Judicial watchdog releases Secret Service record of cocaine found in Biden West Wing

Cocaine in a White House locker in the Biden Administration.

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, has obtained 112 pages of Secret Service records related to the discovery of cocaine inside the Biden White House.

The records, received through a Freedom of Information Act request to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, reveal detailed information about the incident, which occurred in July 2023 in the West Wing of the White House.

Key Details from the Records

  • – The records describe the discovery of a white powdery substance, later confirmed as cocaine, in a West Wing phone locker on July 2, 2023. The cocaine was discovered while the Biden family was at Camp David for the Fourth of July weekend, but after Hunter Biden had been in the area.
  1. – DHS withheld 34 pages in full, citing the “foreseeable harm” standard and/or the Privacy Act. This suggests that the disclosure of these pages could harm interests protected by legal exemptions.
  2. – The documents include investigative photos, a Secret Service crime scene examination report, and emails regarding the incident. The cocaine was found near the West Executive entrance of the White House.
  3. – An incident report details the involvement of the Secret Service Crime Scene Search Unit, the DC Hazmat team, and the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate in handling the substance, initially undetermined.
  4. – The investigation, lasting 12 days, revealed the substance as a mixture of cocaine and sodium bicarbonate. However, DNA tests did not identify the individual responsible for the cocaine’s presence in the White House. A July 10 email indicates that no identifiable prints were found on the bag.
  • – A July 3 email from a person in the Technical Security Division whose name is redacted states: Starting time Approx 1745 [5:45 p.m.] UD [Uniform Division] advised of a small ziploc bag approximately less than 1″ in by 1″ in the cell phone lockers by [redacted] was confident it was drug related thus the phone call to UD CRIME SCENE.”
  1. – The report states that on July 14, the cocaine was logged for destruction.
  2. An email from the division mentions the initial discovery and assessment of the substance.
  3. A report from the U.S. Secret Service Foreign Missions Branch confirms the identification of the substance as cocaine by the FBI laboratory.

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, criticized the Biden administration for its handling of the situation. Fitton expressed skepticism about the administration’s inability to determine the individual responsible for bringing cocaine into the West Wing, highlighting the lack of detailed documentation on the investigation’s progress.

The newly released documents raise questions about security and conduct within the White House. The lack of identification of the responsible individual and the incomplete documentation of the investigation suggest potential gaps in internal security protocols or a coverup.

Judicial Watch is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability, and integrity in government, politics, and the law. Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.

The summary and documents can be found at JudicialWatch.org.


  1. Judicial Watch is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation that promotes transparency, accountability, and integrity in government, politics, and the law.

    How can anyone say Judicial Watch is “non-partisan” when the left hates everything about
    Judicial Watch.

    • Same thing they have to say about the Justice Ginsburg corruption, not a damn thing!!
      Funny you act like you know what impartial is.
      Anytime someone on the left is in trouble you all give them a pass and first thing you do is, “what about Trump?!”

    • Because there is nothing to say. He’s clean and has always followed the rules.

      Sucks to be you. Always emotional hyperbole, never facts.

  2. Back in the 80’s when coke was cheap and plentiful I always knew where my stash was !!!!! HA HA HA !!!!!! Would think White House security would have dogs for drugs,,, bio / chemical weapons ect,,, Hunter seems like the kind of guy to snort crumbs out of the carpet ,,, not leave his stash behind.

  3. “ The cocaine was discovered while the Biden family was at Camp David for the Fourth of July weekend, but after Hunter Biden had been in the area.” Oooooo: “after Hunter Biden had been in the area”. For hells sake it is outrageous to use a weak statement of irrelevance to shade someone.

    But here at MRAK, very little triggers the knee to teeth response.

    • Rene that is incorrect. It stated there were no “identifiable prints” found. It means there are fingerprints, but they are not in the system and therefore can not be linked to a certain individual. The other scenario is that prints are smudged and there are not enough points of comparison to make a determination.

  4. Oh come on people it was baking soda with a secret ingredient for the chef to make “special brownies” to celebrate the holiday. In the rush to get out the door, it accidentally got left behind.
    All joking aside, it is incredulous to believe that security at the White House is incapable to know exactly what went down.
    The other observation nobody shared is simply this:
    All these lockers have individual keys. There is no mention if the key was located and in whose possession it was and how long the locker was in use before security opened it to investigate.

  5. That was a truly pathetic attempt to deflect the obvious responsibility here from the corrupt, dysfunctional and degenerate Biden family, even for a weak-minded radical leftist.

  6. Lying government
    Rather the secret service is incompetent, or it’s another cover up.
    You can’t trust the feds.

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