Nick Begich, in fundraising letter, says Congressman Don Young has vaccine mandate in place for his office, and fired a worker for being unvaccinated


It’s campaign season, and the kitchen was eventually going to get hot.

According to a recent fundraising letter from congressional candidate Nick Begich, Congressman Don Young is requiring everyone in his government office to be vaccinated for Covid-19. One worker has allegedly lost his/her job over the mandate, said Begich.

Begich, who has been crisscrossing the state since late October, is now starting to call out the congressman on issues where the two differ.

Calls to Young’s office and campaign, and attempts since last week to get an answer about the accusation, resulted in no answer to Must Read Alaska.

Whether or not the vaccine mandate is a winning issue for Begich remains to be seen. In an August poll reviewed by Must Read Alaska, taken when Delta variant was raging, Alaskans were split on the vaccine mandate question. Republicans greatly opposed a vaccine mandate, while Democrats supported it.

Begich’s campaign manager, Truman Reed, is a former staffer for Young and said he has known about this for a while.

“The cornerstone of the American Republic is our understanding that the government protects our rights; it doesn’t grant them. Therefore, the government cannot rescind our rights, including our right to make decisions about our individual health. I believe that this right rests with you, and as such, I have not supported and will not support these vaccine mandates,” Begich says in his email to supporters.

“Don Young disagrees. In fact, his own staff has been required to comply with a vaccine mandate he put in place in his own office. Don Young even went so far as to fire an employee who didn’t want to be vaccinated. As if that wasn’t enough, he also voted for HR 550, a bill that would establish a national vaccine tracking database. In other words, Don Young believes he and others in government have the authority to make these decisions for you! That’s plain wrong,” Begich writes.

Begich, the Republican Begich, filed for Congress in late October and has earned the endorsement of over 100 Alaskans, dozens of them conservative elected leaders from across the state. He and his family live in Chugiak, where he operates an international business and is an angel business investor.


  1. What is NIck’s campaign office address so we can either stop by and drop off a check or mail him one..?? I do not like using electronic means of making any form of contribution

  2. Ive been a long time Don Young supporter but now i am in a box….I might have to pass on Young but I’d never vote for a Begich of any stripe…..

  3. I’m never voting for Begich, any of them. Not Mark, not his looney radar wave brother, not mini-Nick.

  4. Thank-you Rep. Young, as a taxpayer I do not want Federal money going to anyone that does not want to be vaccinated. Your personal choice should be with like minded private employers

    • So build the southern border wall, and stop those dirty unvaccinated illegals from getting their commie claws of those federal dollars too, is that OK with you Frank?
      Once again, you comment without thinking beyond that tiny irrational emotional spark within your cerebrum.

      • Eric, are you aware that ICE is vaccinating detained immigrants?

        You apparently are commenting without thinking beyond the tiny, irrational, emotional spark within your cerebrum… as they say.

        • Wrong, only the one who CONSENT, see there you go with those liberal half truths! Unlike our US military et al., the illegals have the right to refuse the jab. #morehalftruths

        • If ICE is vaccinating the detained immigrants, they are doing so in violation of the vaccine emergency use authorization. Per the EUA, only legal US residents/citizens are allowed to receive the vaccine.

    • I would ask what you are babbling about here, Frank, as there is no mention in the article about any federal money going to anyone, much less those who are refusing to be guinea pigs to Big Pharma with their unsafe and ineffective clot shots.
      I say “I would ask”, because as we all know, you are too cowardly to engage in any sort of exchange or honest debate with anyone here.

    • As a taxpayer, I do not want my money going to Frank Rast. Because Frank Rast is one of those people pushing a vaccine that does not stop you from catching, or spreading the disease. And, Frank Rast is one of those people who believe the vaccine will prevent you from ending up in the hospital, despite the fact that over 98% of the people who test positive do not require hospitalization.
      Well, I guess I just do not want my Federal tax dollars going to anyone who is so easily manipulated.

      • Stop trying to pretend you know anything about vaccines. This narrative where you redefine what a vaccine is, as someone with zero experience with vaccines, is laughable. Just admit they work and your position against them is based on fear, not science.

