Lisa doubles down, says bipartisan group of senators support confirmation, urges Americans to ‘move forward’


U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski issued another press release Sunday, reiterating what she had said on Saturday about her decision to confirm the Electoral College, and said any further attempt to change the results are against the will of the people.

The statement released today came from her and other senators — Five Democrats, four (Murkowski included) Republicans and an Independent who caucuses with the Democratic Party.

Murkowski, an Alaska Republican, joined with Joe Manchin (D-WV), Susan Collins (R-ME), Mark Warner (D-VA), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Angus King (I-ME), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), and Dick Durbin (D-IL) in issuing this statement:

“The 2020 election is over. All challenges through recounts and appeals have been exhausted. At this point, further attempts to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2020 Presidential election are contrary to the clearly expressed will of the American people and only serve to undermine Americans’ confidence in the already determined election results. The voters have spoken, and Congress must now fulfill its responsibility to certify the election results. In two weeks, we will begin working with our colleagues and the new Administration on bipartisan, common sense solutions to the enormous challenges facing our country. It is time to move forward.”


    • Whoa there Suzanne… Neither Murkowski OR Collins is really a republican. “Republicans” like these are why I changed my party affiliation to independent. It’s impossible to explain conservative viewpoints while being tied to liberals like them.

  1. Lisa, I’m not sorry… you’ve lost me on this one. This election result is NOT the will of the people – it is the will of the thieves and puppetmasters who managed to find more ballots cast than registered voters, insisted that cadavers have voting rights, that people can vote more than once, and illegal aliens have the right to vote. ENOUGH. You need to summon the chutzpah to do what is right. Throw out the Electoral College vote from those disputed states, and write/sponsor some laws to make sure this never happens again..

  2. We will Double Down to ensure Murkowski does not represent Alaska after 2022. We the people are done with her stabbing us in the back to bend to outside influences.

  3. Lisa, the the voters spoke, however the counters of their votes have cloaked their votes and destroyed voting integrity for ever. There is at present a wide body of evidence to support my claim. As U.S. Grant reportedly once said, ” we have two parties now, Patriots and Traitors ” . I submit that you are in the later group. Joe Biden is illegitimate and you and others that support him are swearing to a lie.

    • What “evidence” do you have. No one is producing any evidence at all. All the cases in court about fraud thrown out for lack of any sustainable legal argument or evidence of fraud. All this talk of fraud has yet to be substantiated in any way.

  4. We’ve survived worse? No, this is the worst ever. What makes it worst is that there is no clear event to rally around. If the election was stolen, there have been too many in complicity … 77 million voters not caring what means was used to give them what they want. There’s 74 million voters on the other side, just appearing to be eating sour grapes.
    No matter what happens from here on out, it may never get reconciled. The left will be smug, and the right will be figuring on how to give tit for tat………

  5. Murkowski is a Liar, Liar! to the people of the State of Alaska…..Your Pants are on Fire! Trash-Can Lying Lisa Murkowski!!!

  6. Alaska must rid themselves of the fence rider Murkowoski. There has been no meaningful audit of any contested election anywhere. Recounts are not audits. Signature verification must be done in those contested states. In Arizona a court ordered sample ballot signature match indicated 11% signature match error according to the democrat witness and further audit accountability was stopped. In georgia the secretary of state promised ballots would be available to the public via electronic interface so that signatures could be matched, it has not occured and they will now not allow it. Dead people voting in Georgia are almost as much as bidens margin. The facts go on and on and Murkowoski must have this information. Two years until we must change the senator out.

  7. We’ve got to get rid of these miserable Murkowskis. 40-years in elected office in Alaska is a disgrace to our great state.

  8. My problem is, she talks about moving forward & accepting the election results. But not a peep about the numerous cases of possible election problems which have been identified from inaccurate voter registration rolls to all the problems relating to ballot counting, poll watchers and so forth including some states not even following their own laws.

    If she said we should accept the results but along with that launch a thorough investigation into election procedures, that would be far more palitable. But her statements sound more like we should accept this election even if it is not accurate and prone to abuse, intentional or not, and drop the entire idea of flawed election.procedures/regulations/enforcement. Maybe that would be because she is not willing to pursue those issues because it might be politically unpopular.

    Well trust is hard earned but lost easily. Right now, without thorough investigation, its lost. Maybe she doesn’t care? Or does not want to care?

  9. It’s time to burn the GOP to the ground and replace it with a Conservative party.

    The only thing worse than the Democrats is the GOP.

    • You’ve got that right! We the People have been underserved for far too long and I tired of sending begging letters to her office.

  10. It’s time to move forward without Ms. Murkowski. Funny how when it was time to vote on various Supreme Court nominations, we suddenly had to have all the facts and hear from both sides… and now we are just supposed to trust in the system working and move on… I believe the word for this is “Hypocrisy”…

  11. Ramona Barnes always warned anyone that would listen that Lisa could never be trusted and would always represent only herself….and really cared nothing for Alaska or its citizens…

  12. Lisa and her fellow co-conspirators are more concerned about ‘confidence’ (in the rigged system) as opposed to the system actually working. The people who founded this country were brave patriots who stood up to the most powerful empire of their day and WON. That empire had hollow platitudes also. Traitors like Murkowski will not be forgotten in the coming conservative enlightenment.

    • Dino, that enlightenment is a day late and a dollar short I fear. We just watched the Fascist Corporate forces that comprise the swamp ,fueled with Chi-Com money take out our most trusted system. Your ballot. Unfortunately, our only recourse now is to recognize that these people, ( Lisa ) are illegitimate . They have acted illegaly and we have to resist their every action going forward. Further enlightenment needs to be replaced with resolve, leadership and selfless acts upon our part for the sake of our progeny. A candidate in the pocket of the Chi-Coms is a fearful thing. Recognition of him as President is National suicide.

  13. Now would be a good time to ask yourself, ‘self, what would you like to do for work next’?

  14. This Swamp Thing needs to be primary out in 2022! She does not work for the people of Alaska but her own selfish interest.

  15. Only surprise was Senator Cassidy, Collins, Romney and Lisa all RINO’s and will work with the socialists!

  16. I support Lisa and the Electoral College. Lets move forward. I was a Trump supporter but we need to move on. We all do our very best with the information at hand on any given day. Lisa has always been a moderate and I support her decisions.

    • You’re part of the problem, continually voting these meek losers into office. Lisa needs to go and never should have been reelected in the first place. I don’t know how you can say you’re a Trump supporter when you seem to be fine with letting the swamp continue to exist.

  17. Lisa, you are not and never will be for the people. You are in politics for yourself and you know it! The Constitution was violated along with the trust of the people for a fair and secure election. You are purposely ignoring the voter fraud that has mountains of evidence backing it up. The Battleground States violated not just their own State Laws to oust Trump, they implicitly and knowingly violated Article 2, Clause 1, Section 2 of our beloved U.S. Constitution. So, not only are you ignoring the will of the people but you are complicit in allowing an election to be stolen and the Constitution to be violated. You are not fit to be a U.S. Senator and should be investigated for treason against these United States!

  18. Dear Sara Palin, I will go door to door, donate money, travel in support, anything if you will please run against and remove this woman from the Senate. She is a stain upon the United States Senate and Alaska!

  19. Moving us forward means is moving the world closer to the Rapture which it will be a great day, when a one world leader is revealed who will say they will solve all the earths problems, divisions, and chaos. Until that day the Church has a lot of internal housekeeping to do and a lot of work ahead of it bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ while we continue working and do the Fathers work.

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