NCAA tweaks its transgender athlete policy


The NCAA quietly updated its policy for transgender athletes on Wednesday. For college competition, it will use the same model as the U.S. and International Olympic Committees, which have a sport-by-sport policy.

Effective immediately, transgenders who compete as women in women’s college-level sport competitions will be governed by the national governing body of that specific sport. If there is no international federation policy, the IOC policy will be applied.

So far, women who are transitioning their appearance to appear and live as men are not an issue because they typically don’t try to compete in mens categories. But after University of Pennsylvania transgender swimmer Lia Thomas set records in swimming, athletes, parents, coaches, and the public began questioning the NCAA policy.

As of the new policy on Wednesday, biological men who are modifying their appearance to present as women will be required to meet a testosterone standard a month prior to the sport’s championship roster selections.

The ruling could affect whether Thomas can continue to compete. Until age 19, Thomas had been competing in the boys and mens swimming competitions. Thomas, who has the burly physique of a man, then switched over to compete as a woman. Thomas would have to have a testosterone level below 10 mol/L for 12 consecutive months prior to a competition and remain below that threshold throughout a period leading up the competition in a female category in any USA Swimming event.

The NCAA women’s swimming and diving championships take place in March.

The NCAA Board of Governors made the decision at its conference, now underway in Indianapolis. The organization did not post the new policy on its front page, but buried it in under its “About” tab, located at the bottom of the page. The full statement is as follows:

“The NCAA Board of Governors on Wednesday voted in support of a sport-by-sport approach to transgender participation that preserves opportunity for transgender student-athletes while balancing fairness, inclusion and safety for all who compete. The new policy, effective immediately, aligns transgender student-athlete participation for college sports with recent policy changes (PDF) from the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee and International Olympic Committee.

“Like the Olympics, the updated NCAA policy calls for transgender participation for each sport to be determined by the policy for the national governing body of that sport, subject to ongoing review and recommendation by the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports to the Board of Governors. If there is no NGB policy for a sport, that sport’s international federation policy would be followed. If there is no international federation policy, previously established IOC policy criteria would be followed.

“The Board of Governors urged the divisions to provide flexibility to allow for additional eligibility if a transgender student-athlete loses eligibility based on the policy change provided they meet the newly adopted standards.

“The policy is effective starting with the 2022 winter championships. Transgender student-athletes will need to document sport-specific testosterone levels beginning four weeks before their sport’s championship selections. Starting with the 2022-23 academic year, transgender student-athletes will need documented levels at the beginning of their season and a second documentation six months after the first. They will also need documented testosterone levels four weeks before championship selections. Full implementation would begin with the 2023-24 academic year.

“We are steadfast in our support of transgender student-athletes and the fostering of fairness across college sports,” said John DeGioia, chair of the board and Georgetown president. “It is important that NCAA member schools, conferences and college athletes compete in an inclusive, fair, safe and respectful environment and can move forward with a clear understanding of the new policy.”

“Approximately 80% of U.S. Olympians are either current or former college athletes,” said Mark Emmert, NCAA president. “This policy alignment provides consistency and further strengthens the relationship between college sports and the U.S. Olympics.”

“Additionally, the NCAA’s Office of Inclusion and the Sport Science Institute released the Gender Identity and Student-Athlete Participation Summit Final Report (PDF). The report assists ongoing membership efforts to support inclusion, fairness, and the mental and physical health of transgender and non-binary student-athletes in collegiate sport.”


  1. And that does absolutely NOTHING!! A man is still a man with man parts AND muscles, which when compared to a woman are inherently different. The NCAA hid their policy in the about section of their webpage because they ALL know it is ludicrous to allow men to compete against women in their sports, use the same locker room, showers, etc. The NCAA just keeps getting stupider and stupider!!!

  2. What a convoluted mess. How about we keep it simple and get back to truth. What do one’s chromosomes say about their gender? That should settle it, in a logical world. Alas though, logic seems headed for extinction. Add also inclusion has nothing to do with ‘fairness’, and lowering testosterone levels does not equate to instant removal of advantageous muscle mass.

  3. The Journal of Medical Ethics published a study that directly counters the anti-science narrative that transgender men and biological women are exactly the same.
    This study concluded that transgender athletes born male have an “intolerable,” or overwhelming, advantage over biological women in athletic competition. The paper stated healthy male test subjects “did not lose significant muscle mass or power” when their testosterone levels were suppressed below the International Olympic Committee guidelines for transgender athletes of 10nmol/L.
    Read more: ‘’

  4. Good. It took Michael Phelps sharing his opinion before they decided to do anything about it. Everybody’s afraid of making a call these days because the woke will try to ruin them.

  5. 1-The highly corrupt NCAA is attempting to pass the buck instead of taking a pro female athlete stand.
    2-The “war on women” is real. The left is waging it. Nobody hates successful women like the left.

