Murkowski named honorary chief of Coast Guard


During a visit to Air Station Sitka to see the proposed Fast Response Cutter housing and home port location, the 27th Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, Admiral Linda Fagan, recognized Sen. Lisa Murkowski as an honorary Chief Petty Officer of the USCG, a title given only to individuals who demonstrate the highest commitment to the Coast Guard’s core values.

The surprise announcement took place during a ceremony to present three members of the Air Station with Air Medals for their exemplary and heroic service on behalf of the U.S. military during their time in Alaska. In the entire history of the USCG, less than 400 individuals have been recognized with honorary chief status.

“I’m the daughter of a former USCG member. I was born in Ketchikan when my dad was stationed there on the CGC Sorrel and Thistle, so for years I have witnessed the significant support the Coast Guard brings communities throughout our state. I’ve seen how critical our Coasties are, and in my role as senator I work diligently to ensure they have the training, infrastructure, and support they need to carry out their vital missions,” Murkowski said. “While in Sitka, I had the honor and privilege of being named an Honorary Chief Petty Officer by someone I admire greatly – Admiral Linda Fagan – the first woman to serve as Commandant of the Coast Guard and the first female service chief. Throughout my time in the Senate I’ve been bestowed honors and recognitions which I hold dear, but this acknowledgment ranks among the most significant and humbling in my career and one that left me literally speechless. I will always be grateful to the Coast Guard for gifting me with their trust and recognition. As an avid supporter of all U.S. military members and their families, and a longtime advocate for the USCG, this is such an incredible honor.”


  1. Coast guard is joining the losers group. Lost my respect. Make an ordinary person an honorary member instead.

  2. If re elected (God forbid) honor them and help Alaska by expanding their arctic capabilities.

  3. More unethical & probably illegal political theater right before the November election. She is getting desperate!

  4. Lisa is no true supporter of the military or a conservative. She uses the military for her benefit such as accepting an honorary title. Want evidence? She is not a cosponsor of bills for the most conservative God fearing members of the military, ‘ And Admiral Fagan who just honored Lisa also just booted future USCG leaders for merely wanting to serve their country while obeying God.

    Side note, don’t believe that Novavax is ethical, it is not. See ‘ and ‘

  5. I think I’m going to be sick. She’s too afraid to go around campaigning in a normal fashion, rather she chooses to show up at a gas station giving away discounted fuel trying to glean a few votes from the unknowing. Now she shows up at a coast guard station cashing in some murkowski bucks left over by her dad. I think Lisa once was a decent senator back in her first year or two. I think the highway down at Cold Bay would have been a good thing at least for those isolated people. Lately though, her barometer is pointed squarely to the left and when feinstein had her backed up against that wall, that look on her face was all telling. I believe Lisa fears more than the Alaskan voters, it seems as though she has been possessed by leftist power mongrels and has gone over to the dark side with no fear or explanation to her constituents.

  6. Unfortunately even the Commandant cannot make just anyone a chief. The Coast Guard promotes one to E7 and your fellow Chief’s initiate you – thus welcoming you to the Chief’s Mess as a “Chief.”

    As a Coast Guard retiree, I am a saddened and very disappointed to see Admiral Fagan do this. Murkowski is definitely NOT a chief.

  7. Suzanne, I would like to donate, but do not use Paypal and refuse to give them my information to use a card. Sorry.

  8. So what now? The US Coast Guard is endorsing Lisa Murkowski because conservatives and most Republicans reject her? This is the kind of coastal protection you get from a woman commander. Fluff. Pure fluff. The Salvation Army does a better job at recruiting their leaders, and promoting the truth.

      • …..because the US Coast Guard, run by a woke, Democrat woman, now checks party affiliation before rescuing. Call the Marines for better service.

  9. My last run in with the Coast Guard at Sea was when they pulled me over near Point Retreat some years back. They boarded me for a “Safety Inspection”. I provided them with documentation as they went over my safety gear, (gasp! my flares were to expire in a month!). I noticed that all of their crew were armed and a younger looking kid stood on deck with a 556 x 45 in his hands at the ready. As they were departing I mentioned that my middle son was then serving in 1/1, First Marine Division, Infantry in Afghanistan. I suggested that if they liked having a weapon in hand they might reconsider their career and join the Marines.
    I like the Coast Guard but have serious concerns regarding them holding weapons over U.S. Citizens.
    How about you?

    • Yes they should conduct the safety inspection at the dock. Risk of injury is raised by at sea boarding and having weapons on your boat by strangers . Seems fairly high risk.

    • Same. Maybe for drug interdiction against Mexicans and Central Americans, but not against US citizens on personal vessels. Coasties are good for assisting disabled vessels and fish boat wrecks. But I would be leary of any Coasties who blatantly back Lisa Murkowski. Most Navy, Army, Marines and Air Force people I know can’t stand Joe Biden, and therefore are also repulsed by Murkowski.

    • If you knew the risks boarding team members face daily, you wouldn’t question them carrying weapons at the ready.

      • Zack, please cite examples of the risks Coast Guard sailors take when boarding a 22′ pleasure boat on State Waters that would justify an armed Watchman.

        • Zack,
          Remind me of a time, any time, when Coasties exchanged fire with anyone. I could mount my big water pistol on the bow pulpit of my 28′ Grady and they’d be on Channel 16 requesting two back-up cutters.

  10. Ah, you old equestrians have whipped up your wooden rocking horses into such a frantic gallop that you’ve gotten your rumps “splintered up” for Tshibaka! When your “cheeks” fester and you begin to strut about like Buffalo Soldiers you’ll bring derisive laughter to the most fervent cynics. Giddy-up!

  11. For God’s sake people. Do not make this into a big deal.
    It is quite common for this type of thing to happen. Whether you agree with Murkowski or not, she is the current US Senator from Alaska.
    Getting some honorary title is meaningless in reality. Universities do it. The Queen of England gives them out as well. And the military does it. It is not anything even worth commenting on.

    • CBM, you are absolutely right! And frankly, I don’t care who wins this election. We’ve got the dregs of society running: sadly, one will do just as well as the other.

      I haven’t missed as an election in over thirty years, but I’m going to sit this one out. None of the bums are impressive!

      Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Independents. It’s really just a game. Of course, we get to vote and think that we really matter!

      The elected get to raid the treasury–which the common man fills–and make off with as much as he can–all in service to us! Look at our recent illustrious “leader”–Obama, Trump, and Sleepy Joe–what a joke!

      I’m sure you get the picture. And I’m happy for those who think that they are making a difference by being politically engaged. But they will make it back down to earth a little wiser for so patriotic!

      If you’re one of those who think this is the election that’s going to make a difference, I hope you are right. I’m going by what I’ve seen, and I’m not impressed!

  12. All Murkowski does is travel around the state, hand out money, and pat herself on the back for the marvelous job she says she’s doing. Any work in DC trying to revive our oil industry? Europe is in a real mess because Putin holds the cards for their natural gas needed for winter heat. She could be working on this, but no, Uncle Joe says spend my money.

  13. Lisa is a genuine Alaskan who is the only one that has come out against the foreign owned pebble prospect as anyone that has seen and read the pebble plan would never support, a big voting block of conservative commercial fisherman are a force to be reckoned with and unlike president Trump, Kelly failed to come out against the stupidest idea that this 3rd generation Alaskan has ever seen.

    • Lots of Alaskans don’t eat fish, Joe. I prefer moose liver with my Bud Light. I’m a miner and don’t have much use for commercial fishermen, who act like a bunch of crybabies when the fish aren’t running. Check the components on your fishing boat. Most of the material came out of the ground due to mining.

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