A group of property owners who call themselves the “3rd Avenue Radicals” say that crime has gotten to the breaking point in their area of Anchorage.
And by breaking point, they don’t only mean windows being broken, but graffiti, bike-theft rings, stolen vehicles, open illegal drug trades, public inebriation, and more.
The group said on Facebook that it’s sending out an SOS. They are unimpressed with the efforts of the mayor and Assembly alike and they want the community to rally to their cause.
“We are sending out an SOS! “The residents and business owners of East 3rd Avenue are currently being victimized on a daily basis by individuals who have moved in and taken over the former Native Hospital Site at 3rd and Ingra,” wrote the 3rd Avenue Radicals on their Facebook page.
“We have criminals living and hiding amongst our most vulnerable, finding protections from their crimes by the MOA’s fear of Martin VS. Boise,” they wrote, referring to the Supreme Court upholding a Boise, Idaho lawsuit by six homeless plaintiffs against the city’s anti-camping ordinance.
“In the past 24 hours business/property owners have had their truck broken into and wallet stolen, windows shot out with a BB gun, and buildings tagged by the criminals operating a bike chop shop on the site (which was reported directly to the Mayor over a month ago, no action). A local towing company dumped a burned out junk car on the site which had since been removed, only after a resident involved APD. (All this in just in the last 24 hours),” the group wrote.

In one instance, a business owner was unloading a delivery van and it was stolen from him in the middle of the delivery. Another business owner found a man hiding in the back room of his warehouse, having gained entry somehow.
“We have collectively witnessed all sorts of illegal activities, non-stop drug dealing, even fist fights in the street,” the group said. There’s no security, no law enforcement, and only one dumpster and two portable toilets, which is inadequate for the 150 homeless people now occupying the site. That particular area has been a favorite for homeless people in Anchorage over the years.

The 3rd Avenue Radicals, who are clean-cut property owners and taxpayers, say that the Bronson Administration and the Anchorage Assembly have allowed the massive unsanctioned camp to form, turning a blind eye to the damage being done.
“When you express your concerns to the Mayor, Assembly, Code Enforcement, APD, we get a lot of excuses why nothing can be done. The Chief of Police even gave residents a lecture at a recent meeting at city hall about how we should be performing citizen’s arrests! WE should be arresting the criminals!” the group wrote. “The people and businesses of East 3rd Avenue are currently being sacrificed. The reputations of our businesses tarnished severely, and no one is doing anything about it.”
While the Assembly has blocked every attempt by the mayor to create solutions for the chronically homeless, it has also stalled its own solutions.
The Third Avenue Radicals formed in 2020, during the last severe situation in their area, when they were trying to get former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz to take their concerns seriously.
Time to pop up some popcorn and watch the Death Wish movies. See if it inspires you to protect your own. That is IF the cops won’t do anything.
We need to set up work detail in the camp grounds and ration food.
I know many are allergic to work, but when somebody’s buying, they will skip to the bar like a goat.
I drove by on Wednesday and what a disgusting mess.
Much worse that a few years ago.
The residents deserve action by our so-called leaders.
Presently digging holes for a 6ft fence and security gate around the front of my house. Installing cameras to
I don’t trust the direction of this city . We are home owners in the Anchorage bowl are f-ed.
Thank you Suzanne.
I meant Bowel. As in Bowel movement.
OK, it is appropriate. – sd
That’s ok…we’re turning a bling eye to the damage being done anyway!
Akwhitty, why do all you commenters say the similar thing. The “residents” don’t deserve action by our so-called leaders. They are getting precisely what they voted for. You all deserve what you chose in the voting booth. If you didn’t campaign for the right candidate, or chose not to vote, then you allowed those in office to be elected. It’s what you asked for.
We want smaller government they all said. Then wonder why the streets didn’t get plowed and we have concerning pockets of hooliganism that don’t get addressed.
“Smaller government” does not include the tolerance, much less the condoning and fostering, of criminality by marginally human vagrants, Maureen.
Another lame attempt on your part to deflect the blame onto the victims, and to apologize for the evil and insane policies that you consistently endorse.
