This is what it’s all about: Jesus vs. the ultimate lockdown. From the Book of Matthew:
28 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.
2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
The Guards’ Report
11 While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened.12 When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, 13 telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ 14 If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” 15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
The Guards’ Report
11 While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened.12 When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, 13 telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ 14 If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” 15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.
~ The Book of Matthew, New International Version
A nice story, Senior Contributor. But unfortunately, it’s all a fantasy, upon which a whole Religion industry has been built.
But if it makes people feel good, well, then go with it.
I find it fascinating how you can’t hold your snark on this subject on this particular day.
History disagrees with you, but as a good progressive you must deny reality.
I genuinely feel sad for you. How small and empty your life is.
But you do you, boo.
Masked genius just because you believe in fairy tales doesn’t mean other people have to.
I appreciate you acknowledging my mental superiority over you, but really, it’s not necessary.
If people look at history and refuse to believe the Romans, can’t help you.
No one is telling anyone what to believe here.
The comment whitby made was absolutely unnecessary. If he does not believe in God, that is fine. However, he should leave those who do believe in God alone.
Instead, he shows up and mocks the religious among us. Demonstrating what a level of tolerance that I would expect from a schoolyard bully.
And, the fact that you feel the need to defend the Dog demonstrates a lot about you as well.
I’ll defend anyone’s right to believe what they want. Do you want to mock me as well?
You don’t believe in the Red Sea scrolls? You don’t belive in the world’s of Ponteaus Pilate? He saw it all first hand and wrote Ceaser about it. He even described Jesus with his golden hair that stood out funny since most others had black hair. He became a believer. Who wouldn’t after seeing it go down first hand?
History disagrees with you? Which part? The part where someone is supposedly born of a virgin, then gets tortured brutally and then rises from the dead? That history? I’m quite certain not a word of it is true and that it never happened. If you buy into it, then you believe vicarious redemption through human sacrifice is a good thing. I think it’s evil and wicked. Thankfully, none of it’s true and there’s zero historicity to support the bizarre beliefs of this death cult.
Behold the multi-cultural “tolerance” and respect for “diversity” from those on the radical left. Their arrogance and hate for those not exactly like them is off the charts, and it is exactly THIS kind of person who would a willing and sadistic torturer for the regime, or a gleeful concentration camp guard.
Your response is ironic given that you’re consistently one of the most intolerant commenters on this forum. All you ever respond with is name calling and you cannot stand anyone who dares to have an opinion that’s different from yours.
You are wrong. Lots to read first hand.
In the Bible, many baren women had children. You cant belive the creator is capable of artificial insemination?
I am humbly sorry that the devil has deceived you in this viewpoint. Jesus came to this Earth to fulfill his Fathers mission to save all of humanity. God is God, and he will not be mocked by men. His will be done on this earth. He wishes none to perish but gives us free will to seek him or not. This isn’t about feeling good. It is about eternal life in God’s Kingdom, where there will be no more suffering, no sickness, no tears, no evil men plotting against one another. Jesus is King over all the earth and will be returning soon. Whether you believe it or not, you will kneel before him and will give account for all you have done on this earth. He loves you and gave his life for you on the cross, but now sits at the right hand of God. We celebrate his resurrection from the dead today, his victory over death. Will you accept him today? Just look at the condition of this world, do you really think it will fix itself and everything will be okay? Jesus left this world as the sacrificial lamb but will return as a Lion. A Lion that will exact justice upon this world and cast all evil into the lake of fire. I will pray for you, because there are two deaths not one. Do not fear physical death but fear spiritual death.
The Bible says, Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
God gave us freewill? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? We have freewill because the boss says we do? You do realize the irony of that, right?
Ignorance is your strong point there cman.
If you do not understand why that statement makes perfect sense, you should have a chat, and adult chat, with someone who is religious.
