Murkowski says she will confirm Electoral College vote for Joe Biden


U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski says she will vote in the affirmative on the Electoral College’s vote, and in favor of certifying the 2020 presidential election.

Her statement came shortly after Sen. Ted Cruz, who is leading a group of senators in challenging the validity of the election, issued a powerful statement calling for an audit.

The senators, which include Ron Johnson, R-Wis.; James Lankford, R-Okla.; Steve Daines, R-Mont.; John Kennedy, R-La.; Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Mike Braun, R-Ind.; as well as Sens.-elect Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo.; Roger Marshall, R-Kansas; Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., and Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., say there needs to be an emergency 10-day audit of the results by an electoral commission to investigate “unprecedented allegations of voter fraud and illegal conduct.”

The Sen. Cruz statement is at this link.

Cruz wrote, in part: “We are not naïve. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise. But support of election integrity should not be a partisan issue. A fair and credible audit-conducted expeditiously and completed well before January 20-would dramatically improve Americans’ faith in our electoral process and would significantly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President. We owe that to the People.

“These are matters worthy of the Congress, and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly. We are acting not to thwart the democratic process, but rather to protect it. And every one of us should act together to ensure that the election was lawfully conducted under the Constitution and to do everything we can to restore faith in our Democracy.”

Murkowski is part of the moderate group of Republicans in the Senate and has shown her dictate for President Donald Trump frequently over the past four years.

Must Read Alaska was not able to reach the office of Sen. Dan Sullivan for comment. He is a friend of Sen. Cruz, who came to Alaska to campaign on his behalf this summer.

Murkowski’s statement said, in full: “I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and that is what I will do January 6—just as I strive to do every day as I serve the people of Alaska. I will vote to affirm the 2020 presidential election. The courts and state legislatures have all honored their duty to hear legal allegations and have found nothing to warrant overturning the results. I urge my colleagues from both parties to recognize this and to join me in maintaining confidence in the Electoral College and our elections so that we ensure we have the continued trust of the American people.”

In a separate action,  Republican Sen. Josh Hawley said this week that he will object to a failure by Pennsylvania — to follow its own election laws.

The Constitution provides a process by which Congress confirms the vote of the Electoral College on Jan. 6 in a joint meeting of Congress. That is when the presidential election is finally over.

In a result that has been contested by many Republican observers, Joe Biden has 306 Electoral College votes, to 232 for President Trump, who has claimed that voter fraud was widespread in some of the battleground states. The candidates needed 270 Electoral College votes to win.

Cruz said on Fox News that an audit needs to be conducted in the states where results are being disputed. He cited as precedent the 1876 race between Samuel Tilden and Rutherford Hayes, when there were allegations of fraud in multiple states.

Read: Fraud of the Century, Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden, and the Stolen Election of 1876, by Roy Morris.

“In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy,” the Republicans lawmakers said in the statement. “Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission — consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices — to consider and resolve the disputed returns,” Cruz said.


  1. Lisa had her chance (again) to show that she can rise above her disdain for Trump and show her belief in honestly pursuing truth no matter who wins. In so doing, she would be saying she truly wants bipartisanship. Who would be fool enough to tell both parties there is “nothing to see here” and end up isolating and disenfranchising at least HALF of America? Oh, looks like we have at least one fool here in Alaska. If there is “nothing to see here,” then there is nothing to fear. Lead fearlessly, Lisa!
    Alas, she missed her chance, again.

    • Trump lost. He lost in the Electoral College. He lost the popular vote. He lost because he lacked the discipline to conduct himself like a serious candidate interested in governing and conducting the political needs of the American people. His antics, stunts and general lack of attention to detail derailed his efforts to win another term.
      None of this was related to Lisa Murkowski or should give rise to the weird chattering by most of the folks posting in this column.

      • Wrong. Massive fraud is obvious. Democrats broke the law and violated the US Constitution and state constitutions in how they carried out elections. You cannot change election rules and approve mail in ballots without the state legislature passing a law to establish that change. The governor, the state supreme court, cannot do it unilaterally.

