Hegseth changes North Carolina base’s name back to Fort Bragg in honor of a World War II hero

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseths signs an order to name Fort Liberty "Fort Bragg."

While flying from Joint Base Andrews to Stuttgart on Monday, Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth signed a memorandum renaming Fort Liberty in North Carolina to Fort Roland L. Bragg.

The new name pays tribute to Private First Class Roland L. Bragg, a World War II hero who earned the Silver Star and Purple Heart for his exceptional courage during the Battle of the Bulge.

“This change underscores the installation’s legacy of recognizing those who have demonstrated extraordinary service and sacrifice for the nation,” said Defense Press Secretary John Ullyot.

Under the presidency of Joe Biden, many names of forts were changed. Fort Bragg was changed to Fort Liberty, because the original Braxton Bragg was a flawed human being and a Confederate Army war hero.

Former Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin renamed Fort Bragg into Fort Liberty in June of 2023, after a 2021 congressional commission had recommended the name be changed. The name-changing frenzy was all in reaction to the death of violence-prone wife-beater and drug abuser George Floyd in 2020, which sparked riots across America’s major cities.

“All this changed in the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd in 2020. Many people protested systemic racism and pointed to Confederate statues and bases as part of that system. Congress established the commission in the National Defense Authorization Act of fiscal 2021. Then-President Donald J. Trump vetoed the legislation because of the presence of the commission, and huge bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress overrode his veto,” the Defense Department said in 2023.

Now, Fort Bragg is named after a mere private who shared the last name of Bragg but who was not in the Civil War.

The cost of renaming the nine forts that underwent the George Floyd process during the Biden Administration was $39 million.


  1. Do you suppose they’ll re-install the Great Honorable Statues, recently taken down, in order to fulfill DEI and Political Correctness? A worthy and rightful endeavor.

  2. Removing “Liberty” from the name right on-brand for MAGA types. Glad to see that Hegseth is already addressing the most pressing military issues on his plate.

    • After the last four years it sure is a welcome revelation to have leaders who can do more than one thing at a time. Unfortunately the bar was lowered so low during the Obama/Biden/Harris administration that some folk forgot that there are capable human beings.

    • Again, Whidbey, your every trollish comment here — and yes, you are by definition a classic internet troll — is reflective and indicative of the anti-freedom, pro-authoritarian radical leftist conformist mindset.

      I honestly wonder how miserable a person you must be, to troll an online forum that is antithetical to your every crazy, mixed-up and misguided political opinion. That is just plain sad.

      • Jeff,
        I wholly disagree. Over the years you’ve stated that you aren’t a conservative and you aren’t a Republican and yet you comment on a conservative leaning site that largely supports Republicans. If those of us who are on the right simply want to enter into an echo-chamber and hear the voices of only those with which we agree then we will be worse off for having done so.

        Whidbey, with all his mistaken beliefs and thoughts, at the very least is able to express those thoughts without resorting to berating those he disagrees with the same tired insults ad nauseam. I wish I could say I’m glad to see that somethings never change, but I’d hoped in your extended absence you might have thought about trying a different tack to express yourself.

        • And I see, Steve, that your consistent arrogance is undiminished by the passage of time.

          I think the real reason why you dislike me so much is because, unlike most others here, I refuse to allow you to intimidate me and to bully me, as you regularly do to others with whom you disagree.

          • Jeff,
            Back to the gaslighting so soon, I figured you’d at least give a guy a few of your trademark unhinged rants before you got there.

            And I don’t dislike you Jeff, I don’t even know you. What I don’t care for is the way you typically spew venom and usually offer little or anything of value to the comment section here, in fact you distract from the conversation and rarely if ever actually contribute anything to it. More than anything you disappoint me because in the past I’ve seen that you have the ability to be a thoughtful person who can share his view with others in reasonable manner, but you choose not to for some reason. Don’t let me stop you though, you do you and I will keep on keeping on, calling it how I see it.

            Welcome back, Jeff.

    • Oh WTD can your snark! Anyone who served knew this to be a nasty slight against the warriors at Ft. Bragg renaming the place not after some heroic soldier, but a term. At least they renamed FT. Gordon after Gen. Eisenhower, who had roots in that area.
      That being said I am disappointed that it did not go back to the civil war Bragg. History is there to remind us of where we have been and to never repeat it. Erasing it means to be bound to do it again!
      One nation WTD with warts and all!

      • It’s actually a brilliant way to show the history of the fort and how a woke mob was able to convince the highest office in the land that mob rule is not how we handle issues in thus country, the Obama/Biden/Harris administration will go down in history as the worst bar none. By having to explain why a Fort was named after a heroic private because racist lunatics renamed a fort due to their microagressions or whatever, the renaming of Fort Bragg to Fort Bragg is a reminder of what we should never allow to happen again.