Indeed, instead of waving pride flags and condoning drag shows for kids, how about a good cleanup of the city
Apparently it does J. Sorry you are blind to it.
O contrar monfrer,
I have not missed my vote since 2005,
Had many signs in my yard and some donations to candidates.
You are so right! People get what they vote for and support. My opinion is that it’s just not bad enough in Anchorage for people to demand change. Not to mention, the vote by mail in our city favors liberal candidates from vote harvesting, thousands of ballots being sent out of state to residents that don’t live here anymore and thumb drives being inserted into the tabulator machine during the election. All of this seriously undermines the integrity of our local election and people have accepted/ignored the corruption. Constant and Volland represent this area and a liberal always wins the district, even though conservatives tried hard to flip the district. So if the business owners are serious, they need to convince the homeowners how to replace both of these people and address the voting irregularities. Until this happens, Anchorage will continue to follow the road of Portland and Seattle and their concerns will be ignored.
We don’t have ANY leaders in office any more. They are all just politicians.
Well said.
Buy them tickets back to Seattle just like Seattle did to get them here. Democrats turn everything into a open air toilet. Instead of a Donkey as their symbol it should be a homeless fentanyl addict bent over at the waist.
The voters and non-voting people of Anchorage are the problem. They keep the radical leftist assembly in office. They attack the mayor every day. I’ll bet these business owners voted for the democrats on their assembly.
They more likely did vote for the leadership that’s been governing Anchorage government since 1999. They planted the seeds of good-will , and now they are reaping a harvest infected by bugs and worms.
This is the not so new normal for eternity. Mail -in voting was crammed down are throats under the same guise and false promises as was muni elections be held in the spring.
Andy and Jen, finally, comments that accurately address the problem.
I don’t know why commenters keep saying we voted for this. WE did not. THEY did. Look at who counts the votes, not who casts them.
Interesting that you use a varient of phrasing often attributed to Stalin, though not proven. Also is similar to Boss Tweed quote “as long as I count the votes what does it matter?”
Bwahahahahahahah!!!! I just LOVE this!! Once again, I hope that those that voted for and those that were too lazy to vote are being affected the most by this poo-show. This city was actually not too bad to live in prior to about 2010. It was the teens and now into the twenties that it’s just gone down the drain. Just like our country, there aren’t enough affluent middle to upper middle class people hurting enough to make a change back to sanity.
if voting change anything it would be illegal
Well! It’s good you still have a sense of humor even through all the muck and more we walk through while we pick through a mealy harvest from others good-will planting. I still got my sense of humor. Hahaha
Were you here in the 80s? Anchorage was amazing and one of the best places to live in the nation.
60s and 70s even better, moon walks and go fever, Frazier, Ali 1971 Madison Square Garden best fight ever, 70s far and away best decade of music, then in the greatest state in the nation Alaska highest student scores in the country, Ski Doo Elan, law and order, and all without oil pipeline and on and on and on.
I got there in ’97. Lived at the Muldoon campground for 3 months. Walked to the bus stop every day. Stop requested still rings in my ears.
I graduated high school in 1973 and immediately went into the Marine Corps. I got out six years later and Anchorage was a totally different town. The pipeline changed everything and it’s only gotten worse since then. I moved out to the Valley in 2004 and only come into town if I absolutely have to.
sure would be nice if “public Property” was nonexistent as it is the root cause of the problem
Keep voting Democrat and we WILL be Portland! Portlandia is a democrat utopia of Heroine Heaven.
Of course Third avenue neighbors are radicals. Radicals will try every solution except admit they know nothing and return to the Father the author of wisdom and knowledge. They been going at their problem alone overlooking their closest church is the First Alaskan Native Baptist Church, a place that did or does good teaching understanding God’s Word, and I bet they were too much a radical to even admit defeat and attend its services. You know what the weakness is being a radical or revolutionist they hate the old order and believe there needs a new order which is their idea without acknowledging the depravity of man-kind needing our Savior Jesus Christ. You know that poverty here will stay here even if Anchorage seen 80% its population go through a Revival. Just like Jesus said the poor will always be with us. The change is us who need changing, we need to get our eyes off ourselves and our situation and put our eyes on Jesus Christ.
