Lydia Jacoby wins Gold in Tokyo


Lydia Jacoby of Seward, Alaska won an Olympic gold medal Monday in the 100-meter breaststroke competition at the International Olympics Game in Tokyo, Japan.

The 17-year-old high school senior posted her fasted time ever, 1 minute, 4.95 seconds. Lilly King, Jacoby’s American teammate, won the bronze, and South African Tatjana Schoenmaker won silver.


  1. Way to go Lydia, congratulations on your stellar olympic gold performance; you’ve made us all proud!

  2. HO LEE COW!!!
    Way to go Lydia! Congratulations. You make we Alaskans, and especially KP residents very proud!!

  3. Wow! So proud of her. Almost the same thrill as Kikkan Randall and Jessie Diggins winning the first ever gold medal in Olympic cross country skiing.

  4. Fantastic, and very well done. Now, to that person sitting on that video footage of her training in Resurrection Bay, get together with a documentary filmmaker, you too are sitting on Gold, but it on has a limited shelf-life. Don’t give it away or deal with local media affiliates.

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