Lucas Smith: Marxism makes inroads in schools under guise of mask ‘science’


The Municipality of Anchorage Assembly, the Anchorage School Board, and the Alaska Coalition of BIPOC Educators are an ideal match for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Marxist agenda. Together, they are a formidable force.  

Read: Anchorage students may return in January free of mask mandate, but local pediatricians are trying to block it – Must Read Alaska

Karl Marx sought to destroy the family, individuality, eternal truths, nations, and the past. In a modern American context, Marxism as a political movement can be viewed as one that seeks to expediently replace American liberty with communism by escalating social unrest to violence, through the amplification and exploitation of differences. 

A video by the Communist Party USA in 2017 defines Marxism as “a method of scientific critical thinking.”

Marxism’s close association with science is conspicuous. “Science” is increasingly used as justification for government dictates that violate our most fundamental individual liberties for the claimed benefit of public health.  Curiously, in this new Covid era the population is authoritatively instructed by politicians and bureaucrats to, “follow the science.” 

One clear connection exists between school children and the growing Marxist political movement: Mask mandates. 

Here is where one of Vladimir Lenin’s famous quotes rings true: “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” The mask mandate on our children is transforming our whole world.

In 1963 Clarence Carson wrote, “Im­plicitly, and sometimes explicitly, commonism is the view that the individual exists for society.”  Carson also wrote that commonism has the disadvan­tage of differing from communism by only one letter in its spelling, but it is apt for de­scriptive purposes.

Commonism? There may be no better teaching tool in existence for indoctrinating a generation of impressionable young school children into commonism than a face mask mandate. It’s one step away from communism, as Carson implied.

Marxist aspects of the Anchorage School District’s mask mandate include destructive destabilization of families and the loss of individuality. 

Forced to wear a face mask for more than a year now, an entire generation of children are now imprinted like baby ducks to a mother goose with the commonist belief that they exist for society. Furthermore, we are told, science justifies it and parents are powerless against it. 

What class conflicts have been borne of these circumstances for Marxist amplification and exploitation? To start with, mask proponents vs. mask objectors and vaccine proponents vs. vaccine objectors. 

Communist organizations and influencers are gaining influence at local levels across the country. Here in Anchorage, the Democratic Socialists of America – a derivative of Communist Party USA – established an Anchorage chapter as recently as February 2018.

The American Academy of Pediatrics cannot be left out of the local Marxist movement equation. 

As a national organization, AAP influencers are deployed and working at the local level.  In October this year, AAP members penned a letter opposing Anchorage’s very qualified Chief Medical Officer Michael Savitt, MD.

Read: Wading into politics, a group of Anchorage pediatricians go hard against Muni top doc – Must Read Alaska

Spreading “disinformation” is a popular accusation thrown around by those seeking to censor criticism and opposing viewpoints. Incompetence is a bold accusation to make by one small group of medical professionals against another, but very safe when made from under the protective umbrella of the AAP. 

Language published by the American Academy of Pediatrics is fraught with the same kinds of perspectives and language that are the building blocks of another example of Marxist philosophy permeating the public education system: Critical Race Theory. 

CRT themes are often disguised within initiatives like social justice, equity, and inclusion. Terminology you’ll find frequently used in these kinds of programs are “implicit bias” and “systemic racism.” Educational organizations like the Zinn Education Project are associated with a pledge to teach the “truth.” 

A supporter of the Zinn Education Project, Noam Chomsky, is celebrated among anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist movements. 

American Academy of Pediatrics’ parrots the equity and inclusion mantra:

American Academy of Pediatrics Equity and Inclusion Efforts

Excerpts include:

“Celebrating the diversity of children and families and promoting nurturing, inclusive environments means actively opposing intolerance, bigotry, bias and discrimination. The AAP is committed to using policy, advocacy and education to encourage inclusivity and cultural effectiveness for all.” 

“These efforts include… applying an equity lens to Academy policy, advocacy, and education.”

“The AAP Equity Agenda sets forth explicit and intentional action to support the Academy’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and ensures this action permeates all aspects of the Academy’s functioning.”

“While the Equity Agenda is broad, the AAP Board of Directors has articulated the goal of advancing racial equity with an emphasis on addressing anti-Black racism in year one. To that end, proposed action items were informed, in large part, by the AAP policy statements The Impact of Racism on Child and Adolescent Health and Truth, Reconciliation, and Transformation: Continuing on the Path to Equity. It is important to note, however, that this document does not represent the sum of all the work that needs to be done to achieve this goal. Rather, the workplan prioritizes activities that are feasible and will be impactful over the next 12 months.”

“There is a need for urgent action. However, this action must lead to sustained, transformative change.”

The Year 1 Workplan of the AAP Equity Agenda indicates clinicians are to:

“Explore opportunities for the Maternal and Child Health Bureau to incorporate guidance for screening children, adolescents, and families about racism and other forms of bias and discrimination into Bright Futures.”

“Disseminate tools to help pediatricians develop and implement an action plan to advance racial equity through clinical practice.”

The Year 1 Workplan of the AAP Equity Agenda also includes Policy & Advocacy:

 “Use the Academy’s advocacy resources to promote federal, state, and community-level advocacy that addresses health inequities, advances racial equity, and promotes social justice.”

 “Advocate with other pediatric and medical education organizations (eg, Association of American Medical Colleges, American Board of Medical Specialties, American Board of Pediatrics) to promote diversity and inclusion throughout the field of pediatrics.”

