Mystery ballot for Kathryn Dodge will count, Election officials say



A mystery ballot that showed up long after all other ballots were counted, including six that were counted without observers present, is also going to be counted, according to sources familiar with the Division of Elections. That ballot tips the win.

That ballot was cast for Kathryn Dodge, the Democrat vying for the seat that was vacated by Sen.-elect Scott Kawasaki in Fairbanks.

Sources tell Must Read Alaska that the ballot came from Precinct 6 in District 1. For whatever reason, it was not read on Election night. It didn’t show up until several days later. The Division has issued no explanation yet.

Last Wednesday, the Election Review Board found six more votes, and in one day, the five-vote lead that Bart LeBon had was shrunk to a tie.

[Read: Absentees counted but race still tied]

The mystery ballot showed up on Friday, and over the weekend Election officials decided it would count.

They knew that when they made that decision they were adding a vote to Democrat Kathryn Dodge, because they saw the ballot.

The chain of custody of that ballot is what concerns Bart LeBon, the Republican in the race. “Standard procedure for election workers to place it in a secrecy sleeve for processing. Was it forgotten? Does the chain of custody pass the red-face test?”

LeBon first found out about the ballot late Friday. He was not in Juneau, but his opponent Dodge was, and was overseeing the process along with Democrat Sen.-elect Jesse Kiehl of Juneau.

“We were tied. My understand is we were heading for recount and coin toss. Then this ballot materialized. The explanation is that it was set aside in a location at the polling place in Precinct number 6. So what journey did that ballot follow to get to the Division of Elections in Juneau? Who handled it? It’s the integrity of that ballot that concerns me,” LeBon said.

The Division had on Friday described the ballot as “loose with questioned ballot materials that had been placed in the emergency slot of the OS (optical scan) machine, but there was no questioned ballot envelope to account for the ballot.”

On Monday, the Division of Elections will certify the election. At that point, the Division will declare Dodge the winner by one vote, 2,662-2661. On Friday, the Division will conduct a recount of that district.

This story will be updated.


  1. Utter BS this Ballot unless they can produce a chain of custody should be thrown out. Looks like typical Democratic tactic from Florida and now to Alaska. If a citizen can not trust the process it will limit the voters in any election.

    • Seems like someone messed up. I’d venture to say that the ballot did originally come in the required envelopes. I say, ask the voter her/himself who they voted for. I sent in an absentee ballot myself and I’d be very miffed if someone screwed up my ballot at the optical scanner point. Our names are ultimately linked to our numbered ballot so it not truly a private ballot. Let that voter know that their ballot was mis-handled. Give them a new ballot to fill out. This would be much better than a coin toss. That’s not democracy… that’s luck. Have a completely new election for just this seat. That seems like the right was to handle a tie.

    • Seems like someone messed up. I’d venture to say that the ballot did originally come in the required envelopes. I say, ask the voter her/himself who they voted for. I sent in an absentee ballot myself and I’d be very miffed if someone screwed up my ballot at the optical scanner point. Our names are ultimately linked to our numbered ballot so it not truly a private ballot. Let that voter know that their ballot was mis-handled. Give them a new ballot to fill out. This would be much better than a coin toss. That’s not democracy… that’s luck. Have a completely new election for just this seat. That seems like the right was to handle a tie.
      Finally, I think that integrity does demand that EVERY vote is counted. Would you want your ballot to be uncounted? Republican’s please get over it… I mean you already own a Republican State who helped an unqualified narcissistic simpleton get into the White House… what more do you want? The Democrats won this seat… now get over it and move on.

      • Daniel, no I don’t want every vote to count. It’s the process here that’s at stake. The outcome is the outcome. Someone will win and someone will lose. I’m ok with whoever that is. It just has to be done fairly and legally. When votes are questionable and magically appear, etc. no matter the party, I don’t want those included unless they are vetted fully to ensure they are valid.

      • Seems like the Democratic side needs to do the same thing. Everyone before the Presidential election 2 years ago cried foul that President Trump would not accept the election results but it seems that the Democrats can’t except the results. That person you claim that is in the Whitehouse sure has made more money in the business world then yourself and the United States is nothing but a big business. That is why we see the economy moving along at a good pace instead of the pathetic pace of less than 3% during the eight years before President Trump assumed office.

