Blowback: Republican women’s club denounces Sen. Lisa Murkowski and calls for her censure

Sen. Lisa Murkowski and former Rep. Mary Peltola, whom she supported.

Valley Republican Women of Alaska on Saturday passed a resolution condemning Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski for several offenses, including her public opposition to President Donald Trump and his plan to Make America Great Again, and her failure to support the Alaska Republican Party platform.

The resolution calls out Murkowski for not voting to confirm Pete Hegseth for secretary of the Department of Defense, and her active support for ranked-choice voting, as well as her disregard for the expressed values, priorities, and will of the Alaska Republican Party.

In the resolution, the women’s club calls for the immediate sanctioning of Murkowski by the party as a whole. The party will have to take up the request at its Feb. 22 State Central Committee meeting in Juneau.

In addition, the women’s club demands that Murkowski consider changing her party affiliation so the public will be able to distinguish her from the rest of the Republicans.

Murkowski has been sanctioned by the party as a whole in the past, specifically for bucking the party she says she is a member of.

She was sanctioned by the party in 2021, after she voted to impeach Donald Trump even after he was no longer in office. On March 16, 2021, the Alaska Republican Party voted to censure Murkowski and announced that it would recruit a Republican challenger in the 2022 election cycle. But that cycle contained the special feature that Murkowski’s dark-money network had rigged — ranked-choice voting. The method of gaming the election system helped her win the jungle primary with the help of the Democrats.

In 2010, she was sanctioned for running a write-in campaign against the Republican nominee, Joe Miller.

While those sanctions expired, Murkowski is not a welcomed guest at Republican events and has not been invited to speak at conventions that the party has held. She’s not only anti-Trump, she is misaligned with the party itself.

Earlier this week, the chairwoman of the Alaska Republican Party issued a pointed letter asking the Alaska senators to vote to confirm Hegseth. It was aimed at Murkowski, since Sen. Dan Sullivan had already stated he would be a yes vote.

Read the entire resolution from the Valley Republican Women of Alaska here:


    • For the benefit of readers, the following is copied from the ERIC website:
      “The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization created by and comprised of state election officials from around the United States. Founded in 2012, ERIC is funded and governed by states that choose to join. ERIC is the most effective tool available to help election officials maintain more accurate voter rolls and detect possible illegal voting. ERIC also helps states reach out to potentially eligible but not yet registered individuals with information on how best to register to vote.”

      • “… effective…”
        If it is effective, why do so many States that use ERIC have so many errors in their voter rolls? Dead people, people who moved out of state, etc… All over the place in Alaska and other states that use ERIC.
        That is the opposite of effective.

  1. It is a start, But she needs to be excommunicado ! Strip away her committees, reduce her staff Put her in a Freshman’s office. Do not fund her next election bid, Make an example out of her! She Stated she was no longer a Republican fine. Resign since you lied by running as one.
    Thomas Lovings Show From KVNT

    • Alaska Republicans can easily take the name “Republican” away from Murkowski, but for some reason that they don’t explain, they just won’t do it.

  2. Does anyone really believe that Lisa Murkowski cares one iota about what the Republican Women of Alaska thinks about her? With regard to rank choice voting (RCV), that was the means for Murkowski to keep her seat. In a majority or plurality election Murkowski would fail and she knows it. We failed by allowing RCV to enter the election process and we failed to eliminate the last election cycle. We need to do a better job than the liberals in that regard.

    • Don Smith: you’ve been the voice of reason for decades. I’ll take more old farts with brains and principle rather than intellectual lightweights who continue to defend legislation and statute that continue to deliver corrupt results.

    • Are you sure you are not confusing her election with that of Mary Peltola’s. RCV had nothing to do with Murkowski’s ability to be re-elected. She received a plurality of the vote in the first-round and thus would have won without any instant runoff.

  3. The only way to get Murkowski turncoat to fall in line is negative press. Need ads throughout the state and on National tv. She needs to learn a political lesson. Too bad Thune doesn’t dump her from committees!

  4. Ooooo.
    Sanctions again.
    The horror.
    Murkowski is in office because the RINO NeoCon Republican crowd keeps voting for her.
    Look in the mirror.
    If you’ve EVER voted for her – you are the problem.
    It ain’t all centrist Democrats and natives voting for her.
    Trump won – so we can tell the truth right?…

    • I have NEVER voted for the traitorous Princess Lisa, and I still insist that anyone who has EVER voted for her should be ashamed of themselves, if only for the act of validating the shamefully nepotistic manner in which she received her senate seat from her equally loathsome father. That alone automatically disqualified her for any serious consideration for re-election, yet a majority of shortsighted Alaskans apparently felt otherwise.