Seems like there’s plenty of criticism being dished out while ‘nothing’ is being done to rectify the problem. My personal belief is that the Assembly bears 90% of the blame. However, we have a problem that needs ‘immediate’ attention and focus. Bronson is leading this effort but, only to encounter resistance from the Assembly at every turn. Soon, our only option will be taking drastic measures, all of which, will most assuredly be perceived as inhumane. So, start taking reasonable action ‘now’ before more harsh measures will have to be implemented (ie: later).
Portland apartment cost- $1,200 single bedroom, roughly $1,500 for a two bedroom apartment.
Free housing isn’t a solution. You need to start thinking bigger, ways and means to help getting people back on their feet and being “product” citizens.
YOU brought up free housing.
People are homeless because they can’t afford the rent. People who have jobs and pay taxes. I am saying that we need to take a bigger look at that.
Oh my God, you’re delusional. Most of the homeless are the mentally ill and chronic drunks. If you’re homeless you pay absolutely NOTHING in taxes, even federal because….. they’re below the poverty line. People with jobs that are homeless are very few and far between.
The transition center was a solution that would have helped but nooooo, can’t give Bronson a win.
I’m a first generation American. My parents came to this country with not much than the clothes they were wearing. I live a very comfortable life because I made life determining decisions early enough in life. It’s not the government’s fault that some people made poor decisions. So who should pick up the tab for these people?
You need to pay more taxes and let them stay in your yard maureen. Problem solved.
You got the government you wanted, Anchorage. You elected and re-elected the most radical people you could find.
Those of you who even bothered voting.
You wanted Portland. You got it.
With respect, sincerely because you seem so squared away on most things, what in bloody hell enables you to know what Anchorage “wanted”?
What does it take for a reasonable person such as yourself to realize Anchorage is burdened with the perfect crime, an election system so easily, so pervasively corruptible that no one in his right mind trusts the outcome to be free, fair, and honest?
Isn’t it a sad state of affairs when Anchorage voters have mail-in balloting administered like a collective suppository, want it or not, you’re stuck with it, because filth like Traini and Dunbar pushed it in, blunt end first?
Surely your Juneau regime didn’t turn into what it is because Anchorage’s election officials weren’t “contracted” to do your vote counting for you?
So, might one suggest, belay the “You wanted Portland. You got it.”, help figure out how to topple this racket, restore a semblance of honesty and transparency to the shambles which is Alaska’s electon system?
We got what we deserve because the non voters don’t think their life’s are bad enough to bother voting. When to non voters are hurting they will get involved. The down town voters got exactly what they voted for as they have repeatedly voted for no rules free for all politicians. The homeless need to be located in every non voters yard then we will see who wants what.
Don’t be coy.
Anytime a person leads “with respect” none is actually offered.
What you really don’t like is I remind you the condition of Anchorage is due to people who didn’t care, didn’t get involved, and often don’t bother to vote.
People like you, perhaps?
If those of MRAK better readers
, leaders , and contributors got tired enough of listening to Masked Avenger to do what he been writing last three years, the churches would have bigger gatherings, neighborhood councils would have higher attendance, and kids (including places that are taking care of others kids ) would be getting more attention. I’m doing the small jobs I can do for my community. But also that’s what my jobs are small because of my level of skill. Some leaders and readers I can tell many mrak readers are capable taking on bigger jobs because of your writings reveal a stronger reader with better education years and more developed work skills and I hope you are involved at your neighborhood councils, helping the kids of today, instead of complaining like king sauls grown men army about Goliath shaking in their tents mad at the taunts, While It took a young man of teens with a sling shot to kill philistine’s giant.
Anchorage needs to solve its own problems. I deal with Juneau issues.
All the tantrums and faux outrage doesn’t change that Anchorage voters did this to themselves.
Again: you wanted Portland, you got it. Enjoy!