I was raised in a fundamentalist religious household so I’m well aware if the slack jawed irony of someone stating that they’re “given” freewill. At least I know I’m being ironic when I say of course we have freewill, because we have no choice but to have it.
You may have been raised in a fundamentalist religious household, but you apparently did not learn anything. But, if you think word gymnastics somehow makes you clever, you go and enjoy that feeling.
No one else sees it.
No, I learned something. I learned that religion is a racket. Also that its not only manmade, it’s very clearly male-made. It’s a mind-forged manacle used to control and subjugate. It that works for you, fantastic. It most definitely does not work for me.
But hey, I appreciate you calling me clever. Thanks!
I learned that Christianity isn’t a religion. It is a relationship. Sorry that you were exposed to the legality of religion in your home and never experienced relationship. I pray ? you find that relationship with Jesus one day so you can experience that beauty, love and ultimate acceptance and unspeakable joy. Jesus loves you so much and always will. Peace be with you ?
Apparently, you are not as clever as you think you are. And, reading comprehension is not exactly your strong point. At no point did I say you were clever.
Besides, the comment I responded to initially had nothing to do with religion being a racket. It was about your word twisting clearly indicating that you do not understand what was being taught with the free will. You are the one making more of it than I am.
Johnson. Nice story. I’ve always wondered why I should fear god. Doesn’t he love me?
Lucinda, is that you? I’m going to assume you are sincere.
To fear has wide meaning because of translating the original text into various languages. It was written and translated from Hebrew, Greek Septuagint, Koine Greek, and Latin, etc. into Syriac, Ge’ez, Gothic and Slavonic languages, Jerome’s Latin Vulgate, Old English, etc. and then the King’ James English and now modern English (and many other languages.) The word “fear” comes from Hebrew “yirah,” which means to revere and respect.
Much of our interpretation and understanding has changed through the centuries because of changing meanings we assign to words. We use the term fear in a certain and narrow way in our day — we believe it means to be afraid.
Fear in the Old Testament means to have an overwhelming sense of the glory, majesty, and worth of the one true God, a God who is mind-blowingly awesome.
All. Thank you. I had no idea.
It also means fear of God’s judgment as well as reverence and awe. It can also mean submission. Either way, you’re supposed to fear someone you’re also told to love, which is the essence of sadomasochism and abjection; the very essence of the master/slave relationship. No thanks.
I don’t fear God. I fear death as we all do. Even Jesus feared death. My relationship with the creator is a personal one, why fear your best friend, your soul mate, your everlasting connection?
Did you ever have fear of a parent when you had done something you should not have? Although you feared them at that moment, they of course loved you.
Religion was made by man to stave off the fear of death.
I think it’s what happens AFTER death.
NO, religion it is to stave off pagans, like yourself.
Why would we fear death, when we will go to God at that time?
Remember, Jesus feared death too.
There was zero reason for you to even click on this article. Let alone make a disparaging remark.
This comment tells me a lot about what and who you really are. None of it is good.
Whidbey, your ignorance is exceeded only by your astronomical arrogance.
I find this one of the most intolerant and hateful posts ever seen on MRAK.
Funny, I made a similar post as yours Jefferson, yet the MRAK moderation team seems to only post those in their favor.
Really Jefferson? Dog’s post is “hateful”? If that triggers you,then you are weaker than I thought.
Blaine, Whidbey is an attention —– typical dimbocrat. He had to make that post to get the attention he desires, be it positive or negative. I replied more than once, yet MRAK enjoys the traffic from these clowns. I guess that’s why I won’t donate to their cause because they have more respect for a liberal rabble-rouser than the conservative base which frequents this site.
If you can keep your comments more civil with less foul language and work on your spelling, you will have better results. Your opinions are welcome here, just not nastiness. – sd
Oh ok, so much for the first amendment. Yes I understand this is your site, yet you allow the likes of Maureen, Billy, Gregory, The Seattle guy, and Lucinda to troll your comment section on a regular basis. Pretty sad, but I don’t expect much from a faux conservative site which heavily supports Neocon/Uniparty politics. The only word I misspelled was on purpose. The other posts I cannot control what auto corrects, yet I honestly don’t care about those mistakes. You sure have changed since the Save Anchorage days, where I seemingly had respect for you.
