MRAK Almanac: Cruise ship season, scofflaws, studded tires

  • On April 10, employees at Usibelli Coal Mine had worked 798 consecutive days without a single lost time accident, setting a new record for safety at the mine.
  • Anchorage Scofflaw List: Hundreds of names are on the Municipality’s official scofflaw list, and that means police can impound their cars due to unpaid fines. See anyone you know?
  • Today: Fairbanks was a warm spot in the state today, at 49 degrees, one degree cooler than Ketchikan.
  • April 13: Alaska Wild Sheep Foundation’s Fourth Annual Banquet and auction at the Dena’ina Convention Center in Anchorage. Doors open at 4:30 pm and dinner begins at 7 pm. A live auction will take place immediately following dinner. Silent auctions and various raffles will take place throughout the evening. Those interested in purchasing a full table (10 seats) should contact Kevin Kehoe at 907-868-8821 or [email protected]. Details:
  • April 14: The 90th day of this year’s legislative session.
  • April 15: Tax day. Also, above Latitude 60, the day to get the studs off your tires.
  • April 27: Cruise Ship Season is here and Ketchikan will see the first ship. It’s the Ruby Princess. View all the cruise ship calendars for the major ports here.
  • In history: On April 12, 1794  Captain George Vancouver and his ships entered Cook Inlet and discovered it was not a river. It’s the 225th anniversary of his voyage into the inlet.