The problem which needs to be solved is that Anchorage residents have no control over such an easily corruptible election system
This is the ultimate in confirmation bias, no? People otherwise known for their outspoken, justifiable skepticism and distrust of all things government seem so eager to accept, so averse to challenging election statistics from a system about which they are allowed to know nothing, much less forensically examine.
Why would someone who deals with Juneau issues not be justifiably upset at the political rot infesting his community arguably because vote tabulation was entrusted to Anchorage’s easily corruptible election system just long enough to spread the rot?
If one has no idea how Anchorage’s easily corruptible mail-in ballot system works, has no means of forensically examining what it did last election, how does one conclude with any credibility that voters are to blame?
Let me type slowly so you can understand. I’ll use small words.
1-you, Anchorage, voted these people in. And you returned them to office again and again. The fact voter turnout is often less than 20% counts.
2-you, Anchorage, have been outworked by the left who earned these seats.
-3-you, Anchorage, allowed this sort of crap to go on unchallenged until Covid. Then it was out of hand.
-4-you, Anchorage, didn’t exhaust every possible legal option, including mass civil disobedience when the Politburo denied your basic constitutional rights. You cried a lot, but did nothing.
Your inability to understand your electoral system speaks, again, to lazy voters. It’s your job as a citizen to learn and understand the system.
Basically you want to take your ball, go home, and pout. But you lost the ball several years ago. And most of you don’t leave your homes. So all you’ve got is what you’re doing. Pouting.
This IS the government you wanted. You wanted Portland. The Politburo made their intentions very clear. And you, Anchorage, voted them all back in.
You’re as delusional as Maureen. So, you’re saying it’s a corrupt voting process and not lazy people who aren’t hurting enough yet to care enough to do one simple thing: Open their ballot, mark a box, sign it and send it back. All in the comfort of their homes.
If a person doesn’t vote, they’re more culpable in the results than those that voted. For the record, I’m in favor of in person voting with an ID.
The power has always resided in the hands of the voters.
But you gotta work harder and smarter than the other side. Something most of Anchorage finds an anathema.
I think all they’re trying to say is here it comes get ready for it.
Think you’re right.
Right on!!
JUST PARK SOME POLICE CARS ON THIRD AVE. We all know there are 25-30 +/- police cars being parked in Eklutna off the Glenn Hwy behind a security fence.
Just a benny for those living out of the dust bowl. Only costs the city 50 miles a day per officer, I mean car.
Let’s move that parking lot and security fence to 3rd Ave.
“Non essentials” per assembly “mandates” are now entrenched homeless because of democrats following following the monarchs’ suggestions from snitchzeeland. Now, they want to “plan” chinchin high rises so as to pizen and dictate efficiently. How terribly overwhelming, dud. When some creep in gov’t has been traveling out of the country, they are inevitably completely full of it.
The police are too busy doing anything but fighting crime. On a recent drive back out to the Valley I counted seven police cars looking to make easy money by pulling over hapless Valley commuters. If five or six of these highly compensated officers were on patrol in high crime areas imagine how much less crime there would be. And that’s just one example. In April last year I was coming back from Sterling when I counted 12 police cars between the Whittier turnoff and Potter Marsh looking to pull over people going a few mph over the limit. What an incredibly expensive waste of very limited resources. It’s called the Ferguson Effect. Police avoid high crime areas so as to minimize any contact with the criminal element. In the meantime, people who live in these high crime areas have to deal with ever increasing levels of crime.
They are looking for particular license plates. Typically particular natives trying to take a break from hate town, the endless hatred for being a person of the land. The police have scores they want to “settle”. Vindictiveness is the fallen human norm. They go to great, limitless financial expense are are proud of their flaunted, cohesive uni-government population control. Who is next.
Anchorage is turning into a sh*t town. Rather quickly too, thanks to the Democrats who occupy the Assembly and the bureaucracy. The out of state radical Lefties who breezed in from the Lower 48 brought their woke crap with them and now have destroyed our former All American City.
Even conservative Mayor Bronson is hand-tied by the communists. Goodbye, Anchorage.
News flash…it’s been there for a number of years now.
