New acting Labor commissioner: Cathy Munoz


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has appointed Cathy Munoz as acting commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Commissioner Tamika L. Ledbetter, who has been commissioner since 2018, gave her resignation letter to the governor today.

Acting Commissioner Munoz has been with the department since December 2018. She was a representative in the Alaska House for her hometown of Juneau for several years, and served on the City and Borough of Juneau Assembly.

“I am very much looking forward to spending time with my family, traveling abroad and welcoming the birth of our first grandchild,” said Ledbetter, who began her career with the State of Alaska in 2007 as a career development specialist. During her tenure with the department, she was the manager of the Mat-Su Job Center and later served as the regional manager for the Anchorage/Mat-Su Economic Region before being appointed commissioner.


  1. Interesting choice. She did well for CBJ for years, until a poorly advised plea for leniency for someone with dubious character.

    Probably the last person anywhere near a conservative Juneau will elect in the next 50 years.

    • The Mendenhall Valley was a Republican-leaning swing district for a long time. Between the 1990s redistricting which split up Juneau for the first time and the 2016 election where Muñoz lost, only two Democrats (Caren Robinson and Andrea Doll) represented the area for a single term apiece. Contrast that with Muñoz and Bill Hudson (four terms apiece) and Bruce Weyhrauch (two terms). Conservative or conservative-leaning people were elected to the Valley’s Assembly district as recently as a decade or so ago. In that 2016 election, allowing for a member of one of Alaska’s longest-standing political families to be replaced by one of the randy boys shows just how far conservatives have allowed themselves to be owned by the Ship Creek Groups of the world.

    • MA: Cathy Munoz will make a fine Commissioner. Why? Because she’s extremely competent, cares for people, and honors the truth.

      Thomas Jack Jr., is definitely not of dubious character. A clan leader from Hoonah who observed Thomas his entire life called him “honest and upright” and “very conscientious”. I readily agree based on my numerous conversations with Thomas and many other trustworthy citizens of Hoonah. His wrongful conviction is increasingly exposing systemic corruption in Alaska’s legal system and OCS.

      Munoz deserves recognition for having the courage to stand up for the truth on behalf of her constituents. She’s a rare find among officials populating our 3 branches of government.

  2. Tamika Ledbetter was a very poor labor commissioner and I spoke with Governor Dunleavy about this. He did not appear to be interested in the facts I presented to him. However, now she has resigned. This is an excellent conclusion to her tenure.

  3. Did you notice that the administration’s press release didn’t offer one kind word for Ledbetter’s service? I sure did.
    Wonder why they canned her?

  4. Suzanne, did you look into the weird and sudden way Tamika Ledbetter left? She was gone in just a few hours. Something is fishy.

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