Letter from Eagle River: Attacks on Kavanaugh not credible


Dear Editor:

As a deeply concerned Alaskan and a student of history, I am convinced that the attacks on Judge Kavanaugh are as untrue as their convenient timing is suspicious. I look at each of the allegations and ask, True or untrue? If true, why is it likely to be true? And the same for untrue.

I have concluded that the accusers’ claims are incredible – as in, literally, not credible.

On that basis, I can find no reasonable cause for Sen. Lisa Murkowski to vote any other way than for confirmation for Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

~ David M Ciocchi, Eagle River, Alaska


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Letter from Delta Junction: Vote yes on Kavanaugh

Letter from Delta Junction: Vote yes on Kavanaugh

Letter from Delta Junction: Vote yes on Kavanaugh