Suzanne LaFrance, the Democrat nominee for House District 28, told public broadcasting viewers on Wednesday night that she opposes the recall of Gov. Mike Dunleavy.
However, her name appears on the list of those signing the recall petition application in 2019.
LaFrance is running against James Kaufman, the Republican nominee for House District 28, South Anchorage. He opposes the recall.
She is the hand-picked nominee from the Alaska Democratic Party, substituted in after the primary — after her Democratic placeholder Adam Lees quit. LaFrance is a member of the leftwing controlling body of the Anchorage Assembly.
During the “lightning round” of questions, candidates were yes or no. She hesitated at the question on the recall, nodded her head back and forth, before “no.”

Today’s Democrats are not very bright are they………lol.
She obviously lied. What do you suggest is the logical consequence?
Vote for her opponent James Kaufman of course.
Obviously a rational person would vote Kaufman, but I bet you 100 bucks she gets elected to Legislature. Alaskans haven’t quite had enough of a reality check. They need more punishment. They’ll get it too.
I think what she meant was that she killed a bear in self-defense.
Just amazing the unreal lack of reality these people run around in, with no real positive character to show, just spewing crap and expecting everyone to be as clueless as they are.
The talent pool is very shallow in Alaska. Always has been.
Throw this one back and look for a better catch.
I’ve heard progressive liberalism is a mental disorder………
Her body language says, “I wonder what is the best sounding answer might be? Oh, I guess I’ll say ‘no’, and see if that works. “
We all know that lying is a part of the Democrat Party Platform.
LaFrance has said a lot of things in her political life, one or two of which might even have been true. Cheers –
Didn’t another infamous Dem say, ” I was against the war before I was for it.”?
Liberals are infamous for not letting the facts get in the way of their opinions……..
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