      • Who is crying about moving on sure is not the Democrats because they were the one complaining that President Trump would not accept the results of the election and the Democrats are the hypocrites that can not move on.
        The President you are referring to sitting in the Whitehouse has done more for this economy in two then his predecessor couldn’t do in 8. Besides the President sure has made more money than yourself in business and the United States Government is nothing more than a big business.

  2. I truly believe that the democratic / socialist have a group of people that are experts in slipping in ballots after the election not only in Alaska but nation wide. Outcomes of elections are going to have more fraud with mail in ballots.

  3. Seriously, why WOULDN’T the Democrats cheat? What is the penalty for getting caught cheating in an election? There really isn’t any penalty. A recount? Big deal. Firing an election counter? Big deal. Democrats learned the trade of cheating in elections from union bosses, who do it all the time in their internal elections. The risk of getting caught and the minimal penalties associated are far under weighed by getting another Democrat cheater into office.

    • Marla I wish you weren’t correct but you are spot on and Alaska has been fighting fraud since it became a state.

      • So what are the legal remedies if no criminal penalties?

        1. Bart Lebon files suit against the state Election Division to “set aside” the entire election for District 1.

        2. The AK Republican Party sue’s the state Election Division to “set aside” the entire election for District 1.

        3. A companion suit follows against the Lt. Governor.

        4. REMEDIES: a new election for District 1 within 30 days, or prior to January 6, 2019.

        5. Extra: amicus briefs filed by plaintiffs party showing that this is the proper legal remedy based on past elections that were challenged for fraud. But, Mr. LeBon and the Republicans need to file suit in Superior Court immediately, BEFORE this election is certified. Otherwise it’s too late.

  4. Kevin Meyer can’t come onboard fast enough. Let’s sweep out the Division of Elections, get a new director, purge the voter rosters, and clean this entire frigging mess up. We might as well vote by email. Crikey.

  5. This IS important, because the power of the entire state House of Representatives now hinges on the outcome of District 1. All Democrats and their bureaucratic power brokers, especially from the University of Alaska, NEED Kathy Dodge in Juneau. They will do ANYTHING to keep Tammy Wilson
    from becoming House Finance Co-Chair of the Operating Budget. Wilson is the slashing queen of the House. Dems are scared to death of her. If Dems and their allies in the Lt. Governor’s Office and Division of Elections can get just one fraudulent vote over to Dodge, and win, they will be celebrating like it is an early New Years Party.

    Bart LeBon will be the hero for conservatives if he files an injunctive suit, as suggested by TED, and seeks an election set aside before certification next week. Forget a recount. That just opens the door for more fraud. Go for a set aside, Bart! Call your lawyer, ASAP.

    • For sure. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. How much election BS has to happen in this State? Just this year alone has been an absolute nightmare! Dead people have voted. Operatives have suddenly died. Lt. Governor’s have resigned in shame. Votes have magically appeared – or maybe some have disappeared. I could go on and on but I am tired…..This is exhausting. It must stop. Go after them double-barreled. If we don’t show them we mean business it will never stop. BANANA REPUBLIC

  6. Stealing an election is something the Democrats do with pride. Dodge is waiting with baited breath for her “pride” award.

  7. Mr. LeBon should immediately sue to enjoin certification of the election and let the courts decide, under some kind of legal standard, whether the ballot should be counted. Unless this is done, once the vote is counted, he is toast.

  8. Please dont allow this story to be suppressed, Suzanne. Major media is not reporting. This is a HUGE story with implications for all of 2019.

  9. Amazing how ballots that can swing an election mysteriously show up at the 11th hour. If the commissioner of elections can’t establish a chain of custody this ballot should not be counted. That said, another mystery ballot may show up if this one is denied. Last I knew Alaska is not a banana republic, and there should be some justice in our election process. This is just plain shameful.

  10. IMO
    No official review of any ballot(s) should be done with one of the affected candidates, unless both candidates were first provided adequate notice – allowing them to be present if they chose to do so.

    Isn’t there something that prevents this from occurring? If for no other reason than to avoid the perception of underhanded shenanigans, ballot reviews under circumstances like this should not be permissible.

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