Gov. Dunleavy declares disaster for Haines slides


Updated with names of missing

Gov. Mike Dunleavy has declared a disaster for the Haines area.

A signed disaster declaration will be issued shortly, he said, which will release more resources and assistance, following a massive storm that led to floods, landslides, broken and impassible roads, and the possible loss of two lives over the past 48 hours. It appears that a few houses have been wiped out by a landslide, with two people still missing. Several roads and streets are impassible.

The two individuals who are still missing and presumed lost are Jenae Larson and David Simmons. Larson is a kindergarten teacher in Haines and Larson is the executive director of the Haines Economic Development Corporation.


  1. Just trying to distract from his horrendous mismanagement of Covid response.

    DOJ getting ready to file on that big Turkey. Hope he gets to do time in Goose Creek. Would serve him right.

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