Listicle: Gov. Dunleavy is seventh most popular governor in America


Morning Consult, a polling and data analysis company, issued its annual list showing the popularity of each of the 50 governors in America.

The data shows that Republican Gov. Phil Scott of Vermont is the most popular governor in America, with a 76% approval rating, and that Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy is the seventh most poplar, with a 63% approval rating.

Seven of the top 10 most popular governors are Republicans.

At the bottom of the popularity list is Democrat Gov. Tina Kotek of Oregon, with 45%; and Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs of Arizona, at 47% approval.

Six of the 10 least-popular governors are Democrats.

The top 10 most approved-of governors are: Scott (R-VT): 76% Gordon (R-WY): 69% Green (D-HI): 64% Sununu (R-NH): 64% Beshear (D-KY): 64% Noem (R-SD): 63% Dunleavy (R-AK): 62% Ivey (R-AL): 62% Lamont (D-CT): 62% Justice (R-WV): 62% *April 1-Jun. 30, 2023

Dunleavy is more popular now than he was in 2021, according to the Morning Consult poll, which ranked him 16th most popular that year, even though a partisan group of Democrats had made a valiant effort to recall him from 2019 through 2021, an effort that failed because the group could not get enough signatures.

And he’s far more popular than Gov. Bill Walker was in the Morning Consult poll in 2017. Walker was the fifth least approved of governor in the nation that year. He lost the next year to Dunleavy.


  1. That’s because he’s “trans” political. The Republicans support him because they are fooled.thst he is conservative, and the Democrats embrace him as one of their own.

    • It is probably a rigged survey. If they took it here the tall crook would not be rated very high. He is as bad as Walker steeling our money and supporting crooked elections.

      • And now he wants to waste state dollars to fight for a Canadian mining company’s ability to destroy Bristol Bay

  2. So if he’s so popular, run for president! PLEASE! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out dipsh*t!

  3. If Governor Stands Small is the 7th most popular governor, that doesn’t say much at all about the other 43 governors who are lower in the ranking.

    As a side note, I still relish the fact that Princess Lisa’s father, Frank Murkowski, as in incumbent governor was defeated in the primary election by the largest margin in US history. In US history!
    If only the same fate would finally come to Princess Lisa.

    • What it also speaks to is the low level of expectations we have got our elected officials.

      That’s on us as much as them. The Cowardly Lion gets away with being an ineffective cuckhold because we’ve shown we don’t expect anything from him.

  4. Surprising results as I would have suspected DeSantis to be much higher. Those who dislike Dunleavy, see the glass as half full as opposed to half empty. We could be living under the tyranny of governors like Newsom or Inslee.

    • In all issues of polls, there are always questions to ponder:

      -who was polled?
      -how were they polled?
      -what questions were asked?
      -the bias of the pollsters?
      -did the poll start off intending to prove/disposition a point?

      A buddy of mine worked in PR for about 30 years. His opinion on polls was very jaundiced. It was their job to get results as often as it was to get actual information.

      He used to say if allowed to frame the questions “correctly” he could produce a poll saying Polio was good and the Irish were big fans of potato famines.

  5. Not sure what he’s doing with the latest racket. He has managed to stall all the basic services (Medicaid, Food stamps, ect ) for Alaskans for over 6 months now, some cases longer. Oh. COVID-19 they shriek. Yeah. That was four years ago. Now. They have to slow down the process, because I guess eligibility requirements changed? Either way, this tactic will blow up in his face, when people start dying, while waiting for services, whether applying or renewing. Party on!

  6. Quite a bit of things that a conservative / pro – productive citizen person would want to see Gov. Dunleavy do better, but I always find it strange the degree of animosity towards Gov. Dunleavy from the purportedly conservative side: As noted above, would Alaska be better off with Inslee? Newsome? or more particularly M. Begich? E. Berkowitz? B. Walker? that noted bastion of greater good through greater government L. Gara?

    • And this is exactly why we have the crappy leadership we have.

      A willingness to accept mediocrity and a willingness to indulge in whataboutism.

      Sad truth is, in terms of effectiveness Walker accomplished more than Dunleavy.

    • Agreed. Serious amount of hate here in comments – bitter hate largely based on ignorance.

  7. I’m funny about things like this: the one time I voted for him it was because he promised to fight for the PFD and “stand tall” for Alaska.

    He did neither after Giessel politically castrated him in Wasilla. She and the Legislature treated him like an unwanted stepchild with mental challenges.

    He said he’d fight. He wet himself. And in doing so, us.

  8. Governor Dunleavy is one of the best governors in state history. But I’m honestly surprised that he beat Kay Ivey!

  9. I like him a lot. I don’t agree with him on some things. If given half a chance using the US Constitution I can persuade him to a more Constitutional direction. WE AGREE more often than not. I’m glad he is fairly conservative and likes the US Constitution. The AG is pretty good. I support him except the misuse I believe of medical records requests to use prosecutorily. That is I believe unconstitutional and unsavory. All the other AG litigation efforts seem to be conservative and Constitutional.

    • Like using state dollars to fight for a Canadian mining company’s ability to destroy the headwaters of Bristol Bay?

  10. I’m not sure if the governors are all that good all except one. They can’t even break through past 65% approval. For someone like me who constantly pushes myself to be better at my job performance, when I have a weakness I try to improve (be a little faster, a little more thorough to help my employer especially to save a little more money for them if I can finish my assignments in less time without reducing quality because it’s not my business but also I know how I feel about wasting my earnings). I look at the poll and looks like Americans are unhappy and dissatisfied overall by our nation’s leadership and this crowd’s job performance. 60% approval isn’t something to be proud of when your colleagues are sitting at the same percentage anywhere between 45%-67%. There no competition and no difference of opinions, there no diversity. Where is the diversity? All these governors came out of the same college education and attended the same leadership academies. Based on the poll they all think the same to problems and solutions. No wonder America is where she is at today.

  11. I am skeptical on poll results, due to potential biases in the questions, if those polled are representative of the whole community (state or nation), and potential inconsistencies in measurements. However, I find it interesting that except for Dunleavy and Noem, the governors who are often in the news are below the line: Newsom, DeSantis, Abbot, Youngkin, Whitmer, Inslee, Hobbs, Hochul, Kemp, and Sanders. Actually, I am not surprised Hochul, Inslee, and Hobbs are near the bottom. Perhaps, those polled were a representative sample.

    If I were a governor, I take this as feedback and see how I can improve what I am doing.

  12. Dunleavy started out in the right direction but has slowly eroded his original message by pandering to the welfare crowd and the spendthrifts in Juneau. The popularity of an individual is, in no way, an indication of their effectiveness as a manger.

    • Hear Hear ! In America we are supposedly a RULE of LAW nation, Dunleavy go’s along to get along. THAT’S NOT Following the LAW! As 39.15.010 -100. Where is your Public Official Bond, Stand Small Dunleavy?

  13. Politics and governance in a republican democracy has always been a matter of what can get done in real terms. I think that Dunleavy has done as well as he could, given the bottom feeder legislature that he has to deal with. And he really seems to be able to deal especially well with disasters, a plus for Alaska. It’s not how loud you holler, but how much you can get done through the required negotiation.

  14. Same people who think Palin is awesome… ignorance galore!

    Dunleavy is not Republican or Conservative… he is a feckless, weak tool.

    Dunleavynis not a leader, he is a Mr. Chamberlin.

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