Murkowski tours DMZ in Korea, visits Vietnam


Sen. Lisa Murkowski has returned from a trip to South Korea and Vietnam with Senate members, where she visited the Demilitarized Zone, discussed energy related issues, and focused on topics including trade and the U.S. relationship with North Korea.

“North Korea remains one of the country’s primary security threats. This opportunity to visit South Korea, see the DMZ, and get briefed on the recent events happening in the region was an invaluable way to learn directly from the soldiers carrying out their mission,” Murkowski said.

“The important work that USAID and its NGO partners are doing in Vietnam, including dioxin remediation and disposing of unexploded ordnance, helps to build our relationship with that country. Vietnam is also an important trading partner, and strengthening these ties helps our country, particularly Alaska, on both the economic and security fronts by countering China’s influence in the region,” she said.

The congressional delegation trip included Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Rob Portman (R-OH), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Tom Udall (D-NM), and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI).

In South Korea, Murkowski toured the DMZ, including the Joint Security Area. Murkowski met with the U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harrison and U.S. and Swiss military officials to discuss the U.S.-North Korea relationship, ongoing military relationships, and energy production.

In Vietnam, she discussed energy, trade, legacy of war, and other issues with Ho Chi Minh City Party Secretary Nguyen Thien Nhan. Murkowski met with other top government officials as well as with representatives from non-governmental organizations involved with the disposal of unexploded ordnance to discuss clean-up options.  

Murkowski toured the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Site at the Hue Citadel, which was a key battle during the 1968 Tet Offensive.

Murkowski attended the ribbon cutting event for dioxin remediation at Bien Hoa Air Base, the largest project of its kind that will reclaim lands contaminated during the Vietnam War. She also witnessed the signing of a memorandum of intent between the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Vietnamese government, which will focus on supporting health and disability programs for people with disabilities due to Agent Orange exposure.


  1. Lisa, is keeping some really bad company; traveling with crazy Mazie, goofy Tim, dumb Debbie, et al, it is no wonder she has turned into a liberal. Please vote Lisa out of office people of Alaska. Is the Nepotism so strong in Alaska politics that we have to continue to put up with Lisa Murkowski? Can you just imagine what this trip costs the US Taxpayers? Congress travels at their own whim, has their own health insurance, (even though they want single payer for the “rest” of us), they get a lifetime retirement after serving just one term. Alaska deserves a better representative in the Senate than Lisa!

  2. As an example of lisa’s “conservativism”, one needs only look at the company she is keeping. They are not conservative, republican “representatives”. Not in the least sense. Her record as the “most liberal republican in congress”, is not what Alaskans expect or desire. Despite her rhetoric as being, “a representative of Alaskans”, she is nothing more than a rino, masquerading as a conservative official, concerned about Alaska. She never has been. I sincerely hope, in 2020, Alaskans vote to oppose her ultra-liberal policies, and end her “political” career. Her idea of “representing Alaska”, could not be further from reality. She is an obama acolyte, concerned only with her own, and dim’s, liberal agenda, and to heck with Alaskans and what she should be standing for. Vote the pos out in 2020. That would be a tremendous service to true Alaskans.

  3. I wish she would work as enthusiastically to secure the rights of Vietnam and Thailand war veterans exposed and still suffering and dying from Agent Orange exposure while doing their duties for our country. Perhaps getting full recognition, treatment and benefits being denied. I’m one of the fortunate ones but angry that she would work for our previous enemies rather than diligently secure the rights of our Vietnam veterans.

  4. She is bound and determined to upstage Trump. What the heck is she doing there, not helping anyone but having a vacation trip on our tax dollars.

    The sooner she is gone I will rest easier like the peace I got when O was retired!

  5. Wish she stole a poster off the hotel wall and was caught doing it on camera. Everyone would be better off.

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