 “Establish and enhance interdisciplinary partnerships with other organizations that have developed campaigns against racism.”

 “Partner with organizations and groups that advocate to remediate the effects of structural and systemic racism on child health outcomes.”

 “Coordinate and align advocacy effort with state chapters to advance the AAP Equity Agenda.”

Equity materials associated with the Anchorage School District identify some rather disturbing views about the role equity may ultimately be expected to play in ASD decision making.  Based on AAP publications it could be assumed the American Academy of Pediatrics views equity in a similar light:

“Equity is a concept that encompasses many other ideas of justice and fairness. Equity umbrellas nondiscrimination, diversity, and inclusion. Equity is also not the same as equality.  Equality might be the correct course of action in some circumstances, but in most, students deserve to have their needs met on their level. A definition of equity must be carefully crafted to not interchange these terms.”

“Equity is a lens through which all other decisions should be viewed… Equity is the vehicle for viewing decisions and outcomes are the metric of success.”

The Alaska Coalition of BIPOC Educators’ motto as published on their website is “Equity Until Equality.”  Their mission statement is “to champion equity in education for communities of color in order to achieve equality.”  AK BIPOC representatives are regular school board meeting attendees and testifiers. 

With their first priority being the health and safety of educators, students, and communities of color, Alaska BIPOC representatives consistently advocates for the strictest COVID protocols and mandates.  Local events in Anchorage organized by AK BIPOC have been supported by the Zinn Education Project and Black Lives Matter At School. 

If you are the least bit concerned about the Anchorage School District producing a generation of Marxist socialists and the potential threat of other Marxist tactics being deployed against the 40,000 children enrolled in the Anchorage School District, please take the time to share your thoughts with the Anchorage School Board before their meeting on Monday at 6 pm.

Lucas Smith is a concerned parent of an Anchorage School District student.


  1. Bravo Mr. Smith for your insightful and well-argued piece!
    It was clear fairly early on to me that the idiotic, unscientific and profoundly dehumanizing mask mandates, and mask fetishism, had little or nothing to do with public health, and everything to do with demanding and instilling compliance and conformity.

  2. As an older native woman I treasure our US Constitution and guaranteed republic form of government. I have zero trust in Marxists and they have no business influencing Anchorage education goals. I believe Marxists are committing treason at this time and should be punished. We are uninterested in relinquishing our history as Americans or our US Constitution and guaranteed form of government. That group doesn’t represent me.

  3. Masks have become the great “leveler” in our society. Cultural. Racial. Economic. Sexual. The goal of Marxists is to control us by making us look all the same, and the Marxists and Totalitarians have finally found the recipe: THE MASK. We are now categorically indistinguishable and undifferentiated from each other. No meritocracy needed. You no longer have to work harder than your neighbor, or your fellow student, or co-worker. Just keep your mask ON. You do not need a further identity. You are a member of the masked proletariat and will obey orders from Biden, Fauci, Pelosi, Schumer and Blue State governors who make the new rules for society.

  4. This has been evolving for many years now. It started with the “dumbing down” of America and a radical change in our school system. It continued with concepts such as colonialism, victimization, climate change (no other country is guilty, just the USA), and the never ending cry of racism and its many forms. COVID has been the catalyst and has worked better than any imagined. Unelected officials have almost unlimited control. Argue against any of these concepts and you will be attacked.

  5. Of course it is followed in schools. The model works. Pledge of allegiance, changing classes, lunch break, recess, all the train students to march to the best of a distant drum to make them well rounded citizens. Indoctrination centers? You betcha. It had worked in our country for several centuries.

  6. Mr. Smith, I agree with your perspective and concern – however, your piece begs the question by restating your initial premise as the reason for wanting us to believe it. You can do better, thanks.

  7. The single most important vote anyone can cast is for school board. Hands down. The school board is the root of social decay.

  8. I cannot adopt the grand design put forth here but will endorse the notion that masks accomplish nothing (good) in a school setting. The Left is apoplectic that ordinary people, including parents, are wise to the CRT scam. The Virginia governor’s race showed that once the excrement known as CRT is exposed to light and air it is a loser. These important issues must be worked on, but I would drop the grand conspiracy explanation. The conspiracy stuff scares away good people.

  9. So why does MRAK keep calling these people liberals then? Why do normal people get called Nazis and white supremacists for wanting a border but it is rude to call our opponents Communists? Let’s step up the game here. Labels work.

  10. This was perhaps the stupidest thing I’ve read in years. No offense. It’s clear the author knows less than nothing about history, Marxism, science.

  11. Homeschool your children. Be home with them. Teach them.

    Go to Home School Legal Defense Association ( for free resources to help you get started. Start simply with reading, writing, math, and penmanship. Read science and history aloud until your kids are good readers. K-6 students need 2-4 hours per day of lessons. Grades 7/8, add a formal study of history and science. Teach cursive writing.

    Suggested excellent curriculum:
    *Horizon Math (K-6)
    *Saxon Math/Nicole the Math Lady (7-12)
    *ABeka English and Reading (K-12)
    *Apologia Science (grades 3-12)
    *Susan Wise Bauer world history (grades 3-12)
    * US History/Gov/world (grade3-12)
    *E.D. Hirsch books “What your __ Grader Needs to Know”
    *Literature w/Novel-Ties (
    *Beginning reading/writing/spelling: American Language Series from Rainbow Resources

    Get outside. Go exploring. Enjoy being with your kids. Find like-minded families to do things together.

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