Juneau police, under pressure, release their use-of-force policy


Juneau has released the Juneau Police Department’s Use of Force policy. Earlier this week, Police Chief Ed Mercer had refused to release it to the Assembly, but several people filed a public records request, and the policy was subsequently released (see link below).

The City and Borough of Juneau is hosting a listening session through Zoom on June 17 at 7 p.m. to hear citizen concerns related to local issues on policing, racism, and social justice; and to be a starting point of an ongoing community conversation.

Assembly members, Juneau Police Department leadership, and the Juneau School District superintendent are invited to listen.

Participate in the June 17 Listening Session at 7 p.m. by connecting directly to the Zoom Webinar https://juneau.zoom.us/j/99130137784 or calling 1-346-248-7799 with Webinar ID 991 3013 7784; the listening session will also be on Facebook Live.

The Juneau Assembly and JPD will continue its discussion on similar issues at its Committee of the Whole Meeting on June 22 at 6 p.m. All documents related to these issues will be posted in the Assembly packet. Thepublic can reach out to the Assembly by emailing [email protected].


  1. Looks like a reasonable use of force policy. I’m sure somebody will have a conniption fit that the carotid choke hold is listed as an approved measure. But it is listed as an alternative to use only before deadly force may be necessary. So given the option (to be shot or have the carotid hold) I’d take the neck hold.

    But I’d anticipate you’ll see attempts to bypass all this by asking for changes like…anytime it appears a suspect will resist, the officer needs to assess the possibility of walking away to avoid further escalation. As the escalation is worse than the original crime. Stuff like that.

  2. Lawfare is horrible to see happen to Peoples. The Police are already in compliance with Federal and State regulations. They will look until they find something. They are here on a mission.
    BLM is Incorporated as a 501c3 and robs…I mean funnels through Lawfaring the peoples of their police forces and puts that money back into the democrat party, (which has become a mafia at this point since they’ve funneled through SO MANY institutions).
    That news broke yesterday, easily search-enginable. Yet, they still folded.
    George Soros & Co. in Alaska is a damn shame for all of Us, including any future ANYONE may have dreamed for. We are now and have always been all equally screwed and if you became not screwed, we all wished you well. Where did all the Benedict Arnold’s come from?
    Historically written and dually noted: When you demand something out of someone because the color of their skin offends you…Its LITERALLY one form of racism besides just verbally assaulting or worse to another. It’s in the dictionary, I promise.
    Thanks Suzanne! Always interesting reads!

  3. Outstanding decision by someone in Juneau to meet the radicals demands. Now will begin the endless arguments, demonstrations and law suits to change or eliminate any policy to deal with Incidents with any kind of force. The only thing this mob will accept is a social worker and armed members of the BLM or Antifa accompanying the responders. But absolutely no POLICE!

    Read their demands that are easily available online or watch Seattle News. They are increasing their takeover of the city by Armed members and requesting others to join. The Seattle Police abandoned the police station in the area and
    withdrew. Every video I have seen yesterday and today on the news revealed not a single police officer in the area. I wonder how much tribute the business owners in the area will have to pay them as tax. Of course most of you liberals in Juneau backing these Anarchists know one of their demands is the destruction of all business for profit.

    You have made a very big step to let them have your city so live with it. You can’t compromise with true believers that still fight for injustices committed 400 hundred years ago.

  4. I’m so sick of people demanding this and demanding that maybe if they had real jobs and real lives, including ones like people are destroying, they’d be a little more understanding. Basically they’re doing what they accuse the other side of … bullying. You get a lot further talking and compromising. I have no use for anyone or any group that condones violence.

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