The Alaska Republican Party District 29 committee has passed three resolutions, sanctioning Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Republican elected leaders for defying the will of the members and the platform of the party.
The first resolution calls for the party as a whole to sanction U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski. She has worked against the Republican Party by encouraging voters to vote no on the repeal of ranked-choice voting, and she has worked against President Donald Trump and the Alaska Republican Party platform for years. The resolution says she has a long history of working against the Alaska Republican Party and thus deserves a permanent sanction and censure, making her forever ineligible for support or endorsement by the party or its affiliates.
The U.S. senator has already been sanctioned twice in the past by the state Republican Party, but those sanctions had expiration dates that coincided with elections.
Regardless of whether Murkowski remains a Republican, the district, which covers portions of Wasilla and the Eastern Matanuska-Susitna Valley, asks the Alaska Republican Party recruit a challenger for Murkowski in 2028 and bar her from participating in any formal Republican events.
The Valley Republican Women of Alaska, a subdivision of the Alaska Republican Party, last week issued a similar resolution.
A second resolution passed by the district members calls for sanctioning and censuring Sens. Gary Stevens, Bert Stedman, Cathy Giessel, Kelly Merrick, and Jesse Bjorkman, because they have joined with Democrats to form a majority in the Senate in violation of Alaska Republican Party rules passed in 2024, which says Republicans will not join a majority where more than one-third of the members are not Republicans. (Article VII, Section 1(e)).
“Senators Stevens, Stedman, Giessel, and Merrick have a consistent record of flipping Alaska’s legislative bodies from Republican to Democrat majorities,” the resolution says.
The district is calling upon the party to permanently sanction these elected legislators and find qualified candidates to challenge them, “declaring these elected officials permanently ineligible for endorsement or support by the ARP or its affiliates, and permanently prohibiting participation in ARP events, and any other appropriate sanction not disallowed by ARP or RNC Rules.”
A third resolution calls for the party as a whole to sanction turncoat members of the Alaska House of Representatives.
“Representatives Chuck Kopp and Louise Stutes have joined a Majority Caucus where more than 1/3 of its members are non-Republicans, in violation of ARP 2024 Republican Party Rules, Article VII, Section 1(e),” the resolution says.
As with the resolution on the senators,”District 29 calls for permanent Sanctioning of both Representatives Chuck Kopp
and Louise Stutes, to include permanent censure, declaring both elected officials permanently ineligible for endorsement or support by the ARP or its affiliates, recruiting a challenger, and permanently prohibiting participation in ARP events, and any other appropriate sanction not disallowed by ARP or RNC Rules.”
When your elected representative’s focus reveals them to be a self-centered poser, you have found yourself a professional politician.
It’s about time and very long overdue. Murkowski is no Republican. Never has been. She is the classic example of a RINO. Why has the Republican party put up with the likes of her, Susan Collins, Romney and Kissinger for so long?
DANG! It’s about time! CLEAN OUT THE RINO’s
Should’ve been heavy-handed “punitive” sanctions along with ‘tariffs’ for Lisa. Lien all of the assets of the Murkowski family, within AK and anywhere else, exercising heavy fees (tariffs), and apply aggressive – militant lawfare! Then, initiate a recall petition effort. Obviously, the standard sanctions and censorship efforts hasn’t gotten her attention and are effectively toothless. This is clearly class warfare and we can’t win by playing this political game with The Marquess of Queensbury Rules.
Impeach her and her dad AFTER she leaves office too.
Thank you Lisa Murkowski. You represent all Alaskan’s: Republican, Democratic, Independent, ect. You have courage and you have spine.
False statement. She doesn’t represent Republicans. Not many Independents either, including myself. She represents the Democrats and that’s the party who sent her back to DC. Joe Miller beat her in 2010 and Kelly T. would have beat her, but for RCV…….another Democrat scheme. Lisa is a traitor to the party who helped install her. She has no courage or spine to stand up to LGBTQ, RCV, DEI, wokeism, BLM, or any other radical left-wing mob controlled American haters. She does not belong in DC.
But you can have her all you want Georgianna.
