Michael Dukes asks: Why is Bobby Burgess playing victim card over ‘Butt Gate’ photo?


On Thursday’s Michael Dukes Show, radio host of the same name spent a good part of the first hour discussing the bare bottom of Fairbanks North Star School Board member Bobby Burgess.

A while ago, Burgess’ wife, who is a major donor to Senate candidate and Assembly Presiding Officer Savannah Fletcher, published a photo on social media of her husband standing at the stove in a kitchen while wearing nothing but an apron to prevent a nasty burn on his privates.

Dukes played excerpts from KTFV’s report about the incident, including Burgess saying that people who have reposted the photo on social media have invaded his privacy.

That’s the thing about the internet. It’s a tough lesson that Hunter Biden had to learn as lascivious photos emerged of him during his drug-and-thug days, and it’s a lesson that Fairbanks School Board member Burgess is now learning.

Rep. Marjorie Green Taylor in committee shows a photo of Hunter Biden that supposedly was found on his laptop, as Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin, in a do-rag, looks on.

“You put it on the internet, it’s on the internet,” Dukes said. “You don’t put naked pics of your husband on social media.”

In Anchorage in 2020, Mayor Ethan Berkowitz resigned after a photo taken of his naked backside was posted in Facebook by a local news anchor. In that photo, his bottom was not as clearly visible as in the Burgess photo.

The photo published by news anchor Maria Athens that led to his resignation in 2020.

The talk of Fairbanks continues as the jokes about Burgess’ now-famous butt just continue to crack themselves.

But Dukes had a serious message, too. Burgess’ wife gave a non-apology for her role, and both she and her husband played the victim card, saying they were the subject of misinformation by a small group of people who disagree with their politics.

The photo of Bobby Burgess, posted on social media, has an emoji placed on it by citizen Keith Fons of North Pole to add some needed coverage.

Burgess’ wife Schupp was the one who recently led the charge to have Assemblywoman Barbara Haney removed from the Assembly because a letter she wrote to the editor did not include proper disclaimer that it was her own opinion, not that of the Assembly.

According to the Schupp complaint, the column written by Haney in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner failed to use the specific phrase “in my opinion as a private citizen,” in an opinion column.

Presiding Officer Fletcher, now running for Alaska Senate, allowed the complaint to move forward, even though others on the Assembly have written letters to the editor before that did not contain that exact phrase. Ultimately, Haney was not removed but was censured and fined $1 as a way to humiliate the conservative. That story is here:

Burgess himself recently posted on social media that there was a lack of decorum at public meetings. But while his wife has been protesting for Hamas terrorists at various events, he was removed from a private meeting that he crashed and disrupted. That story is here:

Listen to Michael Dukes and his Thursday monologue about Butt Gate:

Facebook video link here.

Available on Podcast here:


Michael Dukes’ website: www.michaeldukesshow.com


  1. Rules for thee but not for me! Standards for thee but not for me! Progressives are delusionally mentally ill. They truly believe in their righteousness, and that is a scary thing for the rest of society, if we do desire productivity and function among our members. Rather than celebration, these people should be shunned and pitied. ‘Ain’t you special? Now go back to your cave and leave us normal people alone.’

  2. Savannah Fletcher isn’t coming to Schupp’s rescue either. She’s too worried that Assemblywoman Haney is now picking on her through the court system. What a loser. Go! Mike Cronk.

  3. Oh, right…so now it’s not okay to do exactly what they’ve been doing for years. They love to change the rules in the middle of the game. Classic.


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