GOP central committee: Thumbs up for Joe Wright for Eagle River Senate, second censure for Rep. Kelly Merrick and no endorsement for Kurka for governor


An effort by gubernatorial candidate Christopher Kurka failed today at the Alaska Republican Party’s State Central Committee’s quarterly meeting. The vote was overwhelming against it.

Kurka, a Republican who is running to the right of Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy, requested the endorsement through his supporters. He has been a harsh critic of Dunleavy since announcing his candidacy in November. He is running a lean campaign, having raised $112,000 but having spent most of it. Overall, he raised $112,692, spent $114,885 and has campaign debt of $8,400. His campaign cash-on-hand in his official 30-day report was $2,653.

As a candidate for governor, he is not able to be a candidate to return to the Alaska House of Representatives, where he has served since January, 2021, representing Wasilla.

Meanwhile, Joe Wright, a candidate for Senate Seat L, received the party’s overwhelming endorsement. Other Republican candidates for that seat are Rep. Ken McCarty and Rep. Kelly Merrick.

After debate, Rep. Merrick (shown in photo above) was censured by the Alaska Republican Party for caucusing with the Democrat-controlled majority in the House. She is now running for Senate but the party sent her a big message today — her behavior has cost her the support of the party officers, who voted heavily in favor of the censure, the second one the officers have passed regarding her in the past year.

There were numerous other endorsements today, including one for Elijah Verhagen for State Senate representing Fairbanks. The SCC did not, however, endorse the sitting incumbent Sen. Click Bishop, a Republican. The party endorsed Republican Sen. Mia Costello of Anchorage, who is facing off against Rep. Matt Claman, a Democrat. Tuckerman Babcock, running for Senate for Kenai, was endorsed by the party; but Jesse Bjorkman, his Republican opponent, was not.

Heath Smith of Homer was endorsed for Senate but incumbent Republican Sen. Gary Stevens was not.


  1. Have we not had up to here with oath takers gone wild rouge. OATH BREAKERS do the most harm live in the nicest houses have the best health insurance went to our best colleges. Yet have the ethics of a snake in the garden of eden. So help them GOD they swore. Ouch

  2. They should endorse Stewart Graham Republican from Wasilla. He is running against Lying Traitor, David Eastman.. Eastman is a big part of the reason every Alaskan got a PFD shortage by $2000, via Kelly Merrick, wife of Conflict of Interest : Union Boss, Joey Merrick. District 10 canidate Stewart Graham is the only person who can stop District 10 Eastman from representing the Walker RINOs in the Alaska State Legislature. Stewart Graham has honorably served on the Wasilla City Comuncil . He is former Air Force. I would Best describe him as very much like Senator Roger Holland.. Stop .Eastman, stop Kelly, stop RINOs, stop Walker, stop them from stealing our full PFD .check. Vote for Stewart Graham District 10
    Run Stew Graham.Run like the Wind.

    • Sarge, I know David Eastman, and he is nothing like what you say about him. David’s biggest “fault” is his standing on principle. I don’t think I’ve met Stewart Graham. The PFD statutory formula must be enshrined in the Constitution. Time for a Convention, it’s worth the risk. As for Governor, I’m supporting the Tall Mike.

      • I voted for him. I stuck up for him on the Mike Porcaro show when they ..where going after him. The Right to have an abortion is in the Alaska State Constitution. The 2022 budget had a full PFD check plus $1200 assistance for high gas prices and inflation. After six years of half a PFD check we were dangerously close setting a precedent . With this year’s full PFD that precident was broken. Then Eastman voted against the whole budget cuz he didn’t want to fund abortions. He is too stupid for me to ever vote for him again. Stewart Graham is a good honorable man who is for a
        full PFD.. I have mistakenly referred to this as district 10, due to redistricting it is now District 20. Give Stewart a call. has it.

        • Your statements epitomize the lefts views on life.
          * Let’s promote irresponsibility and take the peoples money to snuff out a life.