Your ignorance of the proper use of the possessive vs. the plural (it is “Alaskans”, not “Alaskan’s”), something you should have learned by the end of grade school, is merely indicative of the pervading and profound ignorance of the average Princess Lisa voter.
She’s just another uneducated, ignorant, America-hating Democrat, Jefferson. They only speak the lines handed to them. No common sense and no independent thinking.
Lisa does what’s good for Lisa.
OMG!!! LMAO!!!! ?
That is a laughable statement. She is the worst Senator that Alaska has ever had. If it wasn’t for the fact that her daddy handed her the job all those years ago she would never have been elected. The day he handed her the job was the day my husband and I switched our political party from Republican to Undeclared. Can’t wait for her to be gone!
So well put thank you she needs to go ASAP
The resolutions should have explicitly labeled Princess Lisa and RINO company what they really are: traitors.
Excellent it’s war.
Relax. Not your kind of war.
It’s about time that these sanctions be taken and followed by permanent sanctions by State Republican organization. They should not be able to receive any funds or solicit money using the Republican Party name. I no longer support the AK Republican Party because of these RINOS giving the Democrats the majority in every legislative session.
You can either get on or get off this train we are going to straighten this damn mess out. The people have had it right up to their ears with this crap.
You can’t even get a full PFD. You can do nothing
Does that include Greg’s line of constant BS?
Count me in.
Yep he is just a mouth piece. Nothing more nothing less. Sort of a waste of good breathing air isn’t he. ??
Outstanding, finally ‘common sense’ in motion!!
Our district needs to do the same!
Every district that voted republican should get on board and do the same. Thr republican party in Alaska is becoming a joke.
?I agree!
Why do we keep letting her remain a member of our party? She should be expelled.
Problem is the Ak GOP , they are not representing Alaskans either . They are the party of Lisa and not the party of the people with conservative views . They are just as responsible in my mind that RCV was ushered in the dark of night . Instead of straightening out their party politics and letting Sarah run against Begich , they put Portola in . GOP politics in Alaska suck and the GOP are the real Rinos .
When RCV was used to vote In the first election , we were so confused as to how our vote was to be counted in that fiasco of an election . The GOP should have explained to everyone in the party how that shell game election would work and how their votes would be tallied , but no , promoting GOP . That’s the real problem folks . The Ak GOP party appears to be controlled and contrived out of Anchorage . Anchorage is the party of the people . It’s getting turned into a leftest stronghold . The homeless population is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg for corruption and government waste . Heck in two years the city of Anchorage has squandered over $100M on homeless . That’s less than two thousand hobo’s . Where the heck is the money going ? No one knows ? $500,000 per hobo!
When I think of RCV , I think of AkGOP, and yes folks it lies squarely on them .
Most of the ding dongs that post in this paper use their hamsters nickname for their post . I wish they required a real name to out these weasels with these goofy nick names . Man up ! No more hiding behind your keyboard making stupid comments .
Another whiner who doesn’t understand politics and will use any excuse to bellyache from his media desk. Get involved Dan! The Alaska GOP has a sizable conservative majority and a limited ability to control its members. It’s a Party, not a dictatorship. The majority of the GOP leadership voted to sanction Lisa Murkowski – what do you think we can do? If your voice is worth listening to – if you want to contribute and learn – the Alaska Republicans will listen.
I strongly disagree that RCV is brought to us by the GOP.
Sarah ran despite the will of the 2022 AKGOP Convention, of which I was part. Get your facts straight Dan, please. I’m really tired of folks who are quick to criticize but won’t help out.
Get involved , I think you are the problem if you are part of the GOP or Republican Party . I want no part of it . You folks took the bait and switch . Totally responsible for not finding a suitable person to run for governor or US Senate . Fricken joke . GOP , grifters , opportunists and pimps !
Thorne , facts are straight . Different view from the north . Joe Miller and stick that in your ear and if it doesn’t fit , there is another orifice that rhymes . No one’s ever called me a whiner ! That’s a first
Kick them out! Make it illegal for them to use the “R” by their name. Birds of a feather and… you know the thing.