      If you ever voted for Princess Lisa, even once, YOU are the problem!
      She is merely the symptom.

    • The constitution does not allow for recall of members of congress.

      Congress can expel her (not likely) or she can resign. (I remain hopeful)

      Mumblin’ Mitch McConnell supports her, and funneled senate Republican funds to her campaign.

      We need to remove RCV and get Alaskans to:
      1. Vote like their quality of life depends on it
      2. Show up

    • Why not simply take the name Republican away from her? At the very least, pass a law that prevents her from running and campaigning as a Republican. Force her to run as an independent. It’s very easy to pass a law that requires party authorization to use the party name, certainly with regard to the election ballot.

  5. More of this. More of this PLEASE. Great move, Republican Women’s Club. More (R) organizations need to step up and do this. You won’t get this from Lisa’s establishment friends and school buddies. The more that conservatives raise their voice about this charlatan, the better. She needs to feel ashamed to show her face in Alaska. Then she needs to be Cheneyed. The sooner the better.

  6. What does it take to expel Murkowski from the GOP and be done with it?
    Sure and Alaskans have to endure this vermin until its term expires, but that’s no reason Alaska people shouldn’t call every talk show in the country and denounce it.

    • One simple and effective thing to do would be to pass a law that requires candidates get a letter of authorization from the party to use the party name when filing to run. The party may be able to extend that authorization to use of the party name at all.

  7. Top Murkowski Contributors:
    American Israel Public Affairs Cmte
    KKR & Co (global investment firm)
    National Republican Senatorial Cmte
    Trident Seafoods
    Top Contributing Industries:
    Securities & Investment
    Oil & Gas
    Leadership PACs
    Lawyers/Law Firms
    Follow the money.

  8. I suggest Lisa seek psychiatric assistance ASAP. From years of outside reports, I can run a competent psychological profile without an in-person examination. I can reveal that she is borderline schizophrenic and depressed. Her facial expression shows an elderly lady in deep despair. Lisa needs immediate intervention and long term therapy. She has become dangerous to herself and lacks stability. She needs help……

    • Howdy Dr. Dan. I did an extreme close up of Lisa’s eyes in the photograph above. They look MANIACAL to me, and I’m not a doctor. Thanks for your great comment.

    • I do not hate Lisa Murkowski. Let me be clear on that. But the woman is not stable and should not be a US Senator. Her confusion as to her role as a leader is causing her great anxiety, with an increasing tendency towards bitterness and anger. This could be a product of childhood upbringing. I met her parents years ago and they seemed like stable people, especially Mrs. Murkowski. But 40 plus years in the limelight of political power and being in the public’s eyes can cause very deep emotional effect on well-being.
      Lisa has grown up in this bubble of stardom and it is affecting her judgment. She is further destabilized by her persona of fighting off the friends who helped her into her past political successes. Unfortunately, we are watching this poor woman decouple from reality. She needs help!

      • Ms. toots:
        I have no comments to make on Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and her husband, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Liz Cheney, or many others who may have various mental incapacitations. The public is very aware of the personalities of all of the above named and the public has responded accordingly.
        I’m only interested in Lisa Murkowski at the moment because I live in Alaska and am concerned for Alaskans.

        • We’ll put, Dr. Dan. Toots may also need mental evaluation. Her Trump Derangement Syndrome is going to be around for at least four years.

      • What about me? I’m as stable as Nancy. It was my idea to get Nancy back into the Alaska Republican Women luncheons and teas. My idea to move to Wrangell where we could hide out for the rest of our lives. And I kept the Governor’s mansion and Governor’s Lear Jet in good condition.

    • Unfortunately, there is not much the Party can do. Resolutions? – are nice but just make her laugh. Censure? – another laugh, this time a bit bitter. Cut off monetary support? – she has regular donors that give far more than the Party, and she has enough money not to worry about it. The caucus traitors are more interested in power than principle. So what are we accomplishing? Basically nothing but expressing our own feelings – she, and they – are already well aware that Conservatives hate them. Bad press helps… but what is needed is a well-funded opposition candidate to run against murky in 2026 that we can ALL get behind. Vote the bums out. We must do better than Joe Miller – a great candidate who fell to a well oiled and funded machine. The difference now is that the Bush is willing to look at GOP candidates, even Conservatives, as they’ve seen what the ‘rats did to them and how princess Lisa has helped the ‘rats. AKGOP, do not neglect the Bush.

