Judge: Alaska-based USA Powerlifting ordered to leave Minnesota due to group’s trans policy protecting women


The twisted world of males playacting as women and competing in women’s sports competition categories continues to find its way to court.

Now, Anchorage-based USA Powerlifting, a national organization that hosts competitions around the country, has been ordered by a district judge to leave Minnesota, while a lawsuit proceeds that would force the competition organization to allow transgenders to compete in the women’s division.

Judge Patrick Diamond made the order despite the fact that the transgender who is suing the organization not requesting it.

JayCee Cooper, a transgender weightlifter, won a discrimination lawsuit earlier this year against USA Powerlifting, after being banned from competing in the women’s powerlifting division in Minnesota due to the fact he is a biological male. Judge Diamond has already indicated that he sides with Cooper in this dispute.

“The harm is in making a person pretend to be something different, the implicit message being that who they are is less than,” Judge Patrick C. Diamond in his earlier ruling in March, ordering the organization to immediately revise its policies.

“The USAPL’s evidence of competitive advantage does not take into account any competitive disadvantage a transgender athlete might face from, for example, increased risk of depression and suicide, lack of access to coaching and practice facilities, or other performance suppression common to transgender persons,” Diamond wrote in his March decision.

Now, with USA Powerlifting standing its ground, Diamond has banned the organization from the state while an appeal is under way.

The decision impacts the organization’s ability to host the Central and Midwest regionals May 27 and 28.

The case goes back to 2021. Cooper was born male and up until 2015 he participated in competitive sports as a male. He had been a member of the U.S. Junior National curling team and competed in the the World Junior Curling Championships in 2007. Cooper then changed his name from Joel to JayCee and started presenting as a female. In 2016, in his mid-20s, Cooper started competing in women’s roller derby, and in 2017 or 2018, he started powerlifting.

Cooper, now a 35-year-old Minneapolis transgender, filed the discrimination lawsuit in 2021 against USA Powerlifting, after the organization said Cooper could not compete in the women’s division.

“The judge acted solely on his own, and consistent with his prior stance in advocating for the plaintiff’s position. We believe the judge has misinterpreted Minnesota law in this regard and exceeded his authority in terms of the conduct of our service to our members. We will appeal this highly unusual ruling. However, while these proceedings play out, we are ordered to suspend competitions in Minnesota and cease selling memberships to Minnesota residents. We are investigating relocating Midwest Regionals and further information will be forthcoming,” the organization said through its President Dr. Larry Maile of Anchorage, a retired psychologist.

Maile says that studies show men have a 43% advantage over women in weightlifting. The study his group did looked at 17,000 appearances of powerlifters, and balanced out things like weight to come up with the statistic.

“That’s a concern for us,” he said. “And the question is, how do you normalize that and how do you make it fair in that circumstance. Our objective is to include everybody. But it’s not to include everybody in a way that’s unfair to one group. And so our decision that trans women can’t compete in the women’s division is based on data. We have offered several alternatives.”

Among those is the organization’s MX division, which provides a safe, inclusive option for athletes of all genders and gender identities to compete within USA Powerlifting.

A women’s group of athletes agrees with USA Powerlifting’s stance to protect women’s divisions in sports. The Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS), a network of women athletes and supporters advocating for female-protected categories in sports, said “The sport of powerlifting has been destroyed for both men & women in MN. We applaud USA Powerlifting for its commitment to fighting this injustice & offer our support in this battle to #savewomenspowerlifting.”

In 2019, the hip-hop artist known as Zuby set out to demonstrate that athletes who are genetically male were unfairly competing as women.

Ruby posted a video of him smashing the British women’s deadlift record, while he said he was “identifying as a woman”. The video has had millions of views on Twitter.


  1. Why should the organization have to factor in this guy’s potential depression and/or suicidal tendencies into anything?

    Why not demand cupcakes and puppies along with no winners of any kind? Can’t have hurt feelings.

    More proof the left hates women. Especially ones that accomplish things without them.

    • It truly is mass insanity. The judge’s comment ‘ The harm is in making a person pretend to be something different………’. Uh, that wouldn’t be pretending, it would be reality….. Such delusion is hard to comprehend.

  2. The fact that it’s men-transitioning-to-woman complaining that they aren’t allowed to participate in women’s sports, rather than women-transitioning-to-men complaining that they aren’t allowed to compete in *men’s* sports should tell you everything you need to know about the issue.

    Would Mike Tyson ever argue that he “identifies” as a flyweight boxer, and if he did, would he ever be allowed to compete in that class? In most sports, but admittedly not all (women’s gymnastics comes to mind), a biological male will have a significant advantage over a biological female. That’s why the sports are divided into men’s and women’s categories — to provide a level playing field for the participants. Allowing biological males into women’s sports blows that concept of fairness right out of the water.

  3. Is that judge considering the depression or suicide or other ailments that women can suffer from as they are denied a fair chance in competitions that allow transgenders to compete? Probably not. No regard for girl’s or women’s years of training and skill building which are brushed aside all in favor of some men who couldn’t make it on their own. Kudos to USA Powerlifting and other sports organizations for their efforts to stand up to the weak bullies parading in women’s clothing. They sure as hell aren’t real women or men either!