Maureen passed away. Your safe now,
She died about 6-8 months ago.
Hey, I go by Greg. As a former 20 year Alaskan, there is something to the saying once an Alaskan always an Alaskan. I still know people up there that are friends. There’s still a girl that calls me grandpa up there. Yes, I have smart remarks at time, I can’t help myself after reading some remarks, but I am censored too. You’re not alone. Just chill. Have fun. Be civil.
Whidbey’s post was not hateful because of the text he posted.
It was hateful because it was absolutely unnecessary. This was clearly an article about Easter and the Resurrection. If Whidbey does not believe in God, that is fine.
However, his choice to post a mocking and degrading post about fantasy, etc… is the issue. Instead of just leaving people alone, Whidbey felt it necessary to attack. Therein lies the hate.
I won’t go with hateful, but I get why many would.
I see it as a desperate cry from a sad, pathetic individual who seeks some warped validation.
He needs prayers, not hate. But a healthy side of scorn is in order.
MA. That characterization of Dog’s comment and indeed of him or her is unjustified. It pisses me off that if someone challenges religious dogma in an even and mindful way, you pounce with over-the-top vitriol poached from Jefferson’s discards.
Your defensive overreaction suggests an uncertainty in the solidness of you beliefs.
You’re correct, Roger that.
Lucifer is alive and well and living in the hearts of all Democrats.
That’s your opinion, but I know some Dems that are descent people. Hate abortion, love guns etc.
Whidbey appears to get it’s jollies by irritation.. The very definition of a troll!
That’s how the Marxist, left-wing Democrats are teaching the kiddies about Easter ……..”A Religion industry.”
But wait, they should impose more strict regulations and tax these holidays so they can raise money to teach our kids LGBTQ lifestyles and DEI. And there’s no global warming component to deal with……or is there?
Wacked-out, phoney commies really know how to spoil a great day.
Happy Easter, everyone!
Whidbey, I commend you for the strength of your faith. It seems to tell you there is no creator. Therefore, you apparently believe the basic components of the cosmos just popped into existence in the void of space without explanation? There are only three observable basic components: matter/energy (singular because of E=MC2, life (the spirit of), and time. Logically, a creator is necessary for these components to exist. However, that creator must obviously be unbound by the natural laws which govern all creation. That is only possible if the creator exists in a different dimension outside of the cosmos itself. The only entity fitting this description is Yahweh, the one true god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the one and only Creator, who lives with His Son Yeshuah in a spirit dimension which Yeshuah, as the Son of Man, described as not of this world. I assure you, if you humble yourself, and sincerely ask Him to reveal Himself to you, he will do so. Be blessed my friend.
Then there is the Pilate letter to Ceaser saying it is real. He became a believer. Jews shouting crucify him cause the deed. Pilate was afraid of an uprising.
The Governor, who recognized the truth, and spoke in favor of it. But when push came to shove, in order to save his job he sacrificed the truth and love, to stave of unrest amongst the wicked. For 2000+ years hence the Romans have been blamed for putting Jesus on the cross, which is something that they actually were made patsies for. BUT, it would not have happened the way that it did if Pilate had just done what was right and stood for the truth, come what may. Considering all of this, reconciling the will of the Almighty certainly seems for the most part to be beyond human understanding.
Also, it is unfortunate that we have whole lot of Pilates these days, facing similar circumstances, all significant, just not nearly so. Sacrificing the truth for any reason is entirely unacceptable.
What the F! Whidbey?
Seriously. You had every opportunity to just ignore this post. Every opportunity, but instead you had to make a comment.
Why? Tell everyone why.
Or are you just a child?