The other problem is, when a real conservative gets on the ballot, the left puts up a false Republican to split the vote.
Which is easy to figure out and taken care of with RCV.
She is no good for Alaska!
Take their politician lunch money away.
They are just interested in the money.
Wow, the Alaska repubs have finally grown a set!!
More of this, please. More of THIS!
This is ridiculous. Democrats elected these women. They work for the Democrats.
EXPEL them from the Republican Party.
They should all be greeted with pointing and laughing any time they appear in public
Does Lisa ever appear in public here in Alaska? I wished she would so we could do exactly what you say.
Similar should be applied to the miscreants of the local Assembly
Chuck, for years I have wished I would run into Princess Lisa in public, just to REALLY tell her, face to face, just what I think of her RINO duplicity and treason. It would NOT be a civil discussion!
I hugged her once. Kind of boney.
So that’s what happened to you…
I hugged her back in 2010 after the write-in. Not much to hang onto then either. I like my job. I don’t have to run into her while I’m down in Mexico inspecting taco stands. Overweight Mexican gals know how to roll a taco, and I love how they prepare enchiladas.
Vern couldn’t run a noodle stand. That’s why he married up, or ……..down.
It took them long enough!!
This is long overdue for all of these traitors!
Ah, the reckoning is at hand.
The foolish Dems and Rinos have accused Trump of being a dictator. After witnessing all I have over the past 12 years within the corrupted deepstate establishment, I hope they are right. We need a strong leader who will take out the trash. No more playing footsie with these corrupt politicians who do nothing but lie to the people along with their corrupt media cronies.
If the Dems are afraid of retribution, they very damn well should be. The rest of us are tired of being rolled over by those who do nothing to improve the situation and only point the fingers of blame at the innocent.
I have paid my taxes ever since I started working, but because I am responsible and successful, the parasite class always wants to take from me with nothing to offer back.
Trump is here by the will of the people who are sick of the old guard deception tactics. We are taking our country back and it will not be pretty for the Dems and Rinos.
Fall in line! Do not exercise independent thought! Do as your Party masters tell you!
Today’s Republican party sure looks a lot like the Soviet Union…
Sounds like a whole lot of projection. CNN and company have been screeching that Trump is “literally Hitler” and you fools keep clapping like seals, free of your own independent thought.
We voted for Trump because he is doing the work we WANT him to do. We chose him because he aligns with our perspective. You think of us as mindless. Go ahead, keep it up. When you underestimate us, you fall into the trap we have set. This is why we are winning and you are still trying to cope with weak demoralization efforts.
If someone runs as a repub or dem or whatever, one expects them to uphold party rules and support the platform. There are plenty of parties one can affiliate with or become an independent. No one is forcing anyone to be a republican. Parties are there for a reason, so the people voting for someone know what those people will represent when they are elected. If I vote for you because you are running as a democrat, I expect you will act like a democrat not like a republican or vice-a-versa. What’s the point otherwise. If you run as a republican and don’t do what the Republican Party stands for then you have deceived those who voted for you.
District 29 could also be known as “the thinnest skinned people in Alaska district” alternatively. Why elect politicians if they have to vote 100% by party line. Couldn’t computers do the same and save us all the expense of Juneau?
With your”logic”, you’d purchase a Kia with BMW decals at full BMW sticker price
Merrick and Murkowski need to go!
Not a eunuch anymore? Alaska’s ball(s) just dropped! Who knew? Thank God!
Very thoughtful comment
The problem I have is this will do nothing unless you change the voters mind in these Districts these traitors represent or not represent . I voted for Merrick the first time and she betrayed my representation therefore I did not vote for in this last election but stupid voters in the district did. She is a turn coat and as such should be shunned by any resident in the Eagle River/Chugiak/Eklutna area. I do not care if you disagree with me or not but she is the worst representation of our district and she along with her husband need to GTH out of Eagle River.
Excellent! Alaskan rinos got to go. They are committing fraud by posing as republicans. Let them run as who they are- democrats.
Also, where is Louise Stutes on that list for censure? She needs to be added.