Most people in Anchorage do not see the damage that has been done to our bike paths and our green belts. The homeless are absolutely destroying them and the more photos we can put out for the public to see what is going on the better, then maybe the voters will decide to take action and get rid of this assembly.
And these are the people who the assembly wants to put in our neighborhoods. I vote we move them to the assembly members areas. It would be good so they can steal do drugs and have the cops there all the time.
So agree with you Mark.
Not just 3rd ave they are everywhere here in Anchorage. Across from Davis Park by the snow dump they are piled in there. This Mayor and assembly will never get anything done as they are all tooting their horns who’s boss and runs this town Maybe time for a tar and feather meeting. As it is said Vengeance will be mine. Just keep on giving out freebies tents, food, pity etc.. This is a mental health and drug crisis and needs to be treated as such. Lock them up or put in an institution or ship back to where they come from. How many get PFD’s and what address do they use.
Nothing like having a school bus full of kids witnessing a grown man dropping his pants and defecating on the sidewalk on Third Ave. “Ahhh, special times.”
That’s why I’m thankful I had enough brains to had over-read aloud to my baby when she was a baby. All together I’d had to read over 45,000 picture books and chapter stories between womb to first grade. That’s a lot of words put into her little brain, while I averaged 10-20 books a day seven days a week. Now, while she is in car she has missed bad scenes of Anchorage by keeping her head down and nose in the book not to witness men peeing along streets and at intersections, defecating, fighting, yelling, or mastabating laying on city bench. This should give more will power to Anchorage parents and grandparents to todays babes under five. To read more as up to 6 hours a day to these smallest members. So at least when those born after 2017 and are my child’s age (nine) they want to read especially during car rides missing the poverty scenes around us cause they got their head down and nose in a book, which I am not confident this homeless and drug obsession will be resolved five or even 10 years from now. If anything it’ll grow worse, unless people who think they are good change themselves so they know how to lead and help people broken by abuse and addiction.cause right now anchorage and Alaska are the blind leading the blind right over a cliff to each one another’s deaths cause those who think they got everything together aren’t living and treating family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers any better. From my experience we can’t love others when we don’t love the Father the God of Israel as he seees the peeing man on the street, the young man asking for loose change really asking for deliverance and leadership and friendship or mentorship from another man, or the addicted looking for comfort, peace, control, or cure boredom from a drug to heal the hurt or numb it. If there is any meaningful change to occur is get our eyes off others what they aren’t doing or what they are doing. Put our eyes Jesus and by his spirit he’ll put our eyes on ourselves (the “good law abiding people”) where he wants us to go, what we are to do, and how are we going to serve.
I don’t believe a bus full of school kids saw that. I never have and I used to ride the bus all over Anchorage. About the worst ever saw was a couple going at it on that little noll just outside the C Street Walmart.
Drove thru Anchorage last and was amazed at the amount of homeless people in mid town , they were everywhere . Crazy that this is allowed by city ordinance ? Doesn’t make sense to me , they’ve must have changed the laws that now allow this trespass camping and lawless behavior ? Just recently the city sanctioned homeless area’s to fix the problem ! Funny as now it looks like a huge problem . Stinky trashy problem ! Those homeless will be getting the city a lot of those fat Federal dollars to administrate and the city will do absolutely nothing but encourage the homeless issue to get more funds ! What a circle jerk ! Folks it’s the government , ya got it ?
“…….The Chief of Police even gave residents a lecture at a recent meeting at city hall about how we should be performing citizen’s arrests! WE should be arresting the criminals!……”
If they resist arrest, can we beat them up?
No. That would be assault.
How about we citizen-arrest that chief of police for his wanton dereliction of duty?
I think he’s not derelict on his duty. I think he’s doing exactly what he’s been told to do.
What wisdom did the Top Cop offer on immunity from huge, life-changing lawsuits brought by caring members of the homeless industry against the person who executed the citizen’s arrest?
