Cordova Republican has petition to AK congressional delegation to ‘stop the steal’


William Deaton, a Republican in Cordova, Alaska, has penned an open letter to the congressional delegation, asking Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young to not certify the vote of the Electoral College, due to widespread instances of suspected election fraud. He wants other Alaskans to sign the letter, which he will send to the delegation offices on Monday evening.

Deaton is a precinct leader in the Republican Party but has written the letter in his own capacity. He said it can by signed by anyone, and in the one hour that he made the Google document available, he saw that over 30 had already signed it.

The letter points out that hearings held subsequent to Election Day have highlighted hundreds of instances where election fraud was suspected, and that the Democrats put forth “a concerted effort to steal this election from President Trump and Vice President Pence.”

The open letter can be signed at this link.

Sen. Murkowski has already reiterated that she will be voting to certify the Electoral College vote, while Sen. Dan Sullivan and Congressman Don Young have not yet signaled their intentions. Congress meets in joint session on Jan. 6 to accept or reject the Electoral College vote, and several senators, led by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, have organized to announce they will reject it.

“Right now, in our nation’s history, we are at a turning point. We will either stand courageously for election integrity or we will fall to the theft that will occur in future elections,” Deaton wrote.


  1. Every USA Citizen and resident of any state and especially the one I reside in, has the opportunity to object and appeal. I object and appeal the full certification and ask for a congressional investigation to begin on January 6, 2021 with the intent of full review of complaints, audits and recounts with evidence gathered to prove the wrong doing and disenfranchisement of every vote of the 2020 election for President of the United States.

  2. Murkowski says ‘nothing to warrant overturning the results’ as GOP group plans Electoral College challenge please go away RINO

  3. Stop the steal. Please investigate voter fraud. We need a full audit and examination of the elections that are in question. Stand with President Trump. We need voter integrity and I do not feel we are being heard.

    • Audits and examinations have been made of the states Trump wishes to nullify. Some of these states are run by Republicans, Georgia being the most apparent. They have determined that the election for President went to Biden. The votes were counted three different ways, and the results were the same. This is a fact.
      We do not need another full audit or examination of the elections. They have already been done. Three times.
      Then, of course, there’s always the problem about Obama being born in Kenya.

  4. It seems that our “representatives” aren’t our representatives at all. This needs to be looked into, investigated to the full extent of the law and people brought to justice. Otherwise, the citizens of Alaska lose all believability in the system of laws. To flaut that should be considered treason because the “real” votes of citizens are negated.

  5. If Joe Biden is upheld, i was wrong when I said I thought America was better than a Third World Country. American churches will have to bring all its missionaries home to mission its own residents. Other Nations like China (the fastest growing christian church) will have to send its missionaries to us to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    Wouldn’t that be a Switch! Wow! The country that was the world’s most generous benefactor will need the nations to minister to us.

  6. And millions of us will turn our heads and study the Bible. It doesn’t matter what they proclaim, it is our response to infringing on our rights of assembly, freedom of speech and threatening our right to bear arms. Somewhere along the way, Congress forgot that we are their employers, we have rights that are being trampled on and the election fraud is them thumbing their noses at us “rubes”.

  7. Every charge of voter fraud that has been submitted to the courts (50-some cases) has been reviewed by the judiciary and election officials have had to investigate and review each charge. All but one has been debunked of being an occurrence of massive fraud. There is no massive fraud. If you actually understood the election process works, then you would see standard issues that happen in every election but do not constitute wide spread vote manipulation or voter fraud: how ballots are counted in different groups depending on how they come in, how signature verification works, how there double checks so no one can provide multiple ballots at different locations, how ballots that are recast due to standard errors or damage is done so with a republican and democrat working in tandem.
    The judiciary is an independent and non-partisan branch of the government and each state determines its own election rules. The judiciary investigated the claims based on the states rules. The judiciary cleared the charges. Continuing to denounce the valid results means you are denouncing the judiciary branch as well as the democratic institution of free and fair elections, where all votes count – not just the white Republican votes.

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