  6. The positive aspect of this topic is it exposes the hypocrisy of the woke female athletes and their parents. To impress their friends and peers, they resolutely adhere to a politically-correct party line by referring to the transgendered swimmer as a “woman.” In all fairness, anyone who calls Lia Thomas a “woman” should be logically consistent and agree to his to competing with women; they should not advocate treating him differently than women athletes. Trying to have it both ways is the definition of hypocrisy. The ruling organizations now struggle with infinitesimal details trying to redefine what a woman is (10mol/L for 10 consecutive months)… while ignoring the residual physicality resulting from 19-yrs of being male? As usual, its all about the money (scholarships, endorsements, etc). As Coppola wrote, “the BS stacks up so fast you need wings to stay above it.”

  7. How far our vanity will stretch a lie to make it work out. There always will only be two genders. No more no less than you think of yourself you remain the gender of your birth. I found this for the person having unclean fun all their life ‘when the unclean spirit has gone of a person it passes through waterless places seeking rest but finds none…’ in christ there is life after death if we turn and continue turning away from our own wickedness.

    • Its actually heart wenching imagining a person without christ or never really repented just wandering looking for rest and remaining restless. Matt 12:43-45

  8. The positive aspect of this topic is it exposes the hypocrisy of the woke female athletes and their parents. To impress their friends and peers, they resolutely adhere to a politically-correct party line by referring to the transgendered swimmer as a “woman.” In all fairness, anyone who calls Lia Thomas a “woman” should be logically consistent and agree to his competing with women. Trying to have it both ways is the definition of hypocrisy. The ruling organizations now struggle with infinitesimal details trying to redefine what a woman is (10mol/L for 10 consecutive months)… while ignoring the residual physicality resulting from 19-yrs of being male? As usual, its all about the money (scholarships, endorsements, etc). As Coppola wrote, “the BS stacks up so fast you need wings to stay above it.”

  9. The positive aspect of this topic is it exposes the hypocrisy of the woke female athletes and their parents. To impress their friends and peers, they resolutely adhere to a politically-correct party line by referring to the transgendered swimmer as a “woman.” In all fairness, anyone who calls Lia Thomas a “woman” should be logically consistent and agree to his competing with women. Trying to have it both ways is the definition of hypocrisy. The ruling organizations now struggle with infinitesimal details trying to redefine what a woman is (10mol/L for 10 consecutive months)… while ignoring the physicality resulting from 19-yrs of being male? As usual, its all about the money (scholarships, endorsements, etc). As Coppola wrote, “the BS stacks up so fast you need wings to stay above it.”

  10. What continues to amaze me is the utter silence by feminists in regard to transgender participation in women sports. Used to be fearless lionesses fighting against any infringement toward women. Now it’s silence of the lambs. They watch as men masquerading as women are competing in Women’s sports and mutely watching as they set new records. Funny how few women are identifying as men and trying to compete in the male arena. Instead, feminists keep their head down and bite their tongues as this nonsense continues. No one seems to have the guts to declare that the ‘emperor has no clothes’. This is destroying women’s sports. Political correctness triumphs over biology and common sense. Some day, these adherents to the orthodoxy of the day will be scorned for their fecklessness.

  11. The NCAA did nothing but kick the can down the road. We got nothing but word soup and they pushed all decisions and responsibilities to the IOC. This way if there is any anger or kickback, they can finger point and not be responsible. I liked the Michael Phelps interview, you know he’s against it but he safely only brought up blood doping and “even playing field”. He didn’t want to fall into the mainstream media meat grinder and we can’t blame him.

  12. Don’t change anything! Gotta love it when the Left takes it so far that they start swallowing themselves tail first.

  13. The truth is what I make it. I could set this world on fire and call it rain. Maven – Red Queen quote – Victoria Aveyard.

  14. Male: 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or 10 to 35 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) Female: 15 to 70 ng/dL or 0.5 to 2.4 nmol/L.
    So by lowering it to 10 nanomoles they decided the low end of the scales that men naturally fit in. Why not pick the 2.4 nmol/l instead? Because MEN can’t attain that level!

  15. So the old rule was that women athletes could be stripped of their medals if they tested positive for testosterone additives. Now the new rule is men who call themselves women can be stripped of their medals if they test negative for estrogen additives. I say we just let everyone juice up on as much of whatever additive they want, and go at it. I mean, we already have so many athletes with exploding hearts and blood vessels in their brains anyway from the mandated, oh wait, not mandated, I mean sometimes mandated additive anyway…who’s going to notice?

    • What about those people that are born with both body parts? What classification are they in Olympic sports ? If genetically they align with women, do they still wear an athletic supporter?

  16. Just like CRT issues, transgender issues should be up to local school boards and sports organizations. Government regulation leads to confusion and division.

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