Lawsuit filed against cheechako candidate Jennie Armstrong, who hasn’t lived in Alaska long enough


A group of voters has filed a lawsuit challenging the candidacy of pansexual Jennie Armstrong. The challenge is over the three-year residency requirement, which Armstrong, a Democrat, has not appeared to have met. She would have had to be a resident of Alaska and the district since June 1, 2019, but on her fishing license application in June of 2019, she gave an out-of-state address in Louisiana.

Earlier this fall, stories about the District 16 candidate’s lack of legality as a candidate emerged in social media, but the official position of the Division of Elections is that any challenge to the division would have had to take place within 10 days of her filing her application to become a candidate. No such challenge was filed by either the Alaska Republican Party or Liz Vazquez, who is also running for the seat.

On June 13, 2019, Armstrong wrote that she had moved to Alaska the previous week. That would date her residency to June 7, 2019, about a week too late to be a candidate in this election cycle. She now lists her address at the same place as the Democrat campaign company, Ship Creek Group, 721 Depot Drive Anchorage, AK 99501.

Armstrong has been endorsed by the Alaska Democratic Party. In its newsletter, it says that Vazquez is too much of a Trump supporter.

In her election material, Armstrong describes herself as a Democrat, business owner, and mom. Although she describes herself as pansexual, meaning she can be attracted to anything sexually, she says if elected she will “make history as the first openly LGBTQ+ candidate to be elected to the Alaska State Legislature.” Armstrong hasn’t been around long enough to remember the late Sen. Johnny Ellis, evidently, who was well-known as gay, and publicly came out as gay in 2016, retiring from office that year. He died in 2022.

Residents Chris Duke, Randy Eledge, and Steve Strait are complainants in the matter. They are Republican activists in the West Anchorage district.

Even if a judge rules her eligible, the Alaska Legislature has the power to not seat her if she wins.

This story is developing. Check back.


  1. Ah. Lefty carpetbaggers come to show us all how to live the “enlightened” life. Thank goodness. I was worried we might just keep on minding our business and treating each other how we wanted to be treated ourselves.

  2. “……..but the official position of the Division of Elections is that any challenge to the division would have had to take place within 10 days of her filing her application to become a candidate……..”
    So somebody who who illegally filed for candidacy can be elected? I suppose a complainant after the magical 10 days can be considered an insurrectionist for trying to manipulate an election?

    • Well, depends on their political affiliation. If Armstrong was a Republican, I am sure the division of elections would gladly accept the challenge right up to Election day.

  3. Why even bother to move here? Let’s just save everyone time and let SF leftists run in all our elections.

    If they actually stayed in SF and meddled in our affairs from there, we’d be spared of having them in our neighborhoods.

    • Joel, as multigenerational sort of family guy from deep within the heart of Spenard, you should know that “any thing” in your hometown can be had for a price! Aren’t speculators welcome in your part of town anymore or has that changed? Listening to an “honest,” out-of-state con artist has always made drinking a cold beer in any establishments in your neighborhood all the more enjoyable!

      • That’s a wild guess, Thomas, but presumptuous! Apparently you’ve never heard the one about the hippo clad in a slinky, red, white, and blue negligee and the MAGA elephant romping over the frozen tundra!

        Have you heard about the Alaska Jesuits and the….Oh, yeah–the pious and the righteous!

        Have at the Democrats and their “pansexuals” pleasures, but don’t leave out the Republicans and their perverts: you don’t want to be accused of being biased!

    • If a pansexual has sex with a transexual man who used to be a Lesbian does that mean he’s doing it with him, her with her, him with her, or her with him? Just asking.

      • Android, now that you’ve raised the issue, the phenomenon might be considered as some sort of “scuffle” and yet be regarded as a peculiar kind of group sex! However you look at it, this definitely is a matter for the Republican High Committee on Sexuality and Wrongful Association to address!

  4. Good ol Alaskan Republican committee sleep at the wheel again.. If this was a Republicans democrats would of been in court months ago over this. Also shame on division of elections of just kicking the can down the road.

  5. Pan sexual, the Democrats have fallen off a turnip truck and hit their heads. Aren’t there any other good Democrats who could run ? Hope Liz wins she is the best.

  6. I moved here recently too. It is appalling to see how much federal money is thrown around, the massive amount of federal and state bureaucracy, the straight no chaser corruption and culture of dependence all of this combines to create. This faint whisper of a candidate and her colonialist attitude exemplify this. What a horror show.

    That all said I love living here and have high hopes for the future being better. Get in the arena. Play your part. What else are we going to do? The future is not going to come knocking on your door. You have to get up and meet it. Or you can be ruled by others and they will educate your children. You may not be interested in history, but history is interested in you.

    • “It is appalling to see how much federal money is thrown around, the massive amount of federal and state bureaucracy, the straight no chaser corruption and culture of dependence all of this combines to create.”
      I do not know where you came from, but if it was a US State or Territory the same thing is happening there as well. It is just not as obvious because population size disguises it.

      • Alaska’s reputation in the lower 48 does not equal its reality. I expected better from your cred. All good though.

  7. Why is Bill Walker featuring Jennie Armstrong in his most recent campaign ad? Couldn’t he find anybody with longer, stronger ties to Alaska to promote his message?

    • Walker tried to recruit Byron Mallott’s child sex target for his campaign ads, but she wanted retroactive compensation to 2018 and Bill figured he could save money with adult women who boink anything rather than young girls who reject old men.

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