Gov. Greg Abbott deploys new border force to fight ‘catastrophic disaster’ as Title 42 ends



Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday he is deploying a tactical border force ahead of the public health authority Title 42 ending on Thursday.

The plans were unveiled on the tarmac of the Austin Bergstrom International Airport.

As he spoke, the new Texas National Guard Tactical Border Force Unit began loading up behind him into black helicopters and C-130 military planes.

“President [Joe] Biden is laying down a welcome mat to people across the entire world saying that the United States border is wide open and it will lead to an incredible amount of people coming across the border illegally,” Abbott said, which will “cause a catastrophic disaster in the United States.”

Citing Biden administration estimates that 13,000 foreign nationals are expected to cross the southern border illegally every day, he said that amounts to about 4.7 million people who “will be coming across the border illegally,” or more “than there are residents of the massive city of Chicago.”

In response, he said, “Texas is doing more than any other state in the United States of America to defend the southern border.”

Adjutant General of the Texas Military Department Major General Thomas Suelzer said the Texas National Guard has executed a multiphase response to Title 42 ending. Phase 1 began last month and is complete, he said, involving shifting troops to hot spots along the border. Last month, 200 additional troops were deployed to El Paso and they also erected 22,000 miles of concertina wire barriers to block illegal entry between ports of entry.

“Yesterday two quick reaction forces were deployed,” Suelzer said to opposite ends of the Texas-Mexico border. One is currently deployed in El Paso. Another is arriving in the Rio Grande Valley later Monday, he said.

“What you are seeing behind you is phase 3,” he said. The tactical border unit is comprised of 450 personnel who are being deployed to El Paso and to the RGV. The same operation will occur again with over 200 personnel leaving for the RGV Tuesday, he said, completing phase 3 of the operation.

This is in addition to Texas having already deployed 10,000 National Guard troops and 1,200 Texas DPS troopers to the border.

Suelzer also said he “had the honor of eating dinner with these troops last night. I can tell you the morale is high among the troops and their dedication to the state of Texas is inspirational.”

Despite Texas troops effectively blocking illegal entry between ports of entry south of El Paso, the city declared a state of emergency after thousands arrived at ports of entry believing the border is open and were released into the community by Border Patrol agents. With no money and no means for transportation or plans, people from all over the world have taken over and set up tents on sidewalks downtown and in surrounding areas.

In the RGV in Brownsville, guardsmen last week shut down a major crossing between ports of entry, Abbott said. The same tactic will be deployed elsewhere where troops will use aircraft, boats, night vision equipment, and riot gear “to prepare for anything they may encounter as they are protecting and securing our border,” he said.

Their efforts are different than the 1,500 military personnel deployed by the Biden administration tasked with assisting Border Patrol agents with processing foreign nationals into the U.S.

“They’re doing paperwork,” Abbott said. “They’re not actually going to be on the border to secure the border. The goal of the president is not to stop the people from coming across the border illegally. Our job and what we’re focused on, is trying to stop the people coming across illegally.”

The governor said there wouldn’t be any “entanglement” between Texas troops and those the president deployed “because the president is not going to have his troops down there trying to secure the border.”

“Texas has the ability to secure the border,” Abbott said in response to a reporter inquiry. “If we were acting in isolation, we would have secured the border. We are doing everything possible to try and stop people from crossing the border. At the very same time the president of the United States is putting out the welcome mat. The cartels know it’s the federal government that controls the immigration process. The cartels are working in collaboration with President Biden and the federal government to facilitate that illegals cross the border.”

Referring to Texas, he said, “we are being overrun by our own federal government. Texas is being undermined by our own federal government and our efforts to secure our border. It’s only Joe Biden and his open border policies that’s hindered out ability to secure the border.”


  1. I’m surprised that Abbott’s WEF globalist masters are allowing him to make even a pretense of defending the border. The Great Replacement Program must be accelerated!

  2. The border boundary that President Trump caused to be (partially) completed has awarded greater peace among the different cultures who function with very strong community bonds where there is a barrier built. He should receive an honorary doctorate for that.

  3. Because it is a national border that is supposed to be guarded by the Feds who are completely incapable of defending anything other than Ukraine with billions of tax dollars in exchange for a lucrative job for my son Hunter. Now quit complaining. We have Ukraine under control as long as you keep paying the bill! It makes more sense to “make war” with Russia in Ukraine than here. Dont you agree?

  4. If we dont defend corruption in Ukraine what will my family do for money besides earning it?

  5. When Hunter went to Mexico to con money from them they just laughed and thought he was a drunken male prostitute. They had no idea he was a prominent successful artist.

  6. There is no way I can fool 80 million voters again so we must import at least another 10-20 million “fools”.

    • The question is, why haven’t we solved this invasion by leveling mexico to the ground? The answer as always is corrupt democrats in power.

  7. [Citing Biden administration estimates that 13,000 foreign nationals are expected to cross the southern border illegally every day, he said that amounts to about 4.7 million people who “will be coming across the border illegally,” or more “than there are residents of the massive city of Chicago.”]

    14,000 people HAVE been coming across the border everyday since Biden took office. There are over 50 million illegal aliens in the country already and their children are considered citizens.
    There are AT LEAST 700,000 soon to be illegal aliens stacked up at the border with Mexico waiting to cross over once title 42 ends this Thursday. That’s almost the entire population of Alaska in new people that shouldn’t be here who will receive welfare, work under the table, and send their non citizen children to our public schools.
    This is a national emergency and all we get is posturing from elected officials and additional paperwork processors being sent down to speed up bogus asylum claims.

  8. Biden’s border policies are not significantly different than Trump’s. Conservatives screaming open borders purely for political gain is not helpful

  9. I was reading a directive to the citizens of Brownsville. “Expect large numbers of migrants to enter the city. They will be closing streets and citizens are advised to remain in their homes and lock their doors.” I love the last part…if you see suspicious activity, call 911. Right, you’ll be lucky to get a busy signal.

  10. Illegal aliens
    Illegal aliens
    Illegal aliens
    Illegal aliens
    Illegal aliens
    Illegal aliens

    NOT “migrants”.

    Although “invaders” works, too.

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