A bipartisan luncheon for women serving in the U.S. Senate was hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, one of the most powerful people in the Senate, was seated just to the vice president’s left at Number One Observatory Circle, the official residence of the Vice President of the United States. Sen. Patty Murray, a Democrat from Washington State, was seated at Vice President Harris’ right.
“Continuing our tradition of having a bipartisan, women Senators’ dinner. Thanks to the Vice President for hosting tonight,” Murkowski posted on Twitter.
Harris invited all 24 women senators — 16 Democrats and 8 Republicans.
The senators were served a summer garden tower salad with hearts of palm, paired with a Simple Life Rose wine; roasted mahi-mahi, grilled vegetables and basmati rice, paired with a Cakebread Sauvignon Blanc; and for dessert, strawberry rhubarb croustades, and vanilla ice cream, according to the menu that was posted on Twitter by Sen. Deb Fischer of Nebraska.

Isn’t that special?!! A scratch and sniff.
Prince’ and Princess’ along with their inner courtroom officials never changed. They love being entertained and demand the best and tastiest foods served. The only thing this Class is missing and can’t buy is contentment.
What suitable special drink was offered to the Senators who are Alcoholic? One thing about the upperclass is they drink too much and at least half the crowd probably shouldnt be drinking at all. Hahaha
Democrats hosting Democrats
Murkowski wishes her daddy could have given her the VP position, but he was only big enough to give her a senatorship.
Murkowski thinks she is acting wise, but she’s being made a fool. She thinks she’s being bipartisan, but she’s being used. Democrats NEVER give up, they never give in and they don’t negotiate. They chip away, every moment of every day, at what was once a beacon of freedom that the entire free world looked to. This picture is yet more evidence that Lisa has never been a conservative – she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I used to say everything I needed to know about Lisa I learned in that photo where she’s crying and backed up against a wall by Dianne Feinstein. Now I have two photos that tell me everything I need to know. America and Alaska are in the fight of their lives, and Lisa just wants to be loved by Democrat women at tea parties. Go away, Lisa, just go away. We want someone who will fight for America and Alaska, not someone who would rather surrender.
Kelly had much better lunch with the ladies in the Valley and the week before the ladies on the Kenai….and will be a breath of fresh air for all Alaskan as our new Senator and a much better partner for Senator Dan next year his out years
It’s like a party!
I can see it now, all them sitting around stroking……… each others hair.
So sexism is ok sometimes????
Kamala Harris is an arrogant, egotistical, brainless Democrat from CA who thinks she is a deprived Negro woman who rode on a segregated school bus in Oakland. Remember the debates when she called out Joe Biden as a racist? Kamala Harris went through the ranks by bedding down with Willie Brown during her years as an apprentice with the CA Assembly. Some might call her a sl*t, but I call her an opportunist who rode the entitlement wave and never passed on an affirmative action program. She came in dead last on every Democrat primary. And Alzheimer’s Joe still picked her. Can’t wait for Trump to come to Alaska and help us get rid of Lisa Murkowski. I’ll be at that Trump Rally.
Kiss butt
Why is Lisa in her first chair on her left?
Because in reality she’s a leftist like the rest of them
Kiss kiss
Vote this swamp creature out.
And the Kings and queens shall feast. A Disgusting Mockery display, when we all know it’s just a show to keep up the delusional appearance that there’s actually any difference between any of them.
“Sen. Lisa Murkowski, one of the most powerful people in the Senate,…”
Interesting isn’t it?
Every member of both the House and Senate are equal as elected representatives of the people but the entrenched career politicians have established seniority rules and other internal measures that hugely favor long term senators and representatives to the disadvantage of newer members…and, therefore, the citizens those newer members were elected to represent.
That seems completely wrong.
Looks like VP and second man are expecting a bundle of joy.
Joe Biden is waiting in the background, to sniff the ladies hair. This old pervert, with advanced dementia, is a fake president. He won nothing. Hopefully, Lisa wore nice hairspray so she can please her new boss, Grandpa Joe.
Daddy’s little Princess and Cackle-La. It’s a great combo plate of corruption and ineptitude.
Well that’s disturbing???
But not surprised?
I’ll hold my tongue? But 2 of the biggest
Looks like dinner in first class on the S.S. Titanic. But in this case, there will be NO lifeboat seat for you, Lisa.
Oh Lisa, what are you doing
Right out in the open, Alaskans you are screwing
We thought we had enough when Feinstein called your bluff
Sorry but your cookie we’ll be eschewing
I have questions…1) Are the vaccines patented? 2) In which countries? 3) Do certain one(s) manipulate dna and by what vector. 4) Do incompletely informed participants in the trial now belong to the patent owners of the jab so as to contribute their end results to the trial? 5. What if that patent “owner” who owns jab trial results resides in a different country and communist government? Do we know know if this is ok? 6) Says whom?
Please Sarah Palin against Murkowski. Stop the Nepotism and corruption
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