  4. Trans are busting up women’s sports across the board. Real women athletes need to unify and form an organization that protects them from this assault. If they don’t act now, their 50+ years of Title 9 gains and prestige will be liquidated by these fake, pretend, transexuals.

    • If the real woman create their own organization, the leftists will demand males playacting as females be allowed to join, and some leftist judge will support that claim.
      Any organization that the left wants to destroy is going to fall as long as the average person allows these crybullies to force their way in. A organized sports event costs quite a bit of money to set up. If the public stops buying tickets, and the athletes all drop out at the last second, that might create an impact.

  5. Seems like the freedom of association would be a good thing to have.
    Power lifting, women’s shelters, bathroom users, and anyone who wants to hang out with just their friends and no one else are all affected. The civil rights act of 1964 is used as a legal cudgel against everyone because globohomo controls the courts. The civil rights act is a runaround to force things upon you because the Constitution did not expressly forbid it.

  6. Parents are the legal guardians of their children, no one else. This is one more reason to have school vouchers. There is only two biological genders. You can pretend all you want, it’s not going to change the XX or XY chromosome. When you grow up, do what you want. Leave our kids alone and stop pushing any sex stuff on our kids.

  7. The article says, “JayCee Cooper, a transgender weightlifter, won a discrimination lawsuit earlier this year against USA Powerlifting, after being banned from competing in the women’s powerlifting division in Minnesota due to the fact he is a biological male.” Well there you have it. He won the lawsuit because USAPL determined “he is a biological male.” The interpreted “biological male” to mean not male. The fact is, a man pretending to be a woman is a male–full stop. Calling them “biological males” is a form of pandering to the fantasy.

  8. This judge says he doesn’t want to force someone to pretend to be someone they’re not when that’s exactly what they’re doing to begin with. Lib logic run amuck.

  9. Typical leftist judicial overreach. Unfortunately, Minnesota’s higher courts aren’t likely to fix this. Considering the recent Supreme Court ruling to overturn a preliminary injunction in a similar case by a West Virginia court – essentially temporarily allowing men to continue to compete with girls in that state – I’m not very comfortable with how this is all going to end up.

    • Citizens? Not legally.
      But I believe organizations can be.

      Either way, this is a court case worth fighting. Precedent here is important.

  10. There is no such thing as trans-gender, are humans able to transform their sex organ’s spontaneously?
    There are men and women having themselves cut up, sewn up and popping pills to give them the appearance of the opposite sex.
    The people that support this , don’t love or respect those people- there are enabling the mutilation of our youth and fragile, lost adults.

    • True. If your sex change operation results in you no longer being able to reproduce, you haven’t changed your sex. All you’ve done is neutered yourself.

  11. So, can a judge impose loss of liberty and pursuit of happiness, travelling the King’s Highway freedom delivered to us forever in the still existent, unrevoked Jamestown Charter of the 1600’s?

    When did the US become yet another new nation? I have not read of this in “the professional media”. Are they leaving something out? It isn’t nice to fool the American people.

  12. ““The USAPL’s evidence of competitive advantage does not take into account any competitive disadvantage a transgender athlete might face from, for example, increased risk of depression and suicide, lack of access to coaching and practice facilities, or other performance suppression common to transgender persons,” Diamond wrote in his March decision.”

    Oh, geez! I wish I had known that my personal life’s struggles counted when it came to competitive sports. I should have complained when I was competing in gymnastics and my parents were getting divorced because I was so depressed at that time. According to this judge’s thinking, that should have garnered me more points! /end sarcasm

  13. Start you own league and invite real women not artificial women. With a private league you can invite who you want. Start a new records and national powerlifting without the government and the warped mindset. It the artificial women want to compete they can compete in the existing league with one or two other confused artificial woman.

  14. Honestly, I really don’t care about some demented person’s feelings and risk of suicide when they are trying to force other people to playact along with them. They are mentally ill…go get treated for your psychosis and for God’s sake, STOP EXPECTING SOCIETY TO PLAY ALONG WITH YOUR MORONIC PLAYACTING! We are sick-to-death of all this nonsense being forced on us and bringing our society to ruination.

    • It is the school yard bully writ large. There is nothing about these stories that is about acceptance, or transgenderism for that matter. It is all about control and power.

  15. Next big thing will be fat acceptance. (Sorry, pun not intended.)
    Already some obese “influencer” is getting signatures on a petition trying to force the airlines to give morbidly obese people a free second seat.
    Because, not catering (again, pun not intended) to the whims means you are fat shaming, and destroying their self esteem.
    And, after the fat bullys get what they want, what is next?

  16. Simple solution to all this transgender in the competitive sports world garbage. Three separate categories for competition: Men, Women and Transgender. Let these people, as Doug correctly pointed out “mentally ill lunatics” duke it out among themselves. I think that would be rather entertaining!

  17. “The harm is in making a person pretend to be something different, the implicit message being that who they are is less than,” Judge Patrick C. Diamond. No, the harm is in forcing everyone else to play make believe to keep the mentally ill happy.

  18. These sorts of preoccupations always happen to a society as it collapses. In our affluence, we have cultivated the entitlement mindset that will destroy us from within.

  19. In Minnesota we do not abide bigots, and this crap about trans women are not “real women” is bigotry.. do not like Mn? then stay out! your transphobia is not welcome here 🙂 we in MN are taking a stand against bigots.

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