Momentum: District 8 Republicans endorse Nick Begich for Congress


Republicans in House District 8, the Nikiski area of the Kenai Peninsula, have voted unanimously to endorse Nick Begich for Congress.

It’s the third Republican Party district group to do so in just a few weeks. Also endorsing Begich are six of the seven Republican women’s clubs in Alaska, which provide a lot of help to the candidates they support. Alaska Young Republicans, known as the YRs, also endorsed Begich. District 26 and 34 were the first two district subdivisions of the Alaska Republican Party, to announce their endorsements.

Altogether, that makes 10 districts and clubs that have endorsed Begich, who is the only Republican who is endorsed by any Republican group or district in Alaska.

Begich also has the endorsement from the U.S. House Freedom Caucus, Sen. Mike Lee, Rep. Scott Perry, and Rep. Byron Donalds, who is in Donald Trump’s inner circle. Trump, at the request of the National Republican Congressional Committee and Gov. Mike Dunleavy, endorsed Nancy Dahlstrom, creating a split in the party leadership, although the grassroots across the state seems to be “sticking with Nick.”

The Alaska primary is Aug. 20, with early voting starting Aug. 5. That includes absentee in-person, early vote, electronic transmission, and special needs voting. There are 12 candidates on the ballot, with Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola trying to keep her seat for a second term. Sample ballots for each Alaska House district can be found at this link.

They’re not budging: Another leading Republican women’s club endorses Nick Begich for Congress


  1. Go Nick!
    Nancy Dullstrom needs to be taken out behind the shed and paddled hard. Can’t find many supporters. She is so terrible. Doesn’t keep her word on anything. Too old. Too outdated.

  2. Dahlstrom is such a selfish old b—- She wants it all. She’ll end with nothing. No support from Alaskans. Only from Dunleavy.

  3. If Republicans don’t get their act together, this will end up as another split vote with Peltola taking the job.


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