  9. We worked for the Joe Miller campaign in 2010, and we tried to tell people then that Murkowski was a RINO but no one would listen. Many of our fellow republicans have been arrogant and even plain ignorant and refuse to see what is right in front of their eyes. They can’t make a decision and have everyone stick together with the majority, but instead constantly fight each other. Wake up people and get your act together and get rid of this parasite!

    • Yup.
      It’s because of the RINO NeoCon Republicans that have voted for her over and over.
      The JEB, GWB, McCain, Graham, McConnell, Sullivan types.
      Never forget, Sullivan voted for all of Bidens nominees, his infrastructure bill, and the Ukraine aid – yet most of you will vote for him again.
      Think about it.

      • Joe Geldhof, unfortunately we can’t print in MRAK what former Judge Joe Miller has to say about you. But we can say that Miller, who graduated from West Point, served as a Captain in the US Army, was a tank commander in Desert Storm, graduated with honors from Yale Law School, is a licensed Alaska attorney and former magistrate judge, has you beat in spades in personal credentialing. But Joe Geldhof is still a legend in his own mind.

  10. If you blow up this picture you can see how MANIACAL Lisa’s eyes are. Maybe we can Dump her as a Medical Psycho Path. Bi Polar voting. Illusions of Grandeur. The World has to wait on her to make up her mind. Special elections just to stay in office. Being appointed Senator by her father made her extra special. Yep, l think she is Psychologically Unfit for office.

  11. The irony of a women’s group condemning a woman for not supporting a misogynist for SECDEF is pure comic gold. Remember folks, Pete Hegseth paid $50,000 to a woman who accused him of sexual harassment to make a case go away. Do innocent people do that? Seems he just wanted to make the whole thing go away as quickly and quietly as possible.

    But hey, party of Family Values, am I right?

    • Yes, innocent people do that. Corporations do that. It’s unfortunate, but in our system it is often much cheaper and more expedient to pay rather than fight. It is also not uncommon these days for people to use any means necessary to get what they want. Maybe Hegseth sexually harassed the woman, maybe he was falsely accused. We will never know.

      • Well said. I talked to an attorney who assisted in the settlement of a medical malpractice case, and he told me point blank that he thought his side was in the right, but they settled for a few tens of thousands; he thought it would take too much work to educate the jury about the illness in question, so it wasn’t worth the risk of taking it to court.

    • No, you are not right. There are two sides to every story. There are also the reports that contradict the claims. You appear to have read only the one you wanted to use to say he’s guilty and completely ignored everything else. Looks like part of the left’s find or claim anything you can smears and character assassination plan to get rid of someone as is so common these days.

    • Leftist language lesson.
      misogynist = racist
      When a leftist calls someone a misogynist you know you have just won the argument. I guess racist is outdated now. And, when misogynist gets old, they will come up with a new way to close the argument.

  12. The only way to remove Murkowski from office is by the US Senate. This and the governor’s authority to appoint a New US Senator must change.
    Frank Murkowski appointed his daughter to the office
    Lisa Murkowski’s write-in campaign against Joe Miller. The “GOOD OLE BOY’s PARTY” rigged an illegal write-in campaign. It must be changed to a special election.
    Lisa Murkowski should be investigated for unethical or illegal practices as a U S Senator. The people of Alaska should vote for a replacement U S Senator just as we do for a U S Representative to office

  13. She was censured once before by the GOP. Then they lifted it after she won reelection.
    Craig Campbell tired to defend the action here and got ratioed out of existence.

    The AK GOP is beyond useless.

  14. Sorry to say, but Kow looks like Gollum’s older sister in that photo.
    She is deranged and driven by that derangement. I do not care what her personal convictions are- we aren’t supposed to have a representative who votes their own convictions. They are supposed to represent the agenda of the people whose banner they were elected under. She remains an “R” but she does not represent the party’s platform. She either needs to go fully Democrat or (please!) go away completely.

  15. Re: “the women’s club demands that Murkowski consider changing her party affiliation…”

    The Women’s Club needs to advocate that the Republican Party take the name from her, at least when she runs and campaigns. The party should be able to decide who is a member and who is not, especially for candidates and public officials, or at least have some role to play.

    Re: “The method of gaming the election system helped [Murkowski] win the jungle primary with the help of the Democrats.”

    There is no “gaming” because it’s nothing more than a general election held in two rounds or two stages. It was the old system of party primaries that constitutes “gaming” or cheating because it allowed a small, unrepresentative number of people to use a private nomination process to dictate the outcome of the whole election.

    Re: “But that cycle contained the special feature that Murkowski’s dark-money network had rigged — ranked-choice voting.”

    RCV had nothing to do with Murkowski’s ability to be re-elected.


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