        • Well maybe…but in my book it is too complicated. The simple act of returning the name to the original (civil war) one makes it clear that the knee-jerk, can’t handle reality, unicorn and rainbows, apologist crowd can’t erase history.

    • Honoring great American heroes is right on for MAGA folks. Dishonoring them to appease whiny crybabies who want to erase history instead of learn from it is right on par for leftists.

    • Eh, just truth in advertising. Liberty has a whole other meaning to a young Troop with a paycheck burning a hole in his pocket.

      Seriously, serving and suffering in a combat arms unit it’s better to have heroes instead of ideals. I wouldn’t expect a comfy-living civilian to understand that.

  3. Just stop it already.

    If you’re not changing it back to Bragg to honor Lincoln’s wishes, just leave it.

    If you’re not going to make it right, stop spending our money on non serious things.

    • The Left never worried about the cost of changing the name when THEY do it. But when it is changed back, THEN they become instant fiscal conservatives, and call this tit-for-tat game “trivial”. Why wasn’t it trivial when they changed it?

    • Don’t worry, the portion of your income YOU paid in taxes was well spent: it was given to ME in the form of a tax credit for tuition I paid at a private religious school. Thank you for your contribution.

  4. And I bet Whidbey served his country from the safety of his mother’s basement while rolling a doobey or taking a hit of acid. Or, in line picking up food stamps and unemployment checks while stopping at the package store for a bottle of tequila. Typical sounding libtard who hates America, hates successful people, and generally an angry old pos who finds life miserable.

    • Well, you’ve got this Dog all wrong. Retired energy industry executive, financially secure, lovingly married 46 years, successful kids, grandkids, supporter of compassionate causes. Devout for decades, now atheist. Don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs and never have. Paid my own way all my life, and that includes income taxes well into the seven-figure range. Voted Republican up until Obama 2. Repulsed by Trump and his sadism, his apostles, his sycophants, and his dangerous, extreme Right-wingers.

      I didn’t leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left me.

      • Somewhere along the way you got lost. Overtaken by wokeism and a disease called Liberalism which saps the soul out of people. Liberals will not want to take the path you have taken, they see evil in capitalism and self promotion.

      • yep, left you on the side of the road to be picked up with the other recyclables!
        I hope it for a loooonng time, we sure don’t want you back in the mix anytime soon!

      • Actually, old Whidbey sounds like a pretty decent guy. But I have three theories:
        1. TDS finally got the best of him.
        2. The third and fourth booster pushed him over the edge.
        3. Too many trips to the bathroom at night has left him with sleep deprivation and generally being all pissed off.

        • Rick,
          I’m betting that its all three in conjunction. TDS always gets a left-wingers, only a brainwashed Democrat is dumb enough to get multiple vaxx boosters, and the Dog is certainly at an age where many midnight runs to the john can ruin your thoughts process the next day. I hope Whidbey gets more check-ups and doesn’t cancel his appointment with his shrink.

  5. Let’s be clear. The vast majority of soldiers in the Confederacy were not fighting to keep slavery. Rather, they had no clue as to the politics of the war and were simply answering the call as their State militias. In that time, people still thought of themselves primarily as citizens of the states; the federal government was seen only as an alliance of the states. As to Braxton Bragg being “a flawed human being,” there has only ever been one flawless human being since the beginning of the world.

    • great point, this country had a better understanding of what “united states” meant during the civil war, even the confederate states, than we do now

    • W. Coogan I agree. The union of states was always an tentative one in the early years (Whisky rebellion anyone) and loyalty of most citizens belonged to the state they lived in. When you review civil war history you don’t see ” the united states forces” vs “the confederated forces” you see things like The Army of Northern Virginia or the 3rd battalion Massachusetts Rifles etc. They fought to either bring states back to the union or to keep invaders out (and later during Sherman’s march to destroy and demoralize)

    • The thing is, and to not advocate for yet another name, Braxton Bragg wasn’t highly regarded by many even during the War…North or South.

      Then again, and maybe this is the clincher, he was effective at training an army to fight.

  6. Fighting DEI. Fighting back against The War On Warriors. This is why the SECDEF was hired. Why has recruiting already turned around? In anticipation of this.

  7. Change all the names back and restore all the monuments and other public displays that the out of control liberals destroyed…including all the Confederate monuments and statues. And while we’re out there restoring our cultural heritage, good and bad, make sure to tear down and burn all the BLM, Pride and assorted deviant garbage worshipped by leftists, liberals, sexual deviants and other garbage people.

    • It would be fitting that MAGA would want the names of traitors to once again be celebrated by (re)naming military bases after them.

      • In 2015, the Obama Pentagon declared it would not rename any military installations named after Confederate generals, saying “the naming occurred in the spirit of reconciliation, not division.
        Yeah I get that history is a drag…..

  8. I don’t know of a single person who altered their reference to the fort as anything other than “Bragg”.

    So much nonsense over a self inflicted drug overdose.

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