          The PFD should be placed into the State Constitution as the people’s dividend not to be messed with by irresponsible legislators or Governors. Once government gets its claws into more money, they will always waste it and grow government.

          Abortion should be extremely limited and only to save a mothers life due to medical complications during child birth and it would be her choice. It is wrong to take peoples tax money to support abortion on demand, which has killed more people than the holocaust. If you want an abortion, you pay for it! Rep. Eastman has it right. Our tax money should not pay for abortions, period!

          • Michael Johnson said “Rep. Eastman has it right. Our tax money should not pay for abortions, period!” And yet Representative Eastman voted to use tax monies to do just that. Given the fact that Representative Eastman has voted to use tax money to pay for abortions, restrict the PFD, and grow an already bloated budget exactly how does he have it right?

    • So you think that a life of a human is less important then the higher $$ then the PFD. We ALL need the full amount of the PFD, but if we’re voting in taking a life to get it, doesn’t that speak alot for us.

      • No lives were saved by Kurka’s budget vote.Some children did slip back into poverty because of it though.

      • Abortion is in the Alaska State Constitution. It is The Law of The Land. No legislator is gonna pass a law limiting it.Many have tried, it was a waste of time. This year it was a waste of $2000 x 755,000 fellow citizens also.That is a Huge mistake made by Eastman and Kurka. Unforgivable.

    • I’m glad he’s running for governor, since he won’t make the final four and he won’t be in the Legislature next session he won’t be able to cause anymore harm to Alaska.

    • I’m also supporting Kurka! Alaska has a RINO problem in the Republican Party that needs to be cleaned out. There is absolutely no difference between RINOS and Democrats! That’s why they call it the Uni-party. If you keep putting people like Walker & Dunleavy in office this State will never move forward and your rights will continue to be erased. People across the USA are waking up to this fact and taking action. Will Alaska be left behind? Time will tell.

  3. Mia more often than not has resolutely stood for what she understands is the Constitution. Lawyers tend to believe in error their stuff made up (smu) is equal to and more current than the writings ✍ of the founding documents. Not so.

  4. Kurka has the values and the smarts but needs more experience. His PFD move backfired and although he is trying to stand on very worthy convictions you do often have to be a bit more strategic and diplomatic, and not so steamroller-ish to eventually get closer to, or achieve, the goal. I was not happy with that vote. Still, he is someone, value and conservative wise, we should want working in Juneau, and I hope he can continue to do so but learn from that mistake.

    • Kurka carries the water for the leftist, just like Eastman. Neither one is a conservative, look at their voting record and how they vote when it matters, not when it’s for show.

  5. Meanwhile, Lisa Murkowski is still running around the country calling herself a Republican. It makes me wonder if the Republican Party is even relevant.

  6. That mistake cost me and every other Alaskan $2000. No second chances for that kind of ineptitude. As Trump would say “Your fired.” The unborn children lost, the new born children lost,all the adults and good Republican Legislators lost. Both Kurka and Eastman made the Walker people–Unions ,Lobbyists. Democrats very fat and happy. I hope Stewart Graham beats Eastman by 51%.

  7. Rank Choice Voting combined with the redistricting has created significant confusion for voters, party members, and legislators. I was only able to participate in the morning SCC meeting as a guest. As a candidate endorsed by both District 18 (former 23) and District 23, I felt more importance to spend the afternoon going door to door talking with the voters of District L. I am surprised that the SCC did not recognize and endorse (vet) my legitimate Republican candidacy for senator of District L. Yes, Rank Choice redistricting, and confused politics distorts reality. I am thankful that the people of Chugiak / Eagle River are not so easily distorted by reality of what they want. McCarty for State Senate – District L.

  8. Dunleavy wins on the first ballot come November. There won’t be any “#2s” tallied. 1 and done.

    • Yeah, because he has the Dominion Machines and Ranked Choice Voting to usher him back in office like the rest of the globalist clowns.

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