Eternity is a long time whidbey. You better hope you are right. Though I absolutely know you are wrong. Everything started somewhere now didn’t it.??
The traditional response follows
The Lord is risen, indeed!
The fantasy is the denial of the reality of a God who exists, always has existed and always will exist . Who created us in his image in order to share his love with us and gives us the choice to accept or reject that loving relationship with the consequences being of both a temporal and eternal significance!!
He is risen. And because of Him we live and love. He is risen
I want to wish each and everyone here a beautiful Easter Day! Whether you are a believer or not, man woman or child, citizen or not, enjoy this day.
Thank you paul
Whidbey is clearly one of the atheist agnostic miscreants mentioned in todays other article.
Peace be with you.
And also with you.
The trolls are really angry today. More proof we’ve right.
Haha. Yes Anger is the first sign. Can’t stand to see us having a joyful day.
Dear Lord,
Please help the unbelievers to know the true Grace and Mercy of Christ. This I sincerely pray.
I’m always astonished at the vehement, angry, bitter, cynicism from unbelievers demonstrated on Easter and at any mention of Christian faith – that reaction of itself confirms the truth of the Christian faith. Trolls, wake up! Your denial of God has poisoned your soul.
Amen Rich and ditto my observation as well.
Indeed he has.
Thank you for allowing this commentary if only to share opinions and get people talking about God. He loves you all and will be returning to rescue his children soon. He is Risen.
Christus vincit!
The 2023 Easter thread is risen from the dead!
J – I resurrected it because I’m taking the day off. – sd
Happy Easter, Suzanne!
And to everyone!
Jesus loves the sinner but not the sin.
I will pray that people will accept him in thier heart and repent.
What a beautiful day He has made. Thank you Jesus!
The lack of grace and dignity of some of these posts reveals much. Oh how some are pricked and distressed even though they claim Christ is but a fairy tale. If so, then why bother writing at all? By the act of posting they betray their heart- or lack thereof.
Thank you, Suzanne!
The comments here clearly show that Christ truly IS the “stumbling block” He said He is!
Christ is risen!
By the way, its not “Easter.” Its Resurrection.
Amen! Thank you Jesus! He is risen. What a glorious resurrection day.
A great day to rejoice! He has risen indeed!
If skeptics, backsliders, unbelievers (Widbey the dog, cman, Blaine, loren) can’t see what is clearly obvious to the rest of millions of Christians about Jesus of Nazareth then God will make it so in His own time, when they join the Church with a capital C and go hard for Christ as they once did going hard against him. Some people for years denied Christ before their eyes were open, some people carried it into their graves dying a death as lonely as their lives.
You know I feel empathy for the adult children who grew up in Sacrilegious and legalistic forms of Christianity. Unlike the unbeliever grew up with no bible, no church attendance, no participation in churches activities, those adult children of religious families think its their their moral duty to runaround pulling apart and dividing the rest of us who proclaim Christ hoping to save us from the deceptions they grew up around, when it is them who grew up under deception. In Their pain to be so determined to pull Christians away from God makes me give God more glory that in my life the Christian individuals I encountered were “salt and light” of the earth nothing phony about them nothing legalistic about them, and my mother and mine isolation within my childhood church body was a good thing. His protection from other legalistic families who did the isolating of us instead of loving and caring for a single mother and her daughter, and my peers from church they aren’t following God to this day, and they had more than I did in our churches, here I can boast in the Lord what he gave to me came from Him, else I could be in the same boat as all adult children skeptics. We can make Christ into such a stumbling block for our children and neighbors if we misunderstand God and his Book of instructions.
Well thank you for the shout out, Jen, but I’ve moved on as it’s impossible to make any headway on this site. You remain as indecipherable as ever, I see.
You’re a real gentleman whidbey. Good lord. Have a wonderful day.
Jesus is risen He’s alive
The church is apostate, the church has lost its credibility and has been rendered dead!
Happy Easter
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