ve lost a lot of respect for Lora over the way she’s dealt with the mask issue. It’s been too much her and not enough issue.
However, this doesn’t surprise me out of AK Airlines. Or airlines in general. They have gone fully woke and are on the lookout for people who challenge them. I fly enough to have seen a wide variety of how AK staff approach the mask fraud. Most are realistic about the issue. Some, however, are feeling their oats.
My guess is AK is sending her a message to behave or else
Screw Alaska Airlines. They don’t believe in Alaska either. Change your name to Sheep airlines.
I run into so many Afraid people, where’s your mask. I tell them I don’t need one. They just freak out.
Stay home if your Afraid let us live are lives as we see fit or what’s risks we want to take. Jumping off the cliff with out a parachute
Lora has her issues. No denying that. She does more harm than good for the conservative cause.
That said, AK Air is a partisan airline that HATES Alaskans.
Also, Lora Reinbold has THREE carry-ons which are not allowed. While I believe that Alaska Airlines should change its name to “Seattle Airlines”, I think they were correct in their decision about her on this topic.
She has a wallet in her purse. She has a checkbook in the other. She has a tablet in another. They all stow in the larger bag to make one bag to place under the seat. This is what every larger, physically imposing broads do as well. In this case the employees prompted an argument. Then they ganged up during the argument they initiated with the smaller attractive business woman traveling alone. Then, they wrote a false narrative to steal viaciously the small businesswoman’s right to travel. Because they could that day. Just like will do to you if they feel like it due to their poor training. Charming. Hostile. They should be fired.
Suzanne, when are you going to do a series about human trafficking In Alaska that’s gotten worse, not better? Hit it as hard as you’ve been hitting Reinbold. Aim higher.
Everyone knows that there are two sides to every story, but if Lora’s version is anywhere close to the truth, and I have no doubt that it is……..then this incident is about what I would expect from the employees of Seattle Airlines.
They’re a bunch of little nazis who were looking for a fight, and bravely ganged up on one woman, and then
courageously banned her from their planes for 30 days.
There are good reasons that I have hated that airline with a passion for decades, and I really wish that they did not have the name of our beautiful state on their planes…..
Mask debaters.
It is way past time for Reinbold to cut out the nonsense and get to work on the job she was elected to do. I am a constituent who is fed up with her publicity hound histrionics. Get to work lady, or go home and stay there!
Dont really care for her, but AK air is out of control with this. Flew to ANC from Nome after catching a flight from our village with my wife new born and just turned 3 year old son. The flight attendant berated us with He has to wear his mask or get off the plane from the moment we stepped foot on the plane because he had pulled it his off while we carried them and the diaper bag up the ramp. The guy literally followed us to our seat saying it 3 or 4 times. He kept walking by to check to see if my son had a mask on the entire flight too, which was great because its super fun to keep trying to put a mask on a tired 3 year old. Never mind the fact we were both vaccinated and coming from a region with 0 active cases…. Was really sad to see from an airline that used to be great
This is incomprehensible. It is SO very simple to just wear a mask and wear it properly. It isn’t taking away any rights. It is simply asking for your patriotism to protect your fellow Americans and work for this country to stem this disease so our economy and lives can recover. These very “mask deniers” are the same ones who say we need to get our economy growing again, yet the very simplest of act to achieve that end for one’s country and the protection of all Americans is to wear a mask and they refuse to do so. Nothing could me more un-American. Instead of masking her nose, she has chopped it off to spite her face…and all Americans.
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