High crimes and misdemeanors: New articles of impeachment against Biden


U.S. Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.) filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on Friday, citing high crimes and misdemeanors. 

“It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden,” said Rep. Steube. “He has undermined the integrity of his office, brought disrepute on the Presidency, betrayed his trust as President, and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice at the expense of America’s citizens. The evidence continues to mount by the day – the Biden Crime Family has personally profited off Joe’s government positions through bribery, threats, and fraud. Joe Biden must not be allowed to continue to sit in the White House, selling out our country.”

The articles of impeachment include:

Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden) and James Biden sold access to then Vice President Joe Biden, Jr. while he was in office from 2009 to 2017 and sold promised access to a future Biden presidential administration while he was out of office from 2017 to 2021.

Hunter and James appear to have promised official actions by Joe Biden in return for payments and business opportunities from foreign and domestic business partners. Joe Biden assisted by making appearances, phone calls, meeting with the “business partners,” and knowingly allowing his family members to promise access to him and actions by him in furtherance of these schemes. 

Hunter Biden threatened business partners that official actions could be taken against them if they did not meet terms or make payments. In at least one instance, Hunter implied that Joe Biden was aware of these threats and willing to assist in enforcing the threats, potentially through official actions.

Hunter Biden attempted to enrich himself and the Biden family by threatening official actions from his father, who he claims was willing to assist in the scheme. 

These acts are abuses of power as well as the following federal crimes or conspiracy to commit the following federal crimes: Bribery of Public Officials, 18 USC § 201; Hobbs Act Extortion Under Color of Official Right,’ 18 USC § 1951; Honest Services Fraud relating to use of official position, 18 USC § 1346.

According to testimony from IRS whistleblowers, members of the Biden campaign improperly colluded with Justice Department officials to improperly interfere with investigations into tax crimes alleged to have been committed by Hunter Biden. 

These acts constitute an abuse of power as well as Obstruction of Justice, 18 USC §§ 1505, 1510, 1512.

James Biden recruited “investors” for business ventures that ultimately failed. There is evidence to suggest that these investment opportunities were sold to investors based on false and fraudulent pretenses and promises. Access to Joe Biden and indications that Joe Biden supported these schemes were used to lure investors into the schemes. 

These acts constitute fraud or conspiracy to commit fraud in violation of 18 USC §§ 1943, 1949.

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have a long history of comingled and intertwined finances. Between 2010 and 2019 thousands of dollars of Biden family money was spent on illegal drug transactions and prostitution.

These acts constitute violations of or conspiracy to violate federal drug laws at 21 USC §§  841, 842, 843, 846 and federal prostitution laws at 18 USC §§  2421, 2421A, 2422.

In June, Rep. Lauren Boebert, a Republican from Colorado, brought impeachment articles to the House floor, saying Biden intentionally ceded command and control of the southern border to cartels, and he should be removed from office.


  1. Don’t jump the gun. Timing is everything. The trick is to stretch out the investigation into the Biden Crime Family for about 7 or 8 months to coincide with the upcoming Trump trials. Then, impeach all over again on different charges. After about four or five impeachments, prior to the election of 2024, then really pull the trigger on Dirty Joe. A campaign against Biden right up to election day. The last thing you want to do is move Joe aside for dumb*ss Kamala Harris. You get an even worse outcome. Timing is everything.

    • Nancy Pelosi for two impeachments on Trump. Let’s see if McCarthy can get three or four on Biden. Great talking point for 2024 election, and future historians. Time for Republicans to have some FUN!

  2. Much as I have reason to hate brandon, impeachment is not a good political move now – it gives the dim/commies time to groom and market another candidate and present her as the anti-corruption candidate and compare her to President Trump (orange man worse the crooked joe!!). Maybe even resurrect the hildabeast… And will have the kamel for POTUS (cackle cackle). I want this clown hurt bad, and ASAP – bidenomics ripped me off for $1/2M and I can’t retire – the fish are safe for now… so:
    Let’s do this correctly, carefully, compassionately (for the country, not brandon and his coke head prodigal progeny) – and time it for maximum damage to the dimocrat party. The MSM will not help us on this, so the case needs to be rock-solid with no margin to allow for goof-ball interpretations that paint Trump and America badly. Please pray.

  3. Joe and Hunter, one a severely demented, chronic liar, and the other a perverted, illicit drug addict and moron, would look good together in orange jump suits at the max prison facility. Trump, in his second term, can go visit them and extend his sympathies to the Democrats biggest losers in American politics.

  4. I have no problem with impeachment, even knowing the Senate will kill it. Sometimes it’s just as important to stand and fight as it is to win.

    I do want the Republicans to hold their powder awhile longer. There is so much that comes out daily, let’s give it six months and see what else comes out.

    At some point even the Democrats will have to justify their support for him.