This is a complicated issue. The Anchorage mayor has offered solutions to the homeless situation, only to have the leftist majority overrule him and effectively hamstringing his efforts. So nothing changes and on the contrary it gets worse. Did you notice how the vote for the navigation center, which could help alleviate the homeless issue, was pushed back until August? Read between the lines, come August the Assembly will blame the mayor for all of it and back to the Sullivan the homeless go. Then you have the issue of the police not wanting to actively arrest and charge the criminals because of the optics of it all. Just look at how the cleanup at the Cuddy park was portrayed by our drive by media. So unless we vote for strong leaders who will commit to do the right thing, we are all pretty much screwed. The end.
Anchorage is laid to waste by non-Alaskan infiltrators of the radical left. True Anchoragites got caught sleeping, and consequently are losing their city.
One poor choice parents don’t do is talk to their kids more about the problems around us and most importantly explain Why it occurring. For example my child was the only one who knew what the symbol was on Mountain City Church’s front lawn and why it was placed there, and by what type of person would had put it there, and how should we react to such an insult. Her class remained clueless about it and the instructors remained silent while the kids questioned what it was then quickly forget. If I was an instructor I’d spilled the beans and tell the kids the same what I told my child turning it into a Jesus Sunday school lesson for the kids. They were the age to know about this lesson. Adults should be talking more with our children who must grow up in Anchorage along with us. As well as conservative or republican parents of anchorage can’t afford to keep their teens ignorant and childishly self absorbed by not encouraging them to work especially during the summer months at places that’ll teach them how to serve and how to get along with others. We need to prepare our kids hopefully be far head than our “enemies” children when they all reach 18. You know we adults must remember we can’t lead forever . Today’s leadership one day soon they will be gone. They will be gone!! Leaders like constant can’t lead forever, they already lived nearly half their life and they are entering the old stage when they have less energy to get up to go to work everyday. Our kids must be told what is happening and if we think we are Christian or claim we are a Christian, we must talk more with them and we when they reach the teen years we must had trained and educated them enough they can and willing to work at a fast food restaurant like Mc’d who hires 15 year olds, so our kids are more aware about working and serving with people of all ages by age 18. So they don’t think and act helpless like still a baby dependent upon others who are better equipped and better learned.
The Bible of Jesus had the book of Enoch in it. Think about that.
Worship of one of your daughters does that. Turns them into infantile, entitled individuals unbearable to be around. Keep worshipping (one of) your daughters.
Just a thought. Public records searches could quickly figure out how many of these derelicts are banished from native villages. These villages could be sued for exporting their problems to other cities.
A truly dedicated person could cross reference those records with the public sex offender registry to figure out exactly what type of people are banished from the villages…
Just thinking things the Anchorage assembly has pre-declared racist.
Focusing only on Natives being the dominate face of the homeless population would be a waste of our time. I tell you when I am how and about I see a lot of Non-Natives including old and sober white men who should be in low income senior housing . I tell this mrak another thing Majority of the Natives have no family or friends left back in their parents or grandmothers village. They are all has passed. Those who are left they aren’t as hospitable as those whom passed to let the homeless man and woman stay with them. I wish mrak readers would not focus on the Native face just because of Anchorage has a small population of 280,000 and easier to see Natives of a population that makes 15 percent of Alaska’s population better, when most of the homeless population is mixed up with whites, Hispanics, blacks, middle eastern, Asians, and Polynesians. Focusing on one group like Natives is irrelevant.
They hate natives though.
You don’t have a clue about what’s going on in The villages.
Another thing too native expats from the villages are stripped of a bit of their assets including family photos. Our “things” are in Fairbanks in “the museum”. OR Seattle. OR BC. So…or antique stores…”Hey that antique photo looks just like my Mom, but waering lipstick! Oh, because it is my Mom”. The “ladies” of the village took her things of value out of her home her father paid cash for for her alone and they knew it and sent the pictures to any old so-and-so whomever might want them. Meanwhile my Mom saud “I wonder what happened to all our family photos. We used to have a bunch of them too!” Meanwhile the ladies from the village always asked to stay with us when they were in town and how could we say “no”. Eventually we started to say “No”.
“…. quickly figure out….” Go ahead & let us know, since it can be done quickly.