        • There is no demonstrable proof the vaccine works.
          What proof do you have? Hospitalizations are down? How does that stat differ from every other pandemic?
          Oh… I know. They reduce symptoms, hospitalizations, and deaths. Really? What percentage of the infected required hospitalization before the vaccines were available? (Hint, it hovered around 2%). So, get vaccinated, but catch the virus anyway. But, the vaccine worked because you did not require hospital care. Because you are absolutely convinced that you were part of that 2%, not part of the 98%.
          Finally, what makes you think I am against the vaccine? I have no opinion one way or another. What I adamantly oppose is mandates. Especially when the item mandated is questionable at best.

        • John, unlike you, most readers here are very much aware of the fact that “science” does not consist of blindly following and believing in the self-serving pronouncements and dictates of politicians and medical bureaucrats-cum-politicians.

          • John’s comments lead me to believe he is one of those “the science is settled” people.
            The science is never settled, and consensus does not mean correct. But, leftists (always leftists for some reason) always talk about how the science is settled.

    • Frank LOL
      Stupid is stupid does. Did you see the DOD report on the effects of the covid shot? It’s a crime against humanity unfolding before our eyes.
      Of course we should be allowed our own choice whither to covid shot or not.
      To those who won’t vote for Nick because of a last name…..come on man.
      Nick is his own person, I’m more offended by his first name.
      I’ll vote against young, in almost any case.

      • Reed, what DOD report are you referring to? Did you get scammed again with fake news? The DOD is not reporting anything bad about the vaccines. You’ve been lied to.

        • John
          Look for the senate hearing with Ron Johnson. A lawyer brought the information from DOD sources. Very devastating impact from the covid shot.

    • Hahah too bad Frank. You don’t get it do you, you’re federal dollars are going to millions of unvaxxers. All over the country in the projects, in the barrios, in the schools, we are in the restraunts and coffee shops, we deliver your mail, we are in the gas stations selling you your cigarettes…..for a lifelong smoker you sure care a lot about “health”. Get a clue Frank you’re the sheep, not us.

    • Frankie Boy, you anti-Science? Have you not been paying attention to what the REAL Science is about natural immunity? Especially when compared to the temporary ( think 3 months) effectiveness of the Jab? Huh, you are a democrat I bet and probably science adverse since it offends your political view of how the world should work instead of how it really operates.. Me thinks you and my old pal Don are suffering from some sort of Covid anxiety. Get help Frank. Two years of this nonsense is enough. Live free my friend and best wishes for your health.

        • Anti FORCED vaxxers, you mean.
          That makes you “Pro-Coercives”.
          It’s always lies and insidious, duplicitous propaganda with you radical leftists. There is hardly a shred of honesty in any of you.

        • It’s amazing, we’re being lectured on “good health” by booze fueled, coke snorting has-beens from the sixties. #nosaleponytailwarrior

    • Frank, The vaccine is useless as has been proven over and over. It doesn’t keep you from getting sick and it doesn’t keep you from spreading it am I missing something ..?….?

  5. I sure hope Begich has something concrete to back this up. I’d hate to see this election devolve into a series of wild accusations.

  6. This story does not surprise me in the least, given how much Don has been pushing Big Pharma’s unsafe and ineffective experimental clot shots. Although to be honest, I think the “experimental” part is mostly over with now, as the results are clear: the clot shots have innumerable and long-lasting negative side effects. But as a depopulation effort, they will probably end up being a great success.
    Give it up, Don Young: your days in power are over.

    • As usual, Jefferson is spreading vaccine misinformation that he read on a blog or heard on talk radio. Ignore him. The Covid vaccines are safe and effective, and the unvaccinated are at much greater risk of dying of Covid in the U.S. (2,300 per day) or being hospitalized with Covid (18,000 per day) than those who are vaccinated. If you aren’t vaccinated by now, but are young and healthy, the odds are that you won’t get too sick when you contract covid. But if you are overweight, a smoker, over 65, or have underlying health conditions, you are putting yourself at risk if you don’t get vaccinated.

