Nick Begich and Chris Bye attend Chamber debate, while Palin heads to New York and Peltola dials in from Sitka


Only congressional candidates Nick Begich, Republican, and Chris Bye, Libertarian, attended the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce congressional candidate forum on Monday. Sarah Palin, fresh off her rally on Sunday at the Dena’ina Center, was heading to New York City. Democrat Congresswoman Mary Peltola was celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Sitka, and found time to attend by video, while Palin sent a pre-recorded video.

Peltola, in her video remarks, said that she thinks it’s a bad idea for candidates to criticize the federal government, since there are so many federal employees in Alaska.

Begich commented that having such a high percentage of government employees in the state shows the need for the private sector to grow to balance the economy. He emphasized the importance of resource development and he is the best positioned to advance those interests, as someone who comes from the private sector.

In her pre-recorded remarks, Palin said that she has been traveling the world the past many years promoting Alaska and she has the connections to hit the ground running. She said she has 30 years of political experience, including being mayor of Wasilla and governor of Alaska. It was a short video, about two minutes.

There were as many people at the Chamber Make It Monday Forum as attended Palin’s get-out-the-vote rally on Sunday. She skipped the Kenai-Soldotna Chamber forum, and the Anchorage Republican Women’s forum, among others, and has told forum hosts that she will not attend unless she’s provided questions in advance. This forum did not provide questions in advance.

The Senate candidates went first, with Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Kelly Tshibaka, and Pat Chesbro on the panel for 30 minutes, with the two congressional candidates taking the microphones for the second part of the program.

The general election is Nov. 8, and has the congressional seat, Senate seat and gubernatorial seat on the ballot, in addition to all legislative seats except one.


  1. Neither Palin nor Peltola could attend the largest Chamber debate in Alaska? Incredible. I guess Palin is out buying her new inauguration dress in a fancy NY store, and Peltola doesn’t expect many friendly questions from Anchorage businessmen.
    NB3 at 1.
    Bye at 2.
    That’s it!

  2. “Palin heading to New York City?” My gosh if she’s not going to try and campaign why doesn’t she just drop out? It’s like she’s trying to lose the race for republicans!

    • Palin has never seriously campaigned nor offered a tangible platform. Her whole thing has been “it’s me!”.

      Palin has violated two essential rules of campaigning

      -know when you’re in the minority, even if you’re right.
      -never, ever buy your own con

  3. All leftists will rally behind Peltola. Conservatives must support one and ONLY ONE candidate, or they will lose. It’s really that simple. Begich is not perfect, but was out there first, and isn’t carrying as much baggage as Sarah. He is the logical choice. – M.John

    • Please do not make this mistake again, unless you’re trying to get Peltola elected. Over 11,000 Begich votes exhausted, tossed out because they only ranked Begich. Rank the red!!!

  4. My thoughts – Sarah Palin and Peltola!
    We know they work together, in a ’round about way to take Begich out, if you vote for either of them 1 or 2.

    Vote 1 — That’s Nick, no other second vote needed.

    Whoever gets into office: Give a word out about elections and how it should go back to 1 on 1! Unless, Of course, it works for you???

  5. Given Sarah’s performance at the Republican Convention forum, I’m not surprised that she insists on the questions ahead of time. Sarah simply can’t compete with the intellect of Nick Begich. Palin may be well intentioned, but she’s not the person for the job. Nick 1, Sarah 2

  6. Ms. Palin probably went to see the Anchorage Pilot’s very own Aaron Judge (the TRUE single season HR champ) in the pennant race at Yankee Stadium tomorrow. Who can blame her; baseball beats politics any day of the week.

  7. Mary, Mary is quite Constitutionally Contrary. Nuff said…

    Sarah, poor empty headed woman, fueled and encouraged on by her gushing hoarde of non thinking and non financial campaign supporting Palinbots to certain destruction of both herself and Alaska.
    A vote for Sarah is a vote for Mary! Thanks Palin Bots!

    NBIII, just right.

  8. A wise man who knows Nick very well recently wrote how “uneducated and ignorant” Sarah Palin is on the issues:

    “People outside Alaska do not realize how uneducated and ignorant she is on the issues facing the Nation and our state. On policy Sarah has no depth or information. She is a soundbite of sloganeering. But don’t take my word for it…see this debate yourself. [“U.S. House Candidate Forum – Alaska” – Jun, 27, 2022 on Anchorage Daily News YouTube channel]

    The sad part here is that the three candidates had the questions a week in advance of the debate and she still could not answer them. What you will witness requires no commentary, Sarah does not know anything and cannot even “get up to speed”. Policy issues were clear for the other two candidates….”

  9. I watch Nick at the North Pole fire department this weekend as he received a tour and information from the fire chief on issues facing the department with the growth of the city over the next couple of years. Not only did he listen well, but he asked quite a few intelligent and pertinent questions. We need someone in Washington with intelligence, business knowledge and common Sense! We need Nick!
    As much as I do not want Sarah to win it is however important that we rank her number two after Nick gets our first vote!

  10. Palin running off to NYC to promote Alaska. Will she run off as our congresswoman?
    Run off to increase her own pocket book

  11. Good Lord, I can’t even believe people are still falling for this liberal scam to only vote for one Republican candidate for US House! Rank the red or wind up with a liberal Democrat representing Alaska.

    Only rank Tshibaka for Senate and leave Murkowski off your ballot. If Murkowski wins it will be because Democrats voted for her.

  12. “…it’s a bad idea for candidates to criticize the federal government, since there are so many federal employees in Alaska.”

    Are you kidding me Peltola? Everyone is open to criticism. That is one way things get better. Peltola will be just plain awful if elected for the full two years.

    “Sarah Palin was heading to New York City.”

    Because that is what you do weeks before election day? I’ve seen many a train wreck candidate run, and Palin is among them.

    Still, Rank the only the Red (#1 and #2). Otherwise it will just get worse, and things are pretty bad as is.

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