There are no “banished” people in villages …. that is a myth.
There are no courts in villages & tribal entities can not “ban” people legally.
There ARE people that have worn out their welcome back home w/ family & friends & may be socially shunned so to speak, but there are no bans & no one will be able to “sue” a rural town because people moved to ANC from that town. The villages are mostly First Class incorporated cities and the people in them are American citizens that are FREE to travel & live were they want, just like the rest of us.
Actually, villages do have the sovereign right to banish people that have become habitual law breakers. It’s called tribal council. They used to set them adrift on ice flows. Now they just put them on a plane.
Well sometimes, the ties that bind are broken for one reason or another. A random cousin falling in love with one’s mate will do it too. Or going off to a boarding school and becoming so sophisticated even your Mom no longer cares for you and your gymnasium-toned self. She doesn’t like your tan, your smooth dance steps, your well nourished muscles, smart aleck Irish retorts, your lack of confidence in Russian Orthodox catechisms and thinks you are a bad influence on the new husband’s later born children. And it is never overcome in this lifetime.
Congratulations, Assembly majority. You must be very proud. Cheers –
Oh, they are. This exactly what they want.
If they want to be homeless and not follow the laws then we should give them an island and move them to it. They could do whatever they want no interference from the rest of us.
Rent some vans, politely pack some of these people up (encourage them with food, etc) then find out where the assembly members live. Take the passengers to the home and tell them they are welcome to set up camp the the yard, lobby, or front sidewalk. If and when this mess comes to my neighborhood, I’d do this.
No you won’t. You should be charged for manipulating mentally ill people and kidnapping.
This is what you get when you have a powerless Mayor because of a wayward Assembly out to make him fail any way they can. Everything Bronson wants to do to solve the problem gets shot down by the Assembly. I bet if Bronson would do something about this, there will be cries and smears galore. With that said, he should just say screw it and do something anyway. He should.
We need a referendum (NOT via the fraud of mail-in voting) to rename the city formerly known as Anchorage. My suggested options:
Los Anchorage
Skid Row of the North
Left Coast Shithole #23
I think the last two are, sadly, the most realistic choices.
It took time to evolve. Albeit, Bronson is at the helm, it’s the policies and action of the Berkowitz administration. Bronson applied solutions which were negated by the assembly. They can point fingers and call names, but realization is that it came from Blue policies.
Welcome to the Hotel Zalatel….once you check in, you can never leave.
If they want the community to rally to their cause, Anchorage’s Third Avenue property owners could lead the way by contracting with an armed security firm to enforce laws, and codes and remove bum camps.
They could offer bounties for arrest and conviction of lawbreakers.
They could file a class-action lawsuit against the State and Municipality for breach of fiduciary duty and recovery of privately supported law and code enforcement costs incurred because State and Municipal officials failed to provide taxpayers with reasonable public safety and sanitation.
They could publicize the hell out of what they’re doing. The 3 Street Posse could become a household word with a favorite picture, a motto like “The S*** Stops Here!”. Raffles, t-shirts, bumper stckers, talk shows, put this thing on national news, who knows where it might go.
Want the community to rally to a cause, forget SOS’s, what’s one more crisis?… why not give people a cause they believe they could win and have fun doing it?
Here it goes, just like Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago and the list goes on and on. Welcome to communism folks. You put in lunatics, and you will get what you deserve. When there is feces outside your front door and unchecked crime in your neighborhood, maybe just maybe you will figure out what the Biden national agenda really is. And the joke is on you because you think the woke leftist policies are somehow good for you. When your property isn’t worth squat and you can’t walk down the street, I hope you will wake up to the sheer stupidity of not policing your government and once again learning about the God given rights you were born with under the Constitution.
Just get a bus like on Saint Patties day in Muldoon going from one oracle establishment to the the next. I knew they’d remember that remedy eventually with whiskey on the house.
“ The Chief of Police even gave residents a lecture at a recent meeting at city hall about how we should be performing citizen’s arrests!”
Ok time to “citizens arrest” the chief of police, the Assembly and anyone else that allows for this to happen
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