Jamie Allard: Ready for independence! Taking back our city means keeping our focus, staying courageous, and true to our course



The founders of our nation fought hard for freedom. They risked, they bled, and they died for freedom.

“We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes And Our Sacred Honor,” words written in the Declaration of Independence, show they were under no illusion about how tough the fight would be to establish a new nation based on liberty and law.

One thing they did not do is lose their nerve and they didn’t give up when it got tough. When they decided to break away from England on July 4, 1776, they faced horrific setbacks and terrible times. But they kept marching forward, against an oppressive government.

In Anchorage, we’ve had a small taste of that oppression over the past year, which ought to be a warning to us all. Conservatives stayed quiet and uninvolved in local politics for a few years, and when the Covid threat came, liberty after liberty was stripped. People didn’t see it coming. They never thought their fellow Americans would cave so quickly.

That’s the thing about conservatives — we are often focused on our families, our faith homes, and our jobs. We volunteer and we love to get out and enjoy the world. While we were focused on our lives and paying attention to other things, our city was taken by hardliners, and then our freedoms were quickly stripped from us.

How quickly we forget that just last November, there were actual executive orders from the acting mayor that limited the number of people who could gather for Thanksgiving in private homes. Worship services were canceled by order. Funerals were canceled. Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Veterans Day suffered the same fate.

Traditions and families were kept apart and Anchorage became an oppressive city, ruled by fear and misinformation.

No more. We celebrate Independence Day this year not only for the founding of our country, but for the taking back of our city.

On Thursday afternoon, you could see how ready people were to celebrate freedom at the block party for Mayor Dave Bronson’s inauguration. People were dancing, singing, and smiles were seen everywhere. There were a thousand or more people at the Delaney Park Strip, many who wore red, white, and blue. Nobody even minded the transgender men who walked around the perimeter in women’s lingerie.

I go into this Independence Day weekend bursting with pride for my city, and her people who voted their values, and especially for those many campaign and grassroots volunteers who worked hard to turn Anchorage back to what we can be again — a community of possibility and opportunity. They sacrificed many hours, weeks, and months.

I also believe that a momentary victory can lull us into thinking we’re out of danger. We are not, Anchorage. We must keep our focus at the local level — on local Assembly and School Board races, or all we have fought for can be quickly undone by the radical Left.

Anchorage, be proud and move forward. But do not forget what happened in 2020. Another election is just ahead, and we cannot take our eyes off the road if we truly want our city to shine again.

God bless everyone, and may God bless America.

Jamie Allard is your assemblywoman for Chugiak/Eagle River and was chosen by Must Read Alaska readers as Alaskan of the Year.


  1. I wish Anchorage was a Christian place where the city will know to schedule their parades on Saturday or Monday, knowing a majority will be in church on Sunday, the 4th and Independence Day. God comes first and country comes second while we see, historically, No country in this world ever could stand on its own and prosper very long without the God of Abraham, the God of the Jewish peoples.

    Next year we can see the parade.

  2. Proper planning and execution of same with focus and the commitment of a warriors heart will surely bring back our once vibrant city! Attention to detail will ensure that the overall execution of a well thought plan will yield the intended result. Let the restoration begin!

  3. I would feel much safer in a Second Amendment Sanctuary City if I could actually buy ammo for my .38

  4. Well said, Ms. Allard! This fight is far from over as we now fight a Federal Government that has weaponized its agencies against everyday Americans just for standing up to tyranny and defending the Constitution. The march for freedom will continue until the Election Fraud and Bio Weapon thrown at us is rectified! Forget the corrupt Murkowski but has anyone heard anything from Sullivan on how the illegitimate Biden regime is attacking us and our way of life? Kelly for AK!

  5. Jamie…well said
    Known healthy values and norms have been compromised and diminished over the past couple of years. Anchorage and Alaska has a renewed opportunity to reset back to real traditional values of Faith, Family, and Community. Each of us should write these values on our hearts, houses, schools, and industries.
    Happy Independence Day

  6. She says, “our city was taken by hardliners, and then our freedoms were quickly stripped from us.” Behold how she graciously refers to totalitarian communist tyrants as “hardliners.” Such timid language is emblematic of the very ambivalence she implores us to avoid.

  7. The world needs more people like Jamie Allard. Thank you for sacrificing your time to try to improve this city for people you have probably never met. You are striving to improve the city, even for those that despise you. The world needs more of you.
    And Ms. Allard is absolutely correct. 2020 demonstrated clearly to everyone that the people we elect to “represent” us are not representing us at all. Destroying businesses, forcing homeless (sex offenders and addicts) into neighborhoods, and spending money to support organizations based on race are only a few of the things that your “representatives” voted to support.
    Who is in the White House, and representing you State in DC has some impact on your day to day life, but the person you elect to the Assembly can totally screw your life over with a single vote. Yet, what politics do people pay attention to?
    Wake up, and start demanding your “representative” on the Assembly start actually representing your interests. Jamie Allard is one of the few individuals I have ever seen who will, in fact, represent her constituency.
    We need a few more of her type in the upcoming election.

  8. We have no representation in zip code 99517. NONE. Our form of government has been breached, wrenched away from us since what’s his name’s incongruent selfie. When people take stipends but no phone calls they need to be removed for non-performance. Happy for Eagle River though.

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