MRAK Almanac: Spring is in the air?


This is snow time for Spring: Anchorage had measurable snow on Tuesday for the 7th day in a row, smashing the previous record of March 31-April 8, 1956, according to the National Weather Service. Anchorage also set a new precipitation record, with 0.24 inches of precipitation measured on Tuesday, which smashed the previous record of 0.18 inches set in 2010. It is the 17th time in the 66-year record that April has been snowier than March, NWS says. (Image screenshot from NWS video.)

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April 24, 1913: Joe Vogler was born on this day. Vogler who? The founder of the Alaskan Independence Party, and also the party’s gubernatorial candidate for many years. Born in Kansas, he moved to Alaska in 1942 out of his dislike of the policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He lived in Kodiak before moving to Fairbanks. Vogler disappeared in May of 1993. His body was found 16 months later in gravel pit, and fingerprint tests showed it was Vogler, who was something of a folk hero in Alaska. Ne’er-do-well Manfried West, now living at Goose Creek Correctional Center, confessed. Read the story about Vogler’s life and death here.

April 24, 1956: Alaska voters approved the Alaska Constitution adopted at Fairbanks in February by a vote of 17,447 to 7,180; they also approved a “Tennessee plan” to send a delegation to Congress: Ernest Gruening and William Egan were delegates to the Senate, Ralph J. Rivers to the House.

April 25, 1840: Sir James Douglas of the Hudson’s Bay Company, arrived at Sitka to negotiate a treaty with the Russians over control of the Stikine area. He was said to be part Creole and part Scottish. Read his bio here.

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April 25: “Is America ready for socialism?” UAA debaters tackle this topic against Stanford University at the Loussac Library in Anchorage, 7 pm.

April 25:  100th American Legion state convention, hosted by American Legion Post 1. An open house for Department Commander Nate Carter with a live band on Wednesday April 24 at 5 pm at Jack Henry Post 1, 840 W. Fireweed Lane. The convention convenes at the Arctic Rec. center, 4855 Arctic Blvd. at 9 am on Thursday through Saturday evening.

April 25: Alaska Alliance bi-monthly breakfast with speaker Colleen Glover, Alaska Department of Revenue, Tax Division. Dena’ina Center 7 am. Details

April 26-28: Alaska Outdoor Show at the Carlson Center. It’s the largest trade show in Fairbanks.

April 27: UAA Music Department presents the “Budget Cut Symphony,” to bring to light the value of music in Alaska’s public education. UAA’s student orchestra will perform Haydn’s “Farewell” Symphony, as well as Edward Gregson’s Tuba Concerto, and Gustav Mahler’s Adagietto from Symphony No. 5. UAA Fine Arts Building Recital Hall, 7:30 pm. Details

April 28: Empty Bowls, annual fundraiser for the Glory Hall soup kitchen, Centennial Hall, Juneau, 5 pm. Tickets here.

May 2-4: Great Alaska Aviation Gathering, the biggest free-entry air trade show in the world. FedEx Hangar at Ted Stevens International Airport, 9-5 Saturday, 10-5 Sunday. Highlight of the show is an appearance by DRACO. What’s DRACO? Details

May 2: Resource Development Council breakfast, 2019 Alaska Construction Forecast, featuring: Scott Goldsmith, Professor Emeritus of Economics, ISER, UAA. Dena’ina Center, 7 am. Details.

May 3: Alaska Aviators Forum at the Aviator Hotel. Guest speaker is Steve McCaughey, executive director of the Seaplane Pilots Association, a national organization dedicated to advocating for floatplane access to nationwide public waterway. He will be talking about the efforts of the Western Governors Association to restrict floatplane access because of invasive species transfer. 7 pm. Details

May 4: UAF Commencement, Carlson Center, 12 pm

May 17-18: Alaska Republican Party State Central Committee meeting in Kenai.