New Alaska regs say cannabis shops can give free samples starting Sunday


Regulations go into effect Oct. 8 allowing licensed marijuana dealers in Alaska to provide free samples of their products.

The regulation, signed by Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom last month, revokes a prior prohibition on free samples.

Licensed dealers may be able to use this regulation to provide “first one’s free” promotions, as is done in some other states and Canada. Online providers such as West Coast Supply have robust free sample programs that introduce users to other products, and incentivize them to purchase items through a get-one-free, and a 25% off coupon.

Personal non-medical marijuana use and possession became legal in Alaska on February 24, 2015, after voters in 2014 passed Ballot Measure 2, on a vote of 149,021 to 130,924. It made Alaska the third state to legalize the sale of marijuana, preceded by Washington and Colorado.

The first Alaska state-licensed pot shop opened Oct. 29, 2016. By the end of 2022, Alaska had 459 active cannabis licenses for dispensaries, cultivators, manufacturers, and testing facilities.


  1. Now the question I have is will the free sample be taxed. Or is this a way for the business to avoid some of them

    • Yes. Our elected officials are destroying their own citizens. Hopefully people will begin to realize this and stop using this drug

  2. The only way to get people off the drugs is Christ. Less demand to put these cannabis owners out of business by reducing their customers because their customers found a life on weed is a weak foundation. However Christians must take their service to the kingdom of God outside of the churches, missions, and outside their community groups too without forgetting to invite those around them in to their home church or go visiting churches together if they have no home group church. Or telling Anchorage peoples whom we served do you know- of KLOVE and KATB!? Cause if you ain’t filling up your life with God then you are filling your life up with other things you relying on tbd things and emotional temperature of this world for your happiness, contentment, and peace which doesn’t last.

  3. One more thing October 18-22 next week is Red Ribbon Week!!!! So get that Drug Free Red Ribbon and paint the state Red.

      • But also Jefferson and readers, unless the woman or man was sex trafficked or were born by a mother who used during pregnancy, which even they were forced or found addicted to the drug at birth have a choice to stop using. No one can force the majority to do anything such as taking drugs nor forcing one to drink alcohol no matter how alluring the advertisements and enticing the sale pitches for why one should try marjuana.

  4. I wouldn’t creosote and addle my brain for free or any other reason. No thanks. Keep your free samples. I’ll opt for clarity of thought. I don’t bind others with a spell nor am I available to be bound by pharmaceutical spells in passing. No thanks. Foolishness is unappealing to me.

    • A.Galeutian if you had any more energy that you exhibited through your MRAK comments you’d be out of control under the influence and too much for all of us.

  5. I wonder if this will actually get a sustained bump in business? I can see a curiosity bump, but not one that consistently moves the needle.

    Way back in the day, I tried it once or twice, was unimpressed, and went on with my life.

    • Because of the recent news of the cannabis business needing to lower its tax burden and offering free samples. It makes me wonder if the business owners are facing lower sales and are losing money more than it takes in. I would think its users half of them don’t always have money to be a consistent shopper and the ones using it for medicinal aren’t who I’d call addicts and they would spread out their product use than smoking it all in one sitting.

      If the business owners are financially struggling then a big woot woot! That’s good. Then there be lesser Alaskans using.

  6. An old favorite Democrat slogan…”There’s no hope without dope”
    Just as long as there is a pair of John Lennon rose colored glasses available when you run out.

  7. Drug dealers have been using this method for years. Doctors as well, in regards to opiates for that matter. Enticement has always been a great tool to sell a product to people who would be less interested in a product. And a product that gives you relief from reality has increased in popularity of late. Soon reality becomes a blur and less desirable. As much as a person thinks that they can solve all problems under the influence, mean old reality creeps in and is not desirable any longer. An occasional trip to happy land can be enjoyable but people who wish to stay there soon become nonproductive. Encouragement of such products by making them easier to obtain is equal to a ship’s captain unlocking the rum stores and expecting his crew to be able to do their jobs. What the government’s role in all of this seems to only be in collecting revenue from an otherwise untaxed source. It certainly isn’t that they are interested in our well being or public safety.

    • The way Biden is destroying America, there is a certain attraction to getting stoned to escape it.

      Assuming one can afford the gas to get to the dispensary and doesn’t get shot/robbed while downtown.

  8. As the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers would say “Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope.”

  9. They can tell their customers, “we want to leave you on a high note.” The first one is free. the aftermath is paid for by the government.

  10. Never mind the Muni drug tests, has the assembly been tested themselves?
    They have a lot of stoner ideas that are tuning ANC into hippie town.
    We don’t need jobs, rent money or mortgages ….. we can all live free at the park.
    Let’s start a Commune.

    • I wouldn’t doubt half the Assembly members are alcoholics as well as when they were in their twenties in 2000’s they killed too many brain cells from drinking too much alcohol plus a few joints with college age friends. When I was 19-25 I thought my generation drank way too much and too many smoked weed or too many were experimenting with it. I didn’t participate with our generation’s social activity, I didn’t want to make myself more unhealthy than I already was back them nor kill my brain cells.

      I believe the best people to make the best leaders are ones who do not drink alcohol nor do drugs. For all Trump’s personal faults he does not drink alcohol nor take drugs. He emphatically told ALL his children and grandchildren Do not drink alcohol, Do Not take drugs, and Do Not get tattoos. America’s leadership would be so much better if they all didn’t drink alcohol nor take drugs.

  11. They should have had weed stores back in the 40’s instead of the ‘illegal’ factor. Tell me how much $$$ would be in the USA coffers from revenues? No. Instead you let the drug dealers have free reign. Until someone sat you down and showed you the books. NOW it’s legal? Incompetency runs rampant.

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