    • Impeachment will get the media to actually pay attention, and it is just possible they will not be able to polish this turd.
      And, the Dems do not have to justify their support. He is not the evil, master criminal Trump. So, he is what they want.

  5. So are we impeaching Hunter or Joe? The case against Hunter is solid. The case against Joe is weak to non existent

        • Yet, you seem to think Trump should be jailed, despite the evidence is equally lacking.
          Your bias is showing.

          • If the evidence is there and a jury decides he’s guilty then yes, he should go to jail. If not, then he shouldn’t.

        • And the actual hard evidence, so far, is obvious and unassailable.

          That is, it WOULD be, if you could remove your communist red-colored goggles, and ditch your blind partisan loyalty and tribalism.

          Denying the obvious does not seem very “libertarian” to me.
          You know, the thing that you are constantly, and falsely, claiming to be. But you certainly are reflexively pro-establishment.

          • Well then I’m very lucky to have such an unbiased expert like you to point out the “truth.”

            BTW, I only brought up the fact that I’m a registered Libertarian once, but man, that really seems to have touched a nerve with you.

        • Yet, your statement was the evidence was lacking for this impeachment, but for some reason, Trump should be jailed with less evidence and for lesser reasons.

          • You just proved your inability to reason. Sorry man. I don’t know how you navigate the day with such a distorted world view.

      • Tamra, knowing what someone did and proving what someone did are two very different things.

        Alleging that someone did something is yet another very different thing.

    • Use the old prosecutor’s tactics. Squeeze Hunter’s nuts in a vice so tight that he will turn on Joe. I mean WTF, these sleazebags will rat each other out. No honor among theives.

    • I suggest you read any of the evidence complied by James Comer.

      Payments to family, clear quid pro quo (son of a bitch, indeed), at least 20 identified shell companies, IRS compliance questions, and so much more.

      But you’d have to actually look to find it. MSNBC isn’t going to point it out for you.

    • Joe must lose his firstborn as penance for going against the republican (God’s) party. He is like the pharisee of old; prosecuting good Christians in our country. Therefore like the biblical tale; he will lose his firstborn and plagues will visit the nation until he relents.

  6. Of course, kneejerk and collectivist party loyalty will blind every single Democrat in Congress to these charges, bad as they are and as certain as they are to grow and be (further) proven.

    • Kinda like republicans were blinded by party loyalty during Trump’s impeachment? Both parties do it, they both suck.

      • Trumps charges were bogus and even a blind liberal could see it.
        Every bit of alleged evidence fell apart.

        Joe, on the other hand, has a mountain of growing evidence of widespread racketeering, bribery, and business dealings with groups not in anyone’s interest but his.

        It’s a matter of actual evidence even the FBI couldn’t keep buried.

        Perhaps if your side hadn’t lost its mind and spent 5 years in an ongoing, fictitious, and ultimately bogus witch hunt, you might have a point.

        But you didn’t, couldn’t be bothered with producing evidence you claimed was obvious and everywhere. So it fell apart. Twice.

      • Bill:
        Blinded is one thing, but the charges against Trump in his first impeachment were laughable. Abuse of power of office? Every politician in DC… no every politician everywhere in the universe is guilty of that if the standard is the Ukraine phone call. And, that is the total evidence proving guilt presented.
        As to the second one? Nothing but a political hit job. In fact, recent information is indicating there was a LOT of federal/DOJ involvement in the capital riot. A lot.

  7. Apparently the Federal deficit, Mexican Border and China are no longer a priority and impeaching Joe Biden because he has a knucklehead son is? No mention of the $Millions Trumps SIL Kushner made brokering deals for the Saud Royalty

    • No, impeaching him for bribery and personal gain at the expense of his country, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Hunter is being prosecuted. Ol’ Joe just lies and lies and skates away with the millions. I guess we won’t even talk about him showering with his daughter.

    • Oh “Frank”….

      Now you care? Now? It’s not even a nice dodge.

      Besides blatant obfuscation, here’s where your daydream falls apart. If there was any “there there” about impropriety by the Trump family, the press would have never, ever let it go.

      Yet they did.

      Biden is facing impeachment for potential bribery, racketeering, graft, and misuse of power. Not for being a crap father with a loser kid.

      Shakes head slowly and sadly…oh “Frank”

    • They stopped being the party of good governance a while ago. Now it’s the party of pettiness, revenge, and control.

    • whataboutism whataboutism, also if there was anything to your blueanon conspiracy theories trump and his family have been under investigation since late 2015 so you think they would have found something concrete by now

  8. Most of these crimes occurred during Obama’s presidency. Are we to believe that Obama had no knowledge of,
    or participation in these high crimes? Does anybody care?

    • I’ve read Obama’s administration did try to address it and was stonewalled by the Biden people.

      I don’t think they tried too hard, but Obama wasn’t about to let a man (Biden) he really didn’t like bring his administration down.