      • Somehow, the hundreds of thousands of people who attended Trump’s rallies while Biden stayed in his basement puts your argument to shame. Lack of attention? Please… How’s attention span are you confusing?

        I remember Biden saying he didn’t need people’s votes. He was correct on that one.

      • We all believe what we want. However, it really appears something scurrilous was afoot on election eve. The response of those in power has been classic attempts to sweep the dirt under the carpet. Even if the Biden group is installed, the stigma will cause a metaphorical rotting stench to hang over his administration for its full term. The republic is, undeniably, in trouble.

  2. Murkowski is nothing more than a SHEEP a buffoon I cannot wait to VOTE HER OUT . This IDIOT This IDIOT talks out both sides of her pie hole. I DESPISE HER

    • I also despise her and am so ready to vote her out. I’ve a feeling that she knows she’s done up here.

      • Hey Whidbey, I was born and raised in Skagit County, about 15 miles from the bridge. And reading your comments makes me appreciate my adopted home here in Alaska even more.

        • Whidbey opines from his rocking chair in WA state and drinks his herbal tea laxative. What comes out of his writings is what hasn’t yet come out of the opposite ends of his being.

  3. Beauty is only skin deep but the ugly of Rinos and Socialists goes all the way through. Lisa Murkowski is both. She is the worst Senator Alaska has ever had. She represents Lisa and nobody else. She voted for Joe Biden.

    • Lisa Murkowski does not/nor did she ever deserve to be a US Senator from Alaska. Vote her OUT/ Recall even better !!

    • Huge voter fraud in those states. Over 900 people signed affidavits attesting to the fraud. There is video of poll workers pulling cases of ballots out from under a table and scanning them multiple times (when no poll watchers or press were around), there are more votes in states than there are registered voters, independent auditors have done analysis proving the Dominion machines were changing votes from Trump to Biden, one of the Georgia poll workers was even stupid enough to post a video and written comment about how her and her daughter were going to make sure Trump didnt win and they had it all planned. They are the same 2 women caught on video pulling the cases of ballots out from under a table concealed by a large cloth cover. Dominion machines are easily hacked and found to have been hooked up to the internet during voting which is not allowed. Stop believing everything you hear from ABC, CNN, NBC, Facebook, Google, etc as they are only putting out the info they want and not all the info available. Murkowski is a RINO in the biggest sense of the word and she is a disgrace to the conservatives of Alaska. She cant get voted out of office fast enough, and we will work hard to keep her from getting re-elected

    • Lisa strives every day to serve the Democratic Party, not the people of Alaska as she claims. Had she honored her pledge to concede and step out if Joe Miller had won the primary years ago, and had not been in bed with activist judges to help her through the process of counting write in votes, she would be a distant bad memory right now. Anybody that votes for her going forward is just as much a democrat as she is.

  4. And anyone surprised by this hasn’t been paying attention. I have never voted for her and am simply amazed that so many people do.

    • Who says they do? She might be yet another who manipulates the vote talley. I’ve suspected her ever since she lost the primary, then won the general election in 2010.

    • no one does. as we have learned, Dominion Software is being used to steal all of their so-called elections.

    • She has seen no evidence? No court has either. Trump said he will campaign with anyone who runs against you. Goodby Lisa thanks for committing political suicide.

    • Dont we use dominion voting machines? I was made to use a ballpoint to sign my ballot but a sharpie to fill it out.Why?

      • We felt the sharpies were easier to fill in ovals
        Lots of ovals this time (judges)
        Ovals have to be filled in well for the counter to acknowledge them
        Votes are counted as they scan & drop in the box
        Some people “check’ the oval, or scribble outside the oval
        They don’t follow fill in the oval directions posted on each booth
        The machine spits those out (they are few)
        They are counted at elections later

        Our precinct gave people 1 pen to stay w/ them …..sign & vote
        We did this to cut down on cleaning pens
        Many voters brought there own pens

        There are ways to scam mail in ballots (just ask LeDoux)
        When you ID, sign the book & vote in front of your neighbors w/ the help of election workers …’re good

        Change this year was new scanning/ counting machines
        They didn’t work any better then the old ones …imo