      • Rick:
        The stats you cite prove nothing.
        The odds of hospitalization/dying from COVID are miniscule, and they were before the vaccines showed up. Using the Alaska DHSS data, the odds of someone testing positive for COVID dying are less than 1% overall. At it’s peak, hospitalization hit 1.3% in AK. (And, please note, I am being generous here. I am using daily counts, not cumulative numbers.)
        What makes you think the vaccine makes any difference whatsoever re: hospitalizations/deaths? Are you so convinced that every vaccinated person who catches COVID would have been part of that (approx.) 1%?
        Get vaccinated, you will not end up in the hospital!
        Seriously? I had almost a zero percent chance of ending up in the hospital without the vaccine.

        • My first point, which you don’t challenge, is that Jefferson’s claim that Covid vaccines are unsafe and ineffective is nonsense. I don’t disagree that if you are young, healthy and unvaccinated, the risk of developing serious illness or dying from Covid is low. But its been established repeatedly that those who are unvaccinated have a much greater chance of ending up in the hospital or dying from Covid than those who are vaccinated, particularly those who smoke, are obese, have other underlying health problems, or are elderly.

          • There is no demonstrable proof the vaccines do anything. And, safe is debatable, especially since the VAERS data shows more than a million adverse reactions, more than all other vaccines combined.
            “…the risk of developing serious illness or dying from Covid is low.” That is the case regardless of your overall health. Check the data. A low percentage of those testing positive end up in the hospital.
            Nothing you cite is proof the vaccines are effective. Omicron has high transmissibility, but minor symptoms. So, more positives, less hospitalizations. The vaccine is not responsible for that, the virus is.
            As to the “more unvaccinated in the hospital…” there are many other factors that are being ignored in that data. Correlation is not causation. So, your data and your claim remains meaningless.

      • Rick, mindlessly repeating the lies inherent in your political establishment/corporate media talking points does nothing to make them any the less unscientific and untrue.

  7. He looks good but I just can’t trust someone named “Begich.” We’ve been burned before, specifically by Kelly Merrick

    • Merrick and her union boss hubby were a known entity. Anyone who voted for her and got “burned” was not a fully informed voter…

    • You need to do your own research and talk to him before you make a choice based on last name. Family’s can be of different backgrounds politically and I know this as a fact.

    • Please, there are many families that have republicans, democrats, independents and libertarians in them. Please look at the individual and do not count Mr Begich our because of his name. I have voted for Don Young since the 70’s but not this time.

  8. To ? a recently used phrase “Is it reversible”. The answer is no. There are religious beliefs that may interfere also. Some have oaths to defend Constitutional rights – freedom of conscience.

  9. Begich’s statement is poorly thought through and appears to be a thinly-veiled ploy to attempt to get the votes of the anti-vaxxers. He seems to be saying the government has no business telling someone they have to get vaccinated for any disease.

    Is he saying he doesn’t think the government should be able to mandate any vaccines, including those for small pox, polio, and measles? Where does he draw the line between an individual’s right to make decisions about their own healthcare, and the right of society to avoid being exposed to infectious people transmitting deadly diseases? An individual’s right to self-autonomy has to be balanced against the harm he causes to others when he does things that adversely affect them.

    And why shouldn’t Don Young be allowed to require that those who work for him get vaccinated? He is 88 and thus at high risk of developing severe Covid. His interest in staying alive seems more weighty than that of an unvaccinated staff person who wants a job as a Congressional staffer so they can work as a lobbyist some day.

    • “We are the (leftist) Borg. You will surrender your pro-freedom beliefs. Your financial and biological integrity will be added to our own. Prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile.”

      • Oh darn, Jefferson, how did you spot us this time? We just can’t sneak anything past your discerning eyes. Like the time we tried to fake the moon landing, or when we got that Muslim born in Kenya elected President. Or when we set up the pedophile ring for elite políticos and the main stream media. Or when we stole the 2020 election, or tried to steal your guns. We thought that using doctors to inject you with a vaccine that contains a microchip to tag you was brilliant, but you saw through that one too. But you are just too smart for us Jefferson. Still, resistance is futile. We always get our man.

    • Rick,
      persons with the covid shot still get covid and transmit covid. Science says that these people carry a higher viral load. The shots during a pandemic has caused mutations. The safest person in the room is someone who hasn’t had a shot, has had covid and has natural antibodies.
      Don will get covid even if everyone around him has has a covid shot.

      • Ñot exactly, Those who are vaccinated may still get Covid (particularly the Omicron variant) but are far less likely to become seriously I’ll or die. But elder people who are vaccinated are at risk of getting seriously ill (though not nearly as high a risk as the unvaccinated elderly).

