Linda Boyle: UN and WHO working overtime to create globalist health authority



I hate these whack-a-mole moments. Just when you think it’s over, it pops up again. Same script, slightly different language, seeking same result: the ability of the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum to dictate what you can or cannot do. The move toward a world power view rather than individual government sovereignty.  

In January, the globalists had their annual World Economic Forum meeting with many heads of state in attendance.  The WEF and the WHO met to discuss worldwide pandemics and how to manage them.  

The WHO organization is a bit wonky. Every employee gets diplomatic immunity and has no accountability for any actions he or she might take.  

The plan that was supposed to be ratified on May 24, 2024 would have given the WHO unlimited powers to declare pandemics. It would have also given the WHO the power to tell nations what they needed to do, including mandatory lock downs, face masks, and the possible shut down of supply chains.  

In essence, your sovereignty wouldn’t matter. It would be for the greater good. Thus, an unelected official of a foreign country would control your nation during the next pandemic.  

I was excited when the WHO resolutions did not pass. Yet, I was smart enough to know that the unelected bureaucrats would figure out an end around in an attempt to obtain their goal.  

When the initial “treaty” didn’t pass, the UN unveiled a new version called, “Pact for the Future.”    

This latest version was passed by “consensus” at the last UN meeting on Sept. 22. However, no vote was recorded—only a vote on a Russian amendment that was dramatically defeated by 7 to 153. This amendment would have drastically decreased the powers of the UN.

The good news is that 22 nations said they were not particularly happy with the pact. But  the pact still passed with a unanimous vote.   

Why should you care?  Even though the initial attempt was defeated, they have gone about it again.  Yes, it is more watered down, but it is also not very specific. They will be working on those specifics now.  

When the United Nations General Assembly adopted this “Pact for the Future” on Sept 22, 2024, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated this “landmark agreement is a step-change towards more effective, inclusive, networked multilateralism.” 

Just what is multilateralism? It requires all states in the Pact to follow what are deemed by consensus to be the international norms and to show more respect to  “international institutions”.  The rules must be applied equally to all nations with “no exceptions for powerful states”.  

I did receive some good news from Dr. Meryl Nass who will be discussing this topic at our upcoming event on Oct. 26.  She sent me this email on September 29, 2024:

“When I was here (Alaska) three years ago, I met with both the AG and the governor, and neither of them seemed very responsive. However, subsequently each has signed on to letters signed by 26 Republican governors and 22 Republican attorneys general that say they will not comply with orders from the WHO.”  

I was glad to see Gov. Mike Dunleavy and Attorney General Treg Taylor signed up to not complying with orders from the WHO. Some folks do see our sovereignty is more important than the global elites who want to rule the world.  

Do you want to follow the rules such as, mask mandates, mandatory lockdowns, and shutting down a nation’s economy when you have no say?

Dr. Nass is returning to Alaska to speak on the WHO and its attempts to overrule America’s sovereignty during the next pandemic.

Come hear Dr. Nass at our event on Oct. 26 at the Egan Convention Center in Anchorage.  Go to: to buy tickets.  

If you cannot make it to our live in-person event, you can Zoom.

Invest just a very small part of your PFD to hear 10 experts!

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance.




  1. John Kerry spoke at the WEF on September 25, 2024. He lamented about how the 1st amendment was an inconvenient obstacle to implementing his carbon tyranny agenda. When will his covert federal agency be audited? FOIA efforts thus far, to the best of my knowledge, have been ignored.

  2. The greater good is liberty from tyranny. Withdraw from the UN and move to dissolve the entire organization from the top all the way down.

  3. After their record on Covid I will not listen or comply with any foreign or domestic health decree. At that time freedom is gone so we have nothing to loose.
    Look how fast Covid went around the world so any virus created by a lab will be global in 24 hours.
    There are around 100,000 flights a day globally transporting viruses.

  4. The reason we have a Constitution for our USA is to limit lands and power to the US federal government we created. It prevents “emergency powers” and reserves ALL not given to the Feds to our States, including SOVEREIGNTY, Liberty, Freedom, that are protected by Due Process, Jurisdiction and Separation of Powers. The sheeple need to refuse this nonsense but just like 85% volunteered to be part of the vaccine experiment, I’m sure the majority won’t realize this for the real threat to is and will sheepishly go along with it for the “Greater good”.
    Wake up USA, we are NoT a Socialist or Communist country where the individual is sacrificed for the good of the whole. We are a Country that enshrines our SOVEREIGNTY, Liberty, Freedom and Independence with Our Constitution for the USA ??

    • Not true.
      They sit around all day and dream up ways to turn the entire planet into a socialist paradise for themselves. You know, the place where they live in luxury, and the unconnected live in tin shacks scrounging for food.
      Everything they push for has that goal at the end of the road. They will be eating Waygu steaks, and you will be eating bugs. (Or some wafers made out of bugs.) They will have swimming pools, and air conditioning, you will have a filthy river to get your drinking water from.
      That is the goal.

  5. Our financial, immigration, communications and electoral systems have already succumb to Supra national power, what makes anyone think there will be actual resistance to this ?

  6. Maybe Dr. Nass has insight on what props them up, how their support can be undermined, disrupted to neutralize them?

  7. Not everyone wants to be governed by the plain English language of our US Constitution. Those people should get out of the nation and not receive a penny from the public trust funds.

    • You mean like John Kerry, 0bama, the Clintons, the hollywood elites….errr…. I mean parasites.
      Those folks?
      Because if you look at everything the democrat party has done since the Clintons were in the White House, it all aligns with the WEF/globalist agenda. And, that pesky US Constitution that limits the power of the Federal Government, especially those first 10 Amendments, gets in the way of that agenda.

  8. The UN should be paying taxes for all the space, and business it conducts in the United States. Also, the U.N. should not be holders of any property in the U.S. of which they currently are. Diplomatic immunity? Why, obey our laws or leave our country. Put the U.N. in China or Russia and see how long they are supported? Maybe then the right hand will know what the left hand is doing?

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