        Old counters had a “chip” we brought downtown …sealed in an envelope, signed by each worker
        New ones this year had the results sent downtown by wi-fi

        Each scanner has a printed tally sheet & all the ballots (which are numbered) are sent downtown in a sealed/signed envelope

        You can check the scanned votes at a pricinct against that precincts print sheet & you then check the numbered ballots against both the scanned count & the printout … Pretty solid

        It is mail-in ballots that are the enemy
        Of course the Left loves them

  5. ‘Because people are SHEEP They see only how she can sell out Alaska and the American people She only gets her agenda forward and that is ALL

  6. Everyone call and email both senators and Rep.Young. Tell them to listen to the evidence, join the group of patriots. We should care about free and fair elections, no fraud!

  7. Murkowski, what a weasel. She has no understanding what the Constitution is or what it means. And who does she really represent, it’s certainly not the citizens of Alaska

  8. Of course she’ll vote to confirm President e-fraud Joe Biden. Lisa knows all about the value of vote fraud. The ends always justify the means, eh, Lisa?

  9. Our Senior Senator’s positions have never been more clear…she hates Trump and the citizens of the Great State of Alaska so much she will help destroy both as well as the Nation…She is clearly not interested in truth or justice and will side with evil and darkness over and over again instead of light and right…

  10. Lisa is Deep State like her daddy. No surprises here. More betrayal of the American people to disenfranchise our values they fraud. Lisa must GO!

  11. Will do everything in my power along with other business associates to see that she is not re-elected same goes for Dan. These people are truly part of the problem.

  12. Of course popeyed Lisa will go willingly along with corruption and fraud —- once a RINO, always a RINO.
    Lisa, I thought I could not despise anyone more than your arrogant and clueless dad, but you have proven me wrong.

  13. Cruz might not be naive, but he is calculating. To hijack the Senate in order to parade his absurd contention that the election is in question serves only his own, limited attempt to attract Trumpettes to his clan. Fortunately, our Senator sees beyond this. One can only hope that Trump, and his feckless minions, fade away as time goes by into the obscurity they so richly deserve.

    • Ted Cruz and the other senators pulling this stunt know full well this was never going to work. It’s just an attention seeking move to further their 2024 primary ambitions. I’d be ashamed of my senators if they joined this charade.

    • LOLOLO The Trump minions will not be going away only getting stronger after this 3rd world leftist coup. The only real non-politician president in modern times who belongs on Mt. Rushmore who has the most beautiful first lady in history who was totally ignored by the left media except to disparage her. Race, blood and soil are human traits that cannot be erased on this planet or others in the far future as there can never be kombiya or other extreme fantasy that ignore human predispositions’ that are unchangeable. What you notice when viewing those poll workers was a disproportioned amount of leftist workers there with colored hair. Go figure, I have.

  14. Since recently i learned she is a rhino, i already knew how one Alaska congressional statesman will vote. The other two Young and Sullivan, i dont know not so much. I pray those two do the right action best for the country and its nationalism. There was a massive voter fraud used during 2020 election that even the lesser informed Americans can see it as plain as daylight.

  15. Lisa has not followed the word of the Constitution or the will of the Alaskan constituents she claims to represent since her daddy appointed her, when nepotism was ‘frowned’ upon, illegal and many employers, state and private, prohibited it in their workforce. She supports leftist ideas, ideals and ‘anti’ values, not the Alaskan people or their well being. She espouses her phony “Alaskan” opinion when it may serve her politically. Unfortunately, those “Alaska” representations are few and far between for her. 90% of the time (or more) she turns left, and acts like the monkey or racoon with its’ hand in the ‘money’ jar while looking the other way to distract you. Did anyone expect anything different from her? Every time, when it’s all on the table, she shows her true colors and they aren’t “Eight Stars of Gold on a Field of Blue” or the red, white and blue of Old Glory. She wasn’t elected by Alaskans. She was elected by outside dark money. Where the left gets most of its funding.