        • “…but are far less likely to become seriously I’ll or die.”
          Prove it.
          Before there was a vaccine available, something like 98% of the people catching COVID did not require hospitalization. So, what makes you think every vaccinated person catching it now was going to be part of that 2%?
          Oh… I know, there are more people testing positive these days, but the hospitalizations are remaining steady. Which has more to do with the omicron variant being less virulent, than the vaccine providing any protection whatsoever.
          There is nothing about the way this pandemic is acting that differs from any other pandemic.

    • We don’t want another Biden catastrophe do we, at 88, Young’s well past his prime, maybe step aside and let the younger more inquisitive intellect have a shot at things.
      After all’s said and done, love or hate them, Obama was monumentally better that this demented disaster the democrats have lumbered the country with today.
      I’ll give the younger, more agile flexible mind the benefit of the doubt here.
      Remind me again, of what Don Young said at the start of all this Covid mess?

      • Hmm. When Trump claimed credit for a great economy during the first 3 years of his Presidency (an economy he inherited from Obama) he pointed to an unemployment rate below 4%, a growing economy, and the stock market. In Biden’s first year as President, the stock market hit new record highs, unemployment was below 4%, and it just grew at the fastest pace since 1984. So why do people feel that things aren’t going well in the economy, partly because inflation is ticking up, which is partly due to supply shortages as people bought goods with their Covid stimulus money. I think part of the reason for the persistent sense of doom and gloom is fatigue from the pandemic and a sense of unease driven by hyper-partisans like Tucker Carlson who are intent on telling their listeners that things are bad.

    • “He is 88 and thus at high risk of developing severe Covid. His interest in staying alive…”
      Because he wants to stay alive, he is requiring others to take action?
      What kind of leftists/collectivist claptrap is that?
      Here is a news flash for you Rick. You hold ZERO responsibility for ensuring I remain healthy, and I owe you the same amount. Yes… there is some reasonable things that everyone should do to ensure group safety, but requiring someone (who is not you) to undergo a medical procedure for your own convenience is just plain evil.

    • Ricky, this ain’t a vaccine. it is a “treatment” that evidently works very poorly. You really should put down the remote and bone up on all of the latest “science”. Guess which countries have the MOST infections? The same ones with the highest jabbed rates! Furthermore it appears that after the third and fourth booster, ones immune system becomes compromised, hence the higher infection rates in Jabbed countries.
      Ever hear of a disease called AIDS? That’s where multiple jabbed folks might be headed.

  10. Rep Young you have served Alaska mostly well. But times are changing and it is time to install some new blood to fight off what is coming and has been going on in our country. Please retire peacefully, I know giving up power and money isn’t easy but you have plenty. Sell your property down there and come back to Alaska.

  11. I’ve voted for Young since the beginning, I no longer support him, he has made some huge mistakes since the faux administration took over. I believe he needs to retire and allow some new blood to represent Alaska without the DC sewers influence.

  12. Don Young is old and probably not in good health. His vaccination demand is all about his independence and freedom from being exposed to a deadly contagion. Maybe you don’t like freedom from disease. Maybe hoping to live a few years more is worth asking staff to help protect him.

    • Time for Don to head back into the back of beyond, up yonder, back to the village to self-isolate. He’s gotten old, fat and soft on conviction, too much gorging on all that public pork in DC.

    • If Young does not want to be exposed to a deadly disease, he needs to sequester himself away from the population at large.
      Demanding that others undergo a medical procedure for his convenience is just plain evil. What is next, demanding a female staffer get an abortion because he does not want to lose her efforts during maternity leave? Requiring a staffer to have a nose job because he is not attractive?
      There is no excuse for demanding one take the vaccine. None.

    • You do know that he contracted Covid before. If he is that scared of the virus then he should retire and go spend is time in the wilderness.

  13. Hopefully Begich rethinks this line of reasoning, if not he has put himself into fringe candidate territory. The majority of voting Alaskans have been vaccinated, almost 70% of Alaskan 5 years of age and older have received at least one shot and well over 70% of voting age Alaskans. I wholeheartedly disagree with mandates by government, but that is a different story than what Begich has portrayed here. I don’t like it as it smacks of typical Begich political nonsense.
    Not a great look for a candidate claiming to want to represent Alaska.

