Mayor will turn Golden Lion hotel into low-income housing


Mayor Dave Bronson announced that the former Golden Lion Hotel will be used as a rooming house to provide housing options for low-income residents and those experiencing homelessness in Anchorage. 

“As we work together to make sure no one sleeps in the cold, I have directed my team to implement a plan that allows the former Golden Lion Hotel to be used in an efficient manner that helps as many people as possible,” Bronson said. “I am committed to working with community partners and the Anchorage Assembly to quickly bring this resource online.”

The former Golden Lion Hotel, located on the corner of 36th Ave. and the New Seward Highway, was purchased by the prior Administration following the sale of ML&P. The Assembly passed AR 2022-33 requesting the Golden Lion be used as a rooming house, that would serve as a place to house those experiencing homelessness.

The Administration has conducted a site evaluation of the building. Initial cost estimates to bring the building into compliance and suitable for housing, are around $700,000, but could potentially go higher because the fire suppression system is not fully operational. 

The Administration is committed to working with the Assembly to identify a funding source to support the project.

The timeline to have the facility open is 4-6 months.


  1. It would be put to better use as the state’s new Legislative Session center. Plenty of room for committees, chambers, and best of all, they can sleep there too. Dining hall, parking, constituency access, low cost. Come on mayor, make them an offer.

    • Camp Carroll on Fort Rich would be an outstanding place to house the legislature during the session. Good security and they can hold the session at the Muldoon town center.

  2. THIS, is disappointing and I find it personally insulting. It’s merely another useless scam and graft of Taxpayer dollars. I would encourage the Mayor and this “out-of-control” Assembly to reconsider, and quit fleecing the Anchorage Taxpayer.

  3. Well this is what we deserve by electing people who just want power and not what’s best. The assembly has front row accountability by fighting the plan they originally agreed to.

  4. Again with the pandering to, and glorification of, the most dysfunctional and worthless of society.
    It would be better to simply let them freeze and die. That is basically what the majority of derelicts appear to want anyway. We should indulge them.

      • The bummer is the radical leftist bending-over backward for the dregs of society, the most dysfunctional and useless of human parasites. And I am not talking about the municipal assembly here, although those characterizations fit them as well.

        • Good one Jefferson. An unexpected statement of connection between the homeless and the assembly is pretty clever. You’re getting better at this. (But, Pro Tip: don’t string a bunch of comma-separated adjectives together like in other posts. They all start to blend. Try using action verbs instead.)

          • Sorry, Lucinda, I guess I am from the pre-phone-texting era, when people could read and comprehend sentences of more than six words. I am even guilty of frequenting using semicolons, the horror!

          • Lucinda, if there is a shortage of rooms, how many can we bring to your home. To demonstrate my generosity, I will rent some vans and bring them to you. Leave the door unlocked, they can find their way.

  5. Is money budgeted for law enforcement, extra fire and emt services, and counselors? The first week of Juneau’s new homeless complex had a death after a fight in a hallway took things outside. Problem was, they were on the second floor.

  6. Just wait till these folks start wandering out into traffic just winding down from speeds of 65-80 mph coming off the New Seward highway. It will be carnage and no amount of flashing lights will save them. But then much of what this woke assembly decides is as predictable.

  7. Per the 2019 PEL report on improving the Seward Highway (page 174) once the intersection of the highway and 36th is completed the Golden Lions parking lot will no longer have the number of spaces in it required by code. The establishes that the wider Seward Highway will be closer to the building. Why spend money on a building that will have this problem? ‘

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