Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite who traveled the Iditarod Trail by plane in 2014 with former Alaska Dispatch (Anchorage Daily News) owner Alice Rogoff, is now a convicted sex offender sentenced to 20 years in prison for trafficking of children with now-dead sexual deviant Jeffrey Epstein.
In December, a jury found Maxwell guilty on five counts of sex-trafficking. Maxwell had groomed and delivered young girls to Epstein, the millionaire financier and convicted sex offender who supposedly hanged himself in his jail cell in 2019.
Maxwell and former ADN owner Alice Rogoff were friends and colleagues back in the days when Rogoff owned and shaped the political landscape of the state, pushing Bill Walker into power as governor, and trying to get her hands on the Alaska Permanent Fund. Rogoff encouraged Walker to use the fund as collateral to borrow money for Alaska projects she was interested in, particularly around Port Clarence.
When Maxwell came to Alaska to spend time with Rogoff during the Iditarod Sled Dog Race in 2014, the year Walker became governor with the help of her newsroom, the two adventured across Alaska, as detailed a few days later in the New York Post’s Page Six gossip column, when it tracked Maxwell down at a soiree in New York City.
Maxwell lived a fast lifestyle and Rogoff and Maxwell both had interests in Arctic issues. Both presented themselves as Arctic experts, although neither had any true expertise.
“Maxwell traveled across hundreds of miles of icy wilderness to the finish line in Nome, where thousands of fans of ‘the last great race’ cheered on the mushers and their dogs,” the Post reported. They flew the race route in two of Rogoff’s private Cessna 206s. Three years later, Rogoff, who obtained her pilot’s license during her time in Alaska, crashed one of planes while visiting former Sen. Clem Tillion in Halibut Cove.
It appears Rogoff and Maxwell had become close a year earlier in Reykjavik, Iceland during the Arctic Assembly, a conference concerning Arctic Circle nations, attended by people like Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Rogoff, who were featured speakers:

Soon, the Clinton Global Initiative made “commitment to action” to the TerraMar Project. Little evidence exists that it amounted to much, and Maxwell was not any sort of expert in the Arctic; she just had access to hundreds of thousands of dollars from public funds. Maxwell was an invited speaker in 2014 at the Council on Foreign Relations, again accepted as an expert on the ocean and the Arctic. Her TerraMar Project was little more than a scam, however.
The Department of Justice wrote on Tuesday of Maxwell’s actual area of expertise: Grooming young girls for sex.
“Today’s sentence holds Ghislaine Maxwell accountable for perpetrating heinous crimes against children. This sentence sends a strong message that no one is above the law and it is never too late for justice. We again express our gratitude to Epstein and Maxwell’s victims for their courage in coming forward, in testifying at trial, and in sharing their stories as part of today’s sentencing.”
According to the allegations in the indictment, court documents, and evidence presented at trial:
From at least 1994 until about 2004, Maxwell assisted, facilitated, and participated in Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse victims known to Maxwell and Epstein to be under the age of 18.
The victims were as young as 14 years old when they were groomed and abused by Maxwell and Epstein, both of whom knew that their victims were minors. As a part of the scheme to abuse minor victims, the two brought the children to Epstein’s residences in different states, which Maxwell knew and intended would result in their grooming for and subjection to sexual abuse.
Maxwell attempted to befriend certain victims by asking them about their lives, their schools, and their families, and taking them to the movies or on shopping trips. She also acclimated victims to Epstein’s conduct simply by being present for victim interactions with Epstein, which put victims at ease by providing the assurance and comfort of an adult woman who seemingly approved of Epstein’s behavior.
Additionally, Epstein offered to help some victims by paying for travel and/or educational opportunities, and MAXWELL encouraged certain victims to accept Epstein’s assