Gov. Dunleavy appoints Cathy Muñoz designee commissioner of Labor


Cathy Muñoz has been acting commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. On Wednesday, Gov. Mike Dunleavy made it official.

Muñoz is now the commissioner designee of the Department. 

“Cathy has been working diligently at the Department of Labor since the month I took office,” said Governor Mike Dunleavy. “As I’ve seen her lead the department as Acting Commissioner, it has become clear that she is the right person to continue to lead the department as an appointed and confirmed commissioner.”

Muñoz’s appointment as Commissioner is subject to legislative confirmation. She has good relations throughout the Legislature, known for fairness, intelligence, and courtesy.

Muñoz joined the Department of Labor and Workforce Development in December 2018 as Deputy Commissioner under Commissioner Tamika Ledbetter, who left last year to pursue other work. Muñoz was named acting commissioner in January, 2023.

She represented Juneau for four terms as a member of the Alaska House of Representatives, and three terms on the City and Borough of Juneau Assembly. 

Workforce development has been a key priority throughout Muñoz’s public service career.

In the Legislature, she served as chairwoman of the Community and Regional Affairs Committee and was a member of the House Finance Committee. She advocated for the University of Alaska vocational training programs and also sponsored a provision in state law allowing for tax credit contributions to vocational education programs.

Muñoz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif. She serves on numerous boards and commissions including the Salvation Army Advisory Board, the Juneau Parks Foundation and the Advisory Board of the University of Alaska Southeast.

Commissioner-designee Muñoz resides in Juneau.


  1. Cathy is totally cool: smart, hard-working, and who – if you know her – can’t help but like her. A Gov is only as good as the people that are selected to support them, and this Gov sure has had some missteps in that regard. But with Cathy, he scores.

  2. Other than being tone deaf enough to offer letters of reference for convicted child molesters and Parents convicted of child neglect, she is a great choice….

    • Bob, Are you aware that the Hoonah Indian Association has requested that a Grand Jury be impaneled to review the facts of the case that you alluded to above? (something about evidence and a Constitutional right to a jury of your peers) The Association has also gone so far as to call upon the Governor to issue a full pardon for the person for whom Cathy wrote a letter of reference.

      I’ve written letters to Judges at sentencing and also letters to Parole Boards for several men that I supervised at work, these letters are important in that they provide a Judge or Board a more balanced viewpoint. I see nothing wrong with what Cathy did. In fact in this case it’s commendable.

      For what it’s worth, I’ve known Cathy and her family for over 50 years, I can attest to Cathy’s character and that of her family. I commend the Governor for appointing Cathy to this office. Given the business that I’m in and the relative size of Alaska’s population it’s been my pleasure to have known several Commissioners of Labor over the years. I believe Cathy will do just fine!

  3. Did Ms. Munoz provide her Bond prior to taking her Oath ?
    Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
    AS 23.05.040. Bond of commissioner.
    The commissioner shall give bond approved by the Department of Administration in the sum of $10,000 running to the state, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the office. The bond shall be filed with the Department of Administration. If she didn’t, then the Governor Appointed her in violation of his Oath & she is an illegal appointment. Look it up anyone it’s a fact.

    • Given that its such a low amount I am not sure it offers the State any real protection in today’s world but since the cost of a $10,000 Surety is only a couple hundred dollars I’m sure its taken care of.

  4. Great! Someone with a degree in political science and a multitude of non-profit experience is about to take the reins of the Dept. of Labor & Workforce Development. I am sure great results will follow!

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