  16. I take issue with the statement that Joe Biden “has 306 electoral votes”. 7 State legislatures sent a second slate of electors and in those States, the election is contested. No one has any electoral votes until Congress meets on 1/6, and votes to accept or reject electoral slates. I could have given Lisa a reluctant pass in 2023 if she showed courage and joined with Cruz et al to reject the electors from these States unless a thorough forensic audit is performed. The fraud is so blatant it takes my breath away. We have 1 1/2 years to find a quality candidate to primary this poor excuse for a Senator. (and no, it ain’t Sarah).

  17. JOHN STURGEON for US Senate in 2022.
    Let the campaign begin and terminate Alaska’s so called royal family……..the Murkowskis.

  18. It should not surprise any of us that Lisa Murkowski is a communist.

    She has not held her constituents or this state in her best interests. She is concerned only with what she perceives to be ‘power’ by making her little announcement early just to anger her constituents.

    Murkowski will, obviously, not listen to the thousands of calls and e-mails going to her office on this issue.

    Wait and see what happens on Wednesday and then make sure she is removed from office if she does not object to the certified electors in the contested states.

  19. Lisa is just as bad a Senator as was her father ‘Frank the bank’s. Lisa is showing her true stripes as a Feinstein lackey. Not good for Alaska!

  20. I believe Joe Miller would side with Senator Cruz and others. Too bad Alaskans didn’t elect him. Everyone who voted for Lisa owns what she does. Elections have consequences, and now may be the tipping point of never having a reasonably fair election again.

    • Amen. Joe Miller- on so many grounds-would have served Alaska, and the cause of liberty, better than any of the ones we have had. I would say we should draft him again, but remember what they did to him here in the media? He was Trump before Alaska anyhow, fighting the media, the left, and most of his own yellow belly party, up to and including a corrupt division of elections jobbing the vote count for the establishment candidate. Unless we start standing up for the people who stand up for us? Who would ever take this job that’s worth anything?

  21. IMHO, The courts have abdicated their duty, they will not involve themselves, they have not seen evidence because of excuses like “standing” or “laches”.
    The legislatures in those key states are also abdicating and covering up their guilt. Why for instance won’t Georgia publish the ballots for all to see, something they promised to do?
    This election was cheated, by mass mail out votes, dirty voter rolls, lack of chain of custody, ballot dumps, ignoring election laws set by states to allow for unlawful voting.
    The FBI (no credibility) and Bill Barr have plenty of evidence.
    There are both credible researchers fact finders and non credible. Hereistheevidence . com and Richard Baris People’s Pundit Daily
    No more support for Murkowski. Why would she not want a fair hearing? If there is not problem. Your stolen vote does not matter to her. The Alaska republican party needs to cease support for her.

  22. The sorest of LOSERS. SAD!
    I’d ask anyone to imagine what their response would have been if Gore (correctly) tried this in Florida twenty years ago. But that would require a modicum of insight and ultimately shame. Both traits that seem in short supply these days. All of this seems table dressing for someone to “vote from the rooftop” before long.

  23. Of course lisa sides with biden, we expect nothing less from her. If Republican leaders accept this election of 2020, then they will have agreed that this election was on the up and up, and will thereby be forced to accept all elections in the future. They can’t cry foul over the next election if it looks just like this one, which they accepted. This is the hill that Republicans must die on, because you can’t kick the can down the road, thinking we’ll deal with the corruption later. If we accept this fraudulent biden election, then there is no future for the Republican party no matter how many Republicans vote.

  24. At least she has guts, and understands the constitution. Where’s “he’s being quiet in the corner”Dan Sullivan.
    Come on people, use your heads, this is only going to end one way.
    We The People have business to attend to, enough with the drama.
    And somebody clue Shower up on how to be a Senator, my God the valleys water must be bad, and I live here!

  25. Lisa’s problem is that she still thinks sitting on the hill is some kind of popularity contest for her new friends up on the hill, instead of working for and listening to people. Any chance of getting over that Georgetown spell and wiping that brown off your nose Lisa….