      Much I as don’t want to, I think Obama gets a bit of a pass, here.

  9. Its about time. Lets hope House leadership has the guts to do what is right. The Biden Crime Family is a stain on this nation.

  10. The most fundamental responsibility of the president is to protect our borders from invasion. Well, the country has been invaded by the cartels, with thousands of members and millions of illegals who owe the cartels money or who have relatives back home. The cartels have made billions in collaboration with the government. They have influence in towns across America and in our prisons. Organized teams of home invasion robbers and other criminals do not fear arrest, as they disappear while awaiting trial. We have been invaded and the federal government is not helping local governments deal with it.

  11. I say, force the issue and make them trot out their transgender replacement in the next election.

    The gig is up. Kamela is going to be a short term president and she’s going to pardon the whole crime family.

    All of this is going to play out through and past the next election.

    Get this treasonous dinosaur out of office.

  12. Waiting for the leftists to show up and start telling us how this is not warranted because Trump did worse things.
    Not because pResident Briben is innocent, but because the horrible Trump is worse.
    Com’n folks. You know who you are. Have at it.

      • That one was not posted, still in review, when I wrote mine.
        Frank certainly did the whataboutism thing, but it was not Trump related. Close enough though.
        Curious where Maureen, Sophie, and the rest of the happy leftists are.

  13. About freaking time! While they are at it impeach Merrick Garland for obstruction of justice. He just put his finger in the eye of the American justice system by appointing David Weiss as Special Counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation. The same shyster who slow walked the original Hunter Biden investigation for 5 long years only to culminate in attempting to give him the sweetheart plea bargain deal of the century! Thank God an honest Federal judge had the courage to deny it. Garland is as crooked as the day is long.

  14. It must be me that has my head screwed on backward or am living in the alternate universe. I saw the televised hearings on all these topics and all the points that person brought up were pretty much bogus.

    When I was in high school Mr Kirk, our eighth grade social studies instructor, gave our class as one of our last assignments to work through a mock election. My party won. I wasn’t the candidate but the ad campaign manager. Up to that point I’d considered a career in advertising– maybe art. That experience sealed it. I went into a science-related field –maybe medical illustration. No more manipulation of innuendo for me.

    • Mrs. N, I have to assume here that you head is in fact screwed on backward, AND you are living in an alternate universe —- the universe of deceit and lies spun for you by the corrupt corporate court media.

      • Your assertion that I live with lies and deceit spun by various media sources is probably incorrect, as the car radio dial is not set to FOX entertainment nor any rage-filled screeds perpetrated on late-night radio programs on the commute home from work by the likes of such as Mark Levine. The volume and channel at my work computer changed to ‘Lark Ascending’ whenever my boss had the door open blaring Rush Limbaugh, to avoid listening to biased public commentary from anyone like those cuckoo birds. I don’t use single-source updates for the latest news. Occasionally I read more than a professional journal, but not too often. Maybe, I should check out some Nancy Drew mysteries. There may be one or two I’ve missed.

          • Hmm. I guess it must be opposite day.

            But, seriously. In my 90 mile commute, there’s no way I could listen to the same commentators throughout the drive.

            Surely you weren’t born in Alaska if you think we can listen to one-way thinking all the time. That would be deliberate mind pollution for someone like me who has to keep things simple, too time-consuming to be forever ‘sifting chaff from grain’.

  15. Nothing will happen. It will draw out for months and the mainstream media might report it once then say it’s all debunked. He’ll be president in ’24 because he’s such a good puppet.

  16. EVERYBODY knows various reasons for impeaching biden. Even the dems know, despite never addressing them. But two problems rise up here. One is if the senate has the stones to actually make a serious attempt at debating the articles and having an honest vote afterward. The second is timing. Can this proceeding be done without destroying the republicans and be used as a lead in to go after the rest of the worthless slugs such as Garland and Mayorkas?

    • My concern is the GOP will screw this up. Clinton all over again.

      There are valid reasons to impeach. There are also valid reasons to hold fire until a more favorable set of circumstances. GOP track record doesn’t support thoughtful planning.

    • was the eight years of investigating Trump based on blueanon conspiracy theories also a waste of time?

    • Time will tell, time will tell.
      Besides, are you saying that holding elected officials accountable, and investigating allegations of criminal conduct is a waste of time? Or should we only investigate politicians you do not like?
      Here is a pro tip. I do not care what party a politician belongs to, nor do I care if I like them or not. If there are serious allegations of criminal conduct, it must be investigated. End of story. And, before you ask, I agree that investigation into Trump was warranted. What I disagree with is the investigation carried in long after it was clear there was nothing significant there. Meuller owes me a refund.

  17. The clearest proof there is fire with this smoke is how desperate the left is to convince us otherwise.

    • There may be a play for them to install Big Mike. Could be why the system is trying to prop up men dressing as women, as a healthy, natural and good thing.

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