    • And many of those who naively or ignorantly allowed themselves to received the experimental, unsafe and ineffective mRNA clot shots are now regretting it — those who are still alive after receiving them, that is.

      • Especially given the latest CDC study, where even CDC admit natural immunity offers the same efficacy as any vaccine regimen– all without any long-term (yet know) side effects.
        Buyers remorse, to all those “healthy folk” who bought into the dealer undercoat and scotch guard upholster protectant. Of course, for the un-healthy worry warts, its worth the coin toss, I suppose. #biggrinfromthesalesman

    • I know this might be tough to understand, but you can choose to get vaccinated, and still oppose vaccine mandates.

  14. talk to your doctor if you’re thinking of taking the shot, I don’t care either way. I am against government mandates.

    My concern is that Mr Young has now voted multiple times for red flag rules and regulations at the federal level. I have questioned Mr Young on this issue and to his credit he has replied to me, I thank him for that. However, I absolutely disagree with his reply.

    I want to hear that the new Begich will actually stand up and defend the Constitution, on public record, our rights enumerated by our foundering fathers as described in the Bill of Rights that tells the government what exactly they are not allowed to do.

    if it’s out there please let me know.

    Thank you

    Cpl Ski USMCR

  15. Don, the current vaccines are not real “vaccines” in any sense of the word! They are an experimental therapeutic for the treatment of Covid. The “vaccines” do not prevent infection, nor do they prevent the spread of Covid, they merely claim to lessen the severity of the disease if one becomes infected. There appears to be some causal evidence that this is true, however, other countries such as India & Mexico have had better outcomes with off label drugs such as Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine without the well documented and quite serious side effects of the clot shot. Looks like you are on the wrong side of the mandate issue Congressman. Time for you to retire while you still have some semblance of a reputation left.

    • No vaccines prevent infection, they help develop an immune response. These vaccines have in fact been shown to prevent the spread of covid. I’m not sure taking medical advice from third world or developing countries is a good idea but hey, you do you.

      • Wrong, current vaccines do not PREVENT the spread of Covid. Go look at that CDC paper I pointed you at previously. If they prevented the spread of Covid, there would be ZERO reason to quarantine the breakthrough infected for 5 days. Think about it, apply a little common sense.

        • Wrong,
          Those who are vaccinated have a lower viral load, they are sick for a shorter amount of time, they do not become as sick and contagious…hence they prevent the spread of covid. What you are asking for is a magic bullet that was never promised and does not exist. Think about it, apply a little common sense.

          • I’ll keep it simple.
            You got the shot and You contract Covid then You WILL isolate for 5 days per CDC guidelines.
            This ain’t rocket science, dear Lord.

          • I’ll keep it simple.
            You got the shot and You contract Covid then You WILL isolate for 5 days per CDC guidelines.
            This ain’t rocket science, dear Lord.
            There you go again mid cut & paste.

          • Want to keep it simple so you can understand, got it.
            Lower viral load.
            Sick for shorter time.
            Not as sick or contagious.
            All of those prevent covid, by themselves.

        • Your quote:
          These vaccines have in fact been shown to prevent the spread of covid.
          Nope, WRONG. There’s ZERO science, ZERO peer reviewed evidence, ZERO STUDIES from reputable sources to back-up this outlandish statement. If there are LET US SEE THEM.
          You’re starting to sound like an Ivermectin zealot, you cannot quote ONE peer reviewed reputable source to back you ludicrous assertion.

          • Eric,
            Here’s a couple to get you started.
            . ‘’
            There are many, many more. I didn’t know you were so opposed to ivermectin.

      • I’ll be back tomorrow with a ladder, and a fire hose, your choice, to stop digging drown in your own arrogance/ignorance. Again, your comment:
        “These vaccines have in fact been shown to prevent the spread of covid.”
        None of those “articles” support your outlandish claim, IF THEY DID, there would be ZERO REASON FOR YOU TO QUARANTINE for FIVE days after you get COVID (after a vaccination regime) UNLESS you were contagious. Do you not see the error in your statement?
        It’s simple logic that appears to be beyond your grasp. #verysad

        • Eric,
          I understand why you wouldn’t actually read those studies, to do so would be to challenge your faith…and you can’t have that.
          Lower viral load.
          Sick for shorter time.
          Not as sick or contagious.
          All of those prevent covid, by themselves.
          Each of those studies explains in detail all of the points above. It’s up to you to remain willfully ignorant or inform yourself.