  26. This is no surprise to anyone that knows the heart of Murkowski. She is about herself and power, not representing the people she has sworn to represent. Her statement below,

    Murkowski’s statement said, in full: “I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and that is what I will do January 6—just as I strive to do every day as I serve the people of Alaska. I will vote to affirm the 2020 presidential election. The courts and state legislatures have all honored their duty to hear legal allegations and have found nothing to warrant overturning the results. I urge my colleagues from both parties to recognize this and to join me in maintaining confidence in the Electoral College and our elections so that we ensure we have the continued trust of the American people.”

    Let’s pick this apart shall we?
    1. The oath she swore too is being summarily ignored. It isn’t a question of weather there is voter fraud. The evidence is overwhelming but Lisa has chosen to ignore it! As a Senior Senator, why is she ignoring the fact there were multiple foreign countries tapping into our elections and collecting data on Americans through the Dominion Voting Machines? Sorry Lisa, your not convincing anyone of your sincerity in protecting the Constitution or the American people.
    2. How are you serving Alaskans by ignoring the election fraud in our own State that robbed Alaskans of one person one vote (Measure 2). I believe this measure will rob us of our votes placing you back in office in 2022.
    3. Your wrong, the courts have abdicated their duty to her the evidence and the media has censored the evidence. In some cases like Pennsylvania, State Officials made last minute changes to election law circumventing the State Legislatures. This is not legal! The State Legislatures are still collecting mountains of voter fraud evidence but apparently that doesn’t matter to Queen Lisa.
    4. That is just it Lisa, you through your lack of action and spineless leadership have lost our confidence that you have our best interest in mind! You are saying, “Nothing to see here, move on.” You have lost our trust.

    Alaska, you need to let her know in large numbers how you feel about this election, NOW!

  27. She’s doing the right thing. Allegations of widespread voter fraud have been investigated and found without merit. Time to move on and prepare for the next election.

      • Sure. Go watch the four hours of OAN broadcast of the Georgia Senate hearings. Watch it, or you’re simply being intellectually dishonest.

      • The evidences of fraud are being broadcast again on OAN in 20 minutes. 6:45 pm on channel 703. It’s Sunday Jan 3rd. Watch and learn of be intellectually dishonest and pathetic.

    • Another watching Communist News Network of Pravda or the MSDNC, also Pravada
      Wasting key strokes most likely, but how about watching the hearing at the State Legislatures of he facts presented. Not holding my breath.

    • Travis, you are either woefully uninformed or a blind partisan—and I suspect, given your party, the two aren’t mutually exclusive..

      ..and I would add, that I suspect you would care not one bit if it was all demonstrably proven to be fraudulent. You have your team and your reality and you are committed to it.

    • Those in authority are clearly reneging on their duties to carefully examine the fraud. They are either corrupt partisans or the matter is is too much of a hot potato for their sensibilities. Either way, its politics. The problem is, the process of voting is so fundamental to our constitution it must be protected at any cost. Problems do not resolve themselves. If we fail to examine the fraud it will be repeated. The credibility of the voting system needs to be restored for the sake of the republic.

  28. Murkowski was a good democrat during the Obama era and continued during the era of President Trump. A skunk does not change it’s stripes………

  29. It’s clear what Murkowski is all about. She doesn’t care that fraud happened in these elections, even within Alaska as they have discovered, as well as the nation. I’m sorry, there is a problem when there are more votes than there were registered voters. She thinks that’s ok and is gonna plug her Liberal vote for Biden. Lisa, you are an embarrassing loose cannon that has no place anymore in Alaska government. It’s clear your heart is with the left so do is all a favor and RESIGN!

    • Well she has yet to advocate for government ownership of the means of production or the abolishing of private property, so if she’s a Marxist she’s obviously not a very good one, lol!

      • Hello, Dina…….any body home upstairs? Those that profess Marxism and more government control over people don’t wish the same upon themselves. Lisa Murkowski wishes as much government upon you as you can take.
        But Lisa and her house husband, who never had a job in his life, relies on her mommy and daddy. She enjoys multiple residences, $$millions in the bank, and luxurious frequent vacations. And Lisa loves to have your mindless vote, and all the sympathy you can give her.

