Man accused of convincing others to murder teen pleads guilty to child porn


A man from Indiana who is accused of being behind the killing of an Anchorage developmentally disabled teenager in 2019 pleaded guilty Thursday to one federal child pornography charge that was related to the slaying. Three other child pornography charges were dismissed by federal prosecutors as a part of the plea deal.

Darin Schilmiller is still charged with persuading then-18-year-old Denali Brehmer to sexually abuse two underage victims following the murder of Cynthia Hoffman at Thunderbird Falls near Eklutna. Schilmiller still faces three counts of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder.

The FBI affidavit cemented the federal pornography charges against Schilmiller, who is now 25.

Schimiller is accused of posing as a millionaire when he initiated an online chat with Brehmer, in which he promised to pay her $9 million to carry out a rape and murder.

Brehmer pleaded guilty earlier this year to the murder. There were four other alleged accomplices to the gruesome act, in which “friend” took Cynthia Hoffman on a hike, to Thunderbird Falls, bound her with duct tape, and shot her in the back of the head, dumping her bodkin to the Eklutna River.

Brehmer then sent videos and photos of the murder to Schilmiller via the Snapchat phone app.

It was during the investigation into Hoffman’s death that the child pornography was found on Bremer’s and Schilmiller’s phones. The FBI says Schilmiller instructed Brehmer to sexually assault two minors aged between 8 and 15. Explicit videos of one of these acts were sent by Brehmer to Schilmiller.


  1. This sick freak is also a pedophile?
    Can’t be. Impossible.

    While he deserves worse, God willing he’ll never see the light of day again.

    • If the DOJ keeps this away from a jury (which is what they do) the average sentencing will be 1/4th of what it would have been had the dirtbag gone to trial. The closer you look the more likely you are to see a direct connection between repetitive criminal activity and the tacit incentivizing of same by the DOJ.

      Where Alaska is concerned of late it’s been pretty embarrassing.

  2. i always thought that there should be a lottery for folks, kind of purge like, that these types can be the prize. Could be a revenue source, since the PFD is going bankrupt.

  3. Another example why parents and grandparents (including Foster parents which also includes teen housing like Covenant House and that Behavioral youth orphanage on O’Malley and Seward Hwy round about by the oasis must make our teens work and stay employed. Work keeps teens busy and more focused. This is a lesson of wisdom for parents today of teens and soon-to-be parents of teens your kids need to work when they teach employable age. While Employers need more workers since my generation of millennials are too doped up and lazy to stay employed. I hope this don’t sound too disrespectful especially to the deceased . But all the Alaska young adults involved here in this case were the employable age who should had been working even working two jobs pulling 16 hour days.

  4. We have a right to a speedy and fair trail. This heinous crime happened in 2019, four years ago. That he hasn’t been tried yet is wrong for the victim’s family and society, and him (not that I care since he’s plead guilty).

    • The real crime here is that he wasnt put on death row immediately following his plea of guilty.
      That is what is “right” for the victims family and society.

  5. Anyone caught with child porn and molesting a child should get life in prison. It’s been shown over and over again they can not be reformed. It’s the one crime that needs to have real action because it’s a serious problem in the world.

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