Jenny Di Grappa jumps into Anchorage mayor’s race


Last year, Jenny Di Grappa briefly ran for Anchorage Assembly against midtown incumbent Felix Rivera, but dropped after a few weeks. Now, she has filed to run for Anchorage mayor.

She is the chief of philanthropy and community relations at the Food Bank of Alaska. She has worked and volunteered in the non-profit sector for over 17 years, focusing her efforts on organizations that serve Alaska’s youth.

Di Grappa, who has kept her voter registration private at the Division of Elections, received her master’s degree in public administration from the University of Alaska Southeast and her bachelor’s degree in environmental science from the University of Alaska Anchorage. She completed the Catalyst for Nonprofit Excellence with Context International and the Foraker Group.

Born and raised in Fairbanks, she grew up helping her mom train for the Iditarod and Yukon Quest.

Others in the race are incumbent Mayor Dave Bronson, Suzanne LaFrance, Chris Tuck, Bill Popp, Dustin Darden, and Darin Colby. The first day for filing with the Anchorage Municipal Clerk is Jan. 12, but candidates also have to file with the Alaska Public Offices Commission.

While it’s unusual for someone serious to file for the mayor’s seat just two months before ballots go out in the mail, March 13, Di Grappa may be a candidate who is actually looking to boost her name recognition in advance of another political run — for state Senate, perhaps.


    • But didn’t.

      And as you say, if she can’t beat Rivera how can she expect to beat anyone qualified?

      Joshing aside, someone w/ a thick background in non-prof is another version of bum support that Anchorage already has a surplus of.

      • Pantaloon Flatulence, judging from the picture, this young woman is infinitely more attractive than Felix.
        If Anchorage must have Bolscheviks on the Assembly, it should demand that they have a pleasant appearance.
        Felix is an angry demented squirrel with too many seeds packed in his cheeks.

  1. Spoiler alert. When someone hides their political affiliation it means they are a Democrat hiding behind a cloak . They want you to think they are non partisan, but that is never the case. They end up being anything but.

  2. The choice is not to hide your political affiliation, it’s a yes or no to the public viewing all of your voter registration information. After the State of Alaska lost all of that voter data a few years back. I personally had to get a monitoring service.

  3. Considering that we already have a heavily “non-profit” leaning assembly, having a person with that background in the mayor’s office, gives me pause. More and more it seems that the average taxpayer in this town only exists for revenue, but otherwise needs to sit down, shut up and be quiet, while our betters on the assembly pour out their largess on certain small segments of the population. So it will be a “no” on Mrs. Di-Grappa from me.

    Want an example of the assembly’s largess?
    Try the bond for $10mil or $500,000 for each Portland Loo public toilets, so the homeless have a place to live and do business. For that price tag you can build a very nice home, most who pay property taxes can’t afford. (Average home values in Anchorage approximately $370,000)

    • Correction: It appears the bond that passed is for 10 loos at $500,000 each wanting to spend $5mil plus maintenance.

  4. She doesn’t have blue hair or glasses, but I’m not liking the 17 years in non profits. She appears to have no experience in the real world. Add to this a degree in environmental science (what is that exactly, and who funds it?). She’s hiding her true indentity.

  5. The 15-20% of Anchorage voters that will actually do their civic duty, believe Jenny is what Anchorage needs as a Mayor? I think not(!) … We need a Fiscal Hawk.

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