Huge turnout for Sullivan at impromptu fundraiser


Dozens of people passed the word, and with a plethora of homemade food and refreshments, over 80 people turned out for a fundraiser for Sen. Dan Sullivan on Friday night at his new campaign headquarters in Spenard, an Anchorage neighborhood.

Spotted were Sullivan’s former Chief of Staff Joe Balash, Alaska Republican Party National Committeeman Peter Goldberg and his wife Marti Goldberg, National Committeewoman Cynthia Henry and her husband Ken Henry, Anchorage School Board Member Dave Donley and his wife Jamie Donley, former Anchorage Mayor George Wuerch, a few members of the Gov. Mike Dunleavy administration, including Dave Stieren and Rick Green and his wife Susan Green. Also attending was retired Gen. Joe Ralston, who is the former Supreme Allied Commander for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Europe, and Sheila Cernich, Steve Strait, Teresa Hall, Dave Morgan, Art Hackney, Alaska Republican Party Chairman Glenn Clary, Mike Robbins, Bruce Schulte, former House Rep. Alyce Hanley, Dennis McDonnell, Assembly Candidate Christine Hill, former Sen. Lesil McGuire, Chief of Staff to Sen. Lisa Murkowski Mike Pawlowski, John Hendrix, Americans for Prosperity Alaska Executive Director Ryan McKee, former Alaska Republican Party Chairman Randy Ruedrich, Les Parker, Yolanda Clary, and Kevin Sweeney. And of course, Julie Sullivan, Sen. Sullivan’s better half and Matt Shuckerow, Sullivan’s campaign manager.


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