Manhattan jury finds Trump’s company guilty of tax fraud


A Manhattan jury on Tuesday found former President Donald Trump’s real estate and development business, Trump Organization, guilty of all 17 counts of tax fraud and related financial crimes the state Attorney General had brought against the company.

The verdicts were read just one day after the jury deliberated in New York Supreme Court in Manhattan. The jury said that the Trump Organization had a business practice of paying people under the table, thus avoiding taxes, by giving them luxury incentives such as apartments, cars, and private school tuition for their children.

Trump Organization was founded in 1927 by Donald Trump’s grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump, and his father, Fred Trump. It was originally known as E. Trump & Sons. Today it is a group of close to 500 businesses of which Donald J. Trump is either the sole owner or principal of companies that have multiple investments in hotels, golf resorts, and other real estate across the world. The company’s website gives visitors a peek into the luxury world of the Trump Organization.

Attorney General Letitia James of New York wrote, “Today’s guilty verdict against the Trump Organization shows that we will hold individuals and organizations accountable when they violate our laws to line their pockets. I commend @ManhattanDA for this big victory, and I am proud of the role that my office played in securing it.” James filed the lawsuit against the company in September.

In exchange for his testimony, former chief financial officer for the organization Allen Weisselberg made a deal that means he will serve only about five months in jail. He did not implicate Donald Trump or Trump’s adult children in his testimony, although prosecutors made the argument that Trump knew what was going on in the tax fraud scheme.

Weisselberg said the whole scheme was his fault and was due to his own greed. He pleaded guilty earlier this year to taking in $1.7 million in benefits that he did not report to state and federal taxing authorities.

The company could be liable for a $1.6 million fine and will be sentenced in January.


  1. Lol. Lmao. Multi million dollar prosecution with obvious political bias, zero dollars to prevent violent crime across the city.
    Trump is a clown, but this prosecution was obviously a witch hunt to hurt his chances in 2024.

    • Right Noticer. Trump has done nothing but lose repeatedly and almost daily. Granted he is a clown and nobody is trying to hurt his chances-he’s done enough himself. Heheh!

      • President Trump gave up his billionaire lifestyle to use his own wealth to fight for the American people and their liberties. All he got for it was lied about and he is still defending the country. How annoying to the globalists.

        • Yessir Guy, and now he is wanting to cancel parts of the constitution so he can be put back in as President when he lost the election. What a guy, right.
          He’s trying to destroy our democracy for his benefit-defending the country is your private joke, eh?

          • Any lie about President Trump you are poised to believe. Our Constitution is stronger than you want it to be. If our elections are compromised so is the will of we the people. Does that concern people like you? No, not one bit.

          • In a rational world Bill, you are a monumental hypocrite, period. You and your ilk only see corruption where you’re willing to look, you are all blind via the left ocular. How ’bout the Biden crime syndicate Bill, let’s start with Hunter’s uncle Jim. #chirpchirp #youropinionsareworthless

      • Well at least your guy 46 has made sure any gains from 45’s economy, are now gone and irrelevant. How’s your EV mileage handling winter? How’s your body handling the clot shot? LMAO ? ? ?

  2. Isn’t it a shame? IS It true about the prosecutor’s chief of staff having a sex uh, complaint of one type or another? Such a shame. Right there in NYC the bastion of virtues galore. Terribly moving.

  3. Before you even start…….stop. “Weisselberg said the whole scheme was his fault and was due to his own greed. He pleaded guilty earlier this year to taking in $1.7 million in benefits that he did not report to state and federal taxing authorities.” Sorry Frank, Lucinda, Maureen, masked and all you other trolls. The dirty ‘berg took the money not President Trump.
    Sad trombone for Wooobie dawg.

    • Why did you throw me in this list?
      Clearly you don’t read with comprehension if you lump me with that crowd.

      AK public school grad?

    • You are really an idiot if you believe Trump didn’t understand how he compensated his top executives. Or are saying Trump is the idiot?

  4. Where is the agent, IRS, hanging out at? OH, where is the agency corporation registered? Does anybiddy know? Is the agent(cy) the fourth leg of our three leg stool form of republic government? When did the new leg sprout? Answer me that? And her process, due.

  5. Trump has over 500 companies and he is supposed to micro manage every employee? This is just another stunt by Democrats and their kangaroo courts. Why don’t we every investigate Democrats? Paul Pelosi’s stellar Wall Street performance (when he’s not drunkenly crashing Porsches and fighting with young guy pals). More Trump derangement syndrome.

  6. Witch hunt with zero evidence and zero proof. The Trump companies are pillars of our country, businesses with many employees that secures much needed jobs for hard working citizens. A blow to them is a blow to our nation as a whole. I would not be surprised if the cost of goods in stores goes up even more now. Hopefully the new republican house majority can do something about this before it’s too late.

    • They new house will rush to hold fake hearings as fast as they can, as they know the right wing media will cover it extensively, but will never produce any evidence. Maybe they will even start have more Benghazi hearings. The Trump Organization was found guilty of tax evasion end of story.

  7. A politically motivated prosecution by a person elected specifically by promising to go after Trump.

    The appeal will right itself.

  8. I am not a Trump fan, I don’t dislike him, but I did not vote for him the first go round in the primary, albeit did learn to appreciate him more as he served as President. Not sure if I would vote for him in 2024 or not. With that said, this whole kangaroo court nonsense is sickening and it seems we are now truly a banana republic.

    • I am right there with you on all of that, Elizabeth.
      I’m no fan of Trump, but the rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth, Pavlovian hatred of him by the globalists and radical left is, in my opinion, far more worthy of investigation and explanation.

  9. Not sure stories like this even deserve debate.
    Witch hunt (duh!) Crooked prosecutor. Change of venue out of NYC was refused. Division chief was responsible, not Trump (sorry haters). Will be overturned or reduced when it becomes unnecessary to the opposition. Etc, etc, etc . . . .

  10. Trump has this! Nothing but Left-wing garbage. See ya in 2024 when Trump gets back in the White House. Of course, Biden will be in a 24/7 assisted living facility and Hunter will be in jail eating meals with Comey, Brenner, Hillary and all of the other witch hunters. 2023 and 2024 are going to be non stop FUN! It gets better by the day.

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