  30. My letter to her:

    I have read your press release on the upcoming electoral vote. I sadly was not surprised, since you have a long, long history of not liking our President and doing all you can in opposition to his policies.
    Sen Cruz and 10, hopefully with Dan Sullivan 11 others and hopefully more coming will put forward a bill, or whatever it will be called to have a 10 day commission of 5 Republicans, 5 Democrats (Socialists) and 5 from SCOTUS to review the voting situations, fraud (you would call it alleged, I call it straight up fraud), with then the States taking those findings and either withdrawing all electoral college voters or flipping to President Trump, by disallowing the fraudulent votes that came at the peaks. As an example, OANN reports today that in Michigan, townships have 400+% voter turnout. That others had 100% turnouts. These are facts. Then we have the hundreds, if not thousands of sworn affidavits of the fraud seen and witnessed. Just the mountain of evidence should cause you to vote to not accept, WI, MI, GA, PA, NV, AZ results, but sadly you have demonstrated a history of being blinded by your disdain and dislike of President Trump. Because of that, you should not be our Senator, because you cannot in anyway represent the Great State of Alaska with your history.
    Your votes on 6 Jan 2021 will be remembered by Alaskans now, into the future and I am sure that history will show that Lisa Murkowski was not a Senator for Alaska but for herself and her views. I would ask, but not expect that you step down and let Governor Dunleavy put in a replacement that will stand for our liberties and freedoms and when President Trump wins this, standing for his policies, or if God forbid Hiden Biden is the next person in our house, the peoples house that he or she will fight against each and every socialist attempt by Biden and Harris. BTW, all that have a brain, know that Harris, Peloski and Schumer will invoke the 25th Amendment within a few short months to finalize the coup on our Republic. Let there be no doubt that this is the largest coup against a sitting government is world history. You will be part of that coup if you stand against the Constitution like your press release shows.

  31. An HONEST election would see Lisa out in the street whining for her daddy.

    Don’t expect anything like that in the immediate future. But don’t lose faith. Prayers are answered; just not exactly when we might like.

  32. Lisa has lost touch with her constituents. She has lost touch with her party, and she has lost touch long ago with Alaskans. She has hidden behind the Alaskan Native Ticket long enough. America is at a crossroads, and if you’re not Right, you’re wrong. This is a movement, a correction and a change of coarse. Lisa missed the calling and is continuing on her own. Voters will not forget her choices.

  33. Princess Lisa. Daddy gave it to her.

    The single most corrupt act in Alaskan political history. A throwback to the days of British rule. Revolting.

  34. By turning a blind eye on corruption you contradict yourself when you stated you will uphold and defend the constitution. Not standing up for what is just and fitting makes you a hypocritical pledge breaker.

  35. Call her office and express your anger at her stupidity. Be relentless! We must end her track record of Leftist choices!!!!

  36. The way people are talking about Lisa just because she won’t vote to overturn the election, you might think she actually was indistinguishable from Schumer and other Democrats. Can you imagine what this comment board would look like if she actually did switch parties?

    • Everyone would be in agreement that her actions paralleled those of her new party… So what would be new to discuss? If the Dems win the Senate, her value is diminished. The Dems vote in lockstep.

  37. Murkowski has risen to the standard of a ‘Pelosi gelato’. It dribbles from both sides of her verbage.

  38. I wouldn’t imagine that many here are surprised by her support for a rigged election and Don Young may be forgiven for doddering but Dan Sullivan’s silence and inaction thus far probably tell us everything we need to know about how comfy he is with the swamp.

    We need to change them all out.

  39. Lisa will go down in history as a rhino, who helped take our constitutional rights away, and most likely will put the last nail in the coffin of freedom in America. Alaskans need to wake up and remove her.

  40. What a joke:
    Murkowski’s statement said, in full: “I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and that is what I will do January 6—just as I strive to do every day as I serve the people of Alaska.”

    ALASKA VOTED FOR DONALD TRUMP – period. Our electors will choose correctly.

    The Constitution of the United States is being stepped on by politicians like YOU!
    Shame on you and your turncoat treason.

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