Group appeals judge decision on just-got-here Jennie Armstrong’s residency qualifications for legislative office


The group of citizens in District 16, West Anchorage, have chosen to appeal a Superior Court judge ruling that says Rep.-elect Jennifer Armstrong met the residency requirements when she filed for office in June of 2022.

Anchorage Superior Court Judge Herman Walker issued his ruling Monday, which gives the plaintiffs little time to get a ruling from the Alaska Supreme Court on the matter before legislators are sworn on Jan. 17 in Juneau.

Armstrong has given various accounts of when her actual residency in Alaska started, and Judge Walker appeared to be moved by her young-and-restless story of falling in love online with a man from Anchorage, and hooking up with him on a whirlwind trip, then eventually, after coming and going for a while, settled down, married, and had children with him. The question is: Did she move to Anchorage in May of 2019 or in June? Or was it July?

Briefs from the parties are due at midnight Wednesday. A schedule for hearing has not yet been published by the court.


  1. So why would true Alaskans vote for her? I don’t care what party in this case but I would never vote for a carpet bagger.

  2. Whatever the truth is about her length of residency. (And I hope it comes out and the law is applied to the case) I’m so happy to hear that she’s married and is raising a family with her husband here. Well Done! ?

  3. The judge made the wrong decisions here! While I respect that he didn’t want to discourage from coming to Alaska young women who need a good shagging he should not have wanted to entice them by saying they can also become members of the Alaska House of Representatives upon arrival. That is bound to attract exactly the wrong kind of adventuress. I guess we know what the judge was thinking; but what were voters thinking?

  4. This should be a simple yes or know. This is why the courts are so far behind. Was she here long enough or not?

  5. We were once a nation of laws that followed the rule of law, it would be nice to get back to being a nation of laws that follows the rule of law.

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