Linda Boyle: Why was early treatment of Covid given such a bad rap?

Doctors at the Alaska Covid Alliance conference discuss early treatment experiences during the pandemic.


First, let me be clear, I am not talking about the horse dewormer version of Ivermectin. But some people who could not get the human version of Ivermectin used the animal version, a paste, when faced with Covid-19. These individuals aren’t weirdos — they were sincerely looking for alternative treatment options in the early stages of Covid. 

Some were vaccinated, some were not. All were interested in saving themselves from being hospitalized. Most of us had seen the patients being admitted for Covid, being placed on ventilators, dying alone, and many leaving the hospital through the basement morgue.  

Yet the government for years only preached one solution — mRNA-based “vaccinations”. Once these Covid jabs became available, that was the only thing that was going to save you, the government said.

It mattered little if one got the Covid jab. Those with the jabs and those without the jabs both died. Minimal research was conducted to determine if potential genetic makeup would lead to a worse outcome. Neither Vitamin D levels nor comorbidities were really considered. Get the jab — that was the only  answer.

How bad was it? 

In a 2020 study of 5,700 patients who had been hospitalized for Covid and placed on a ventilator, nearly nine out of 10 (88%) died. This study was done in one of the largest New York health care systems. Age did make a difference; around 76% of ventilated patients between the ages of 18 and 65 died, and 97% of ventilated patients over the age of 65 died. 

Granted this was in April 2020, well before the first Covid jab hit the scene. Yet other modalities for treating Covid were available, but were demonized and ridiculed by the mainstream media, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and FDA, to name a few.  

As Sen. Rand Paul said in his book, “Deception,” “rather than try to perform studies with large numbers necessary to discover an improvement in early treatment, Fauci did what he could to stymie the discussion.”    

There was also a study planned using Hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid patients, but that was cancelled allegedly because of the “lack of enrollment.”  

Even after the jabs, the lockdowns, the masks, and social distancing, the U.S. had the largest number of Covid deaths among highly developed nations.  

Our preventive measures seem not to have worked at all.

Yes, we have a larger population than many countries, but when you normalize for that we still were number three in the world for Covid deaths. 

You may wonder why such drugs as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were denounced.  

The answer is quite simple. If there had been a cheap, effective way to treat most people affected by this disease, then an Emergency Use Authorization could not be allowed. And without the EAU, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and CDC-funded researchers would have lost billions of dollars.    

Doctors who used early treatment with Ivermectin and/or Hydroxychloroquine have paid a price. Their patients overall did well because they were able to nip the disease in the bud — often before the cytokine release syndrome storm began.  This occurs when your immune system goes into overdrive to fight an infection and if not treated quickly, can lead to life-threatening complications.  

These same good doctors used steroids to stop or at least slow down this cytokine storm.

Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and mainstream media told you to stay home if sick with Covid until you couldn’t breathe, and then go to the hospital. That’s a bit late in the disease cycle of Covid, as far as I’m concerned. 

Dr. Marty Macary, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, summed it up the best:  

“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the U.S. government.  Misinformation that Covid was spread through surface transmission, that vaccinated immunity was better than natural immunity, that masks were effective.”  “We’ve seen something which is unforgiveable.  And that is the weaponization of medical research itself…public health officials were intellectually dishonest. They lied to the American People.”

You need to hear more truth and facts to be prepared for the future. 

Join us for the Alaska Covid Alliance event on Oct 26, 2024 at the Egan Center.  It’s titled Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom. For more information and tickets, click here. 

You will not be disappointed!

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance.


  1. I’d like to thank Bernie’s pharmacy in Anchorage. If it wasn’t for their refusal to fill my prescription for ivermectin. I never would’ve discovered the alternative mail order method of getting all my prescriptions filled.
    Yet another doorway, I will never darken again.
    Providence too.

  2. Thank you Ms. Boyle, you have opened the conversation to the horrid results of forced inoculation of thousands who in the hundreds, if not among those thousands, that died. There is no doubt the use of the discouraged use of Ivermectin or Vitamin D. was a government dictate, yet those who had or were fortunate to obtain Ivermectin proved the intake could and did, improve lung conditions of those seriously affected.

    Now, I would ask Ms. Boyle to review the following cascade site of various application of CBD to COVID and the cause of the Cytokine Storm conditions. Were she a open minded soul, which appears the case, the use of CBD may be advanced and celebrated through her standing on the topic.

    Yes, I had no shots, had COVID twice without any affect, I was, did, and continue consume 1200 mg of CBD daily:


    Cheers, Al


  3. The Covid Plannedemic will go down in history as one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever perpetrated against a civilian population. It is shocking that many “healthcare experts”, who through incompetence, ignorance or outright corruption, are not languishing in prison today!

  4. I quickly distrusted the government when they started preaching isolation of health instead of isolation of the ill. I further distrusted the government once I read up on Fauci. Complete loss of faith came when the government locked arms with media, big medicine, and PR to heavily propagandize Covid.

    The answer is simple. The government saw a golden opportunity to seize control over the nation. And went for it. They damn near succeeded.

    While I do blame Trump for not tossing Fauci into a dumpster full of vermin, I don’t totally blame Trump for what transpired. Like the rest of us he was lied to. This mess quickly developed a life of its own no one could stop.

  5. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have been used for nearly 100 years to kill malaria. They are incredibly safe. The government was in on the brainwashing as an experiment for the next big thing coming, and the huge amounts of money that were made by the perpetrators.


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