          • Again, your comment:
            “These vaccines have in fact been shown to prevent the spread of covid.”
            Are you really this dim, or is basic logic eluding you?.
            You can and probably will eventually develop COVID after vaccination, you know this as fact..
            Then YOU WILL quarantine for FIVE DAYS, just as everyone else as per CDC guidelines.
            See how easy that is to understand. You’re simply showing your ignorance of logic, and lack of any and all comprehension stating otherwise!
            #ladderofferrecinded ???

          • Your quote Steve:

            “These vaccines have in fact been shown to prevent the spread of covid.”
            It’s sloppy, misleading and inaccurate. You know this, yet you’re not intellectually honest enough or capable of admitting it.

          • Eric,
            Why do you think that a five day quarantine and spreading are mutually exclusive, where did you get that idea?
            Having a lower viral load equals less spreading.
            Being sick for a shorter time equals less spreading.
            Not being as sick or contagious equals less spreading.
            It’s really not hard to figure out, even a simpleton such as myself has figured this basic information, how a genius such as yourself has failed to understand this is beyond amazing…it’s almost as if you are deliberately ignorant.
            The statement “These vaccines have in fact been shown to prevent the spread of covid.” Is not sloppy, misleading, or inaccurate. It goes against your narrative and you cannot accept that, you cannot allow your faith to be questioned.
            You really should read those studies, they are quite informative even you might learn a thing or two.

        • Your quote Steve:

          “These vaccines have in fact been shown to prevent the spread of covid.”
          I’LL SHOUT A LITTLE, that hole you’re digging is getting rather deep, you’re starting to resemble a Mole, eyes closed, paws & mouth a flipa-flopping, “dig-dig-dinin’ boss” said the Mole.
          You really are a simpleton (your words). Good luck in that science 101 class, hopefully Fauci is your teacher, y’all have a great deal in common in the “logic free” zones you both inhabit.
          When you get sick, don’t forget, its 5 days, no matter what type of load/shot you took. ?

          • Eric,
            No doubt I am a simpleton, my simple brain can’t figure out how the number of days being five has anything to do with spreading disease. In my simple-minded idiocy it makes sense that having a lower viral load equals less spreading, being sick for a shorter time equals less spreading, and not being as sick or contagious equals less spreading. See here I thought we were talking about spreading disease, meanwhile you weren’t talking about that at all, you were talking about a seemingly random number of days that doesn’t mean anything to anyone but you.
            But since you say it’s somehow meaningful, I will take your word for it. Good luck with your five days!
            These vaccines have in fact been shown to prevent the spread of covid. Please feel free to continue posting that information, since it’s the truth and easily verifiable…even if it doesn’t meet your imaginary five day mark.

  16. Ol Don should have, at his age he is beating the odds, unless he gets something like the dreaded *****.
    Oh wait, the vaccine doesn’t stop people from getting it and spreading it, and if you get it there is no way to prove who or how you actually got it, unless you live like the good authoritarian power seekers advise, totally isolated from any human contact.
    Safest thing for the congressman is to get out of DC.
    I will look more closely at Begich. Although I am not impressed with political families.
    We need to have representatives that support taking all the power out of DC and the federal government, before they totally destroy our country and constitution.

  17. Young Begich

    Don no longer is young

    Wants to take one more plunge

    Says now take your vax

    Nevermind the facts

    I’ll get out when voters say I’m done

    The Begich Nick’s on the scene

    Wanting the slate to be clean

    About Don he’ll carp

    As he plays a mean HAARP

    Into the race he’ll careen

    Who knows onto which side

    This Alaska race will slide

    The one old as dirt

    Or the new clean shirt

    The bolo or HAARP, you dedice

    • Ha! This made me laugh. Nick’s dad is the HAARP guy (and a longtime libertarian no less).

      Nick has my vote. I’ve talked with him, and he’s a real conservative with a good head for business.

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