Sanctioning, really, good luck with that considering none of the name individuals probably could care less about getting a hand slap. As long as RCV keeps pitting Repub against Repub in the general election the likes of Murkowski and Merrick will keep winning.
Great just Valley Republicans Women of Alaska. Now the State GOP needs to do the same. No more money until SERIOUS actions are taken against the RINOS in the state of Alaska!
The problem is much of the money, at least for national elections, comes for the National Republican Party, at least for murkowski. I don’t know how it all works but the state repubs need to get together with the national and make their grievances heard regarding murkowski.
We need to keep the princes in the news so when the election comes around everybody will know what a fake she is.
Time to flush the AK Republican Party turlet of all the useless floaters. That list is a good start.
Good. It’s about time. What’s the point of having a party if no one adheres to the platform or rules. If you don’t want to adhere to the platform and rules of the party go join another party that fits you better otherwise you are being a user and a hypocrite at best or knowingly deceiving people for your own ends at the worst.
Murkowski did the right thing!! This country is NOT Safe with Trump’s picks!!
If your Trump Derangement Syndrome lasts for four or more years, call a mental health professional and have them make fun of you.
You think he has that long?
Yeah. They will find out. Too late sadly.
Meaningless gesture. The AK GOP is beyond help.
Had to read 41 comments before someone made at finally pointed out the obvious.
MA is correct. Again. The AK Repubs did this to Murk after her two Trump impeachment votes and then… rescinded it. She’s like a stain on your favorite shirt you can’t seem to get out.
The district 29 folks are doing what the cowardly AK GOP should be doing. Maybe they should be running the state GOP.
Why are my posts censored so much? I thought you all believed in free speech.
Were you playing nice?
A lot of my comments are never posted, because Suzanne is Exercising Her Free Speech. It’s her News Site, She gets to pick and choose what she wants. There are certain things that She doesn’t agree with——So why should She Post Them. She allows us a lot Freedom, be grateful and thankful for it.
Because if you were really for freedom you would have better views on the world and how it turns. They taught that in elementary school.
Princess Murkowski just violated the Logan Act. When PAm Bondi files charges and she’s tried and found guilty she’ll be a real convicted felon. US Senate should cut their losses and remove her today. FPL
It’s not going to happen and she’s not going anywhere
O she is going somewhere alright.
Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, you’re fired! Time to be either Democrat or Independent, but definitely not Republican.
You can say that Again
Better late than never. This is positive. Let’s rid ourselves of all RINOS and chair warmers picked by Others. We need warriors. We need a fresh American First team.
Thank you, sanctions are way over due, we need a candidate, is Kelly interested?
I’m a Alaskan Native, the way I see it Lisa is working for the People of Alaska, I am happy to see her standing up to that LRA trump! Keep up the good work!
That is simply because you are part of the brainwashed Alaskan Native Democratic Plantation, held in thrall by those in power (i.e., Democrats and RINOs, like the traitorous Princess Lisa) via their control of the purse strings to the innumerable and unjustifiable taxpayer-funded benefits that are disproportionately and wrongly showered on the economic black hole that is Bush Alaska.
You, Leonard, are a perfect example of being part of the problem.
Instead of wasting time sanctioning Republicans, which has little impact, Republicans need to pass a law that requires a letter of authorization to use the party name when filing to run. It’s so easy to take the name “Republican” away from those who don’t follow the platform. Do it!
Interesting to me that the ppl who are the least, in Republican values and actual Conservative views… all bleat at how someone with true and proven conservatism is not one of them. Lisa, just like her dad, is more Republican than any of you extremists.
Fools everyone of you…how sad ?
Your words are empty and without meaning, and I do not hear them.
Unfortunately this document is about like having covenants in a subdivision, basically unenforceable! Can someone explain to all of the rest of us who are wondering, how worried Murkowski or any of the rest of this group, really are? It definitely hasn’t mattered in the past. After Murkowski ran as an independent she could hardly be called a Republican and if I remember right she was disbarred. However it didn’t take long before she was calling herself a Republican again! Someone’s not telling the truth in all of this and I’m afraid that the people named in this Sanction aren’t the only ones who are being dishonest!
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