Governor to quarantine after brush with Covid-19


Gov. Mike Dunleavy is self-quarantining after finding out on Sunday that he was was in close contact on Saturday with an individual who was later found to be positive for the coronavirus.

Dunleavy has not been vaccinated against the contagion, according to MRAK sources. He has publicly stated he will get the vaccine after all who need it (elderly, health compromised) have had an opportunity to get the series. Dunleavy is 59 years old and has had some heart health issues in the past.

After receiving a COVID-19 rapid test, the governor immediately went into self-isolation at his home in the Mat-Su Valley. The test result came back this morning and was negative, he continues to show no symptoms of the disease.

The governor is following the self-quarantine procedures set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services by remaining at his residence for a minimum of seven days, according to his press office.

“Like so many other Alaskans who have experienced a close contact, he will continue to fulfill his duties by teleworking from home and receive additional tests until it is certain he is free of the virus,” the statement read.


  1. I hope he recovers with zero problems.
    Assuming any actual exposure.

    That said, he’s been in political quarantine since he was emasculated in Wasilla. His absence probably won’t be noticed.

  2. Can anyone point to a single documented instance of an asymptomatic person spreading the disease?
    A single instance. Anyone?

  3. He’ll be just fine. I’m 56 with asthma and recovered from my infection in an afternoon. Maybe while he’s sitting at home he can call the Canadians and see if they’ll let SE Alaska have cruise ships this year. Of course, they became vengeful (and rightly so) when Biden shut down their pipeline. Just a little side project he can work on since Juneau’s leaders have done nothing.

  4. Guess it’s back to the video games while the idiots run our state. No public interviews, how convenient. What I do understand is why this “disaster ” declaration must continue,$$$. So if you live in the bush (village) you get 2000 bucks per person to buy food and 1600 dollars a week unemployment even if you never had a job. Who would ever want that to end? Mind you, I don’t have facts to substantiate this, just a source. Maybe we should ask our Governor, but I’ve heard that he’s not fond of answering tough questions. And now he has found a good excuse to excommunicate himself from questions.

  5. I have resorted to placing my cell phone under the apples in the produce isle at the grocery store just to give those invasive contact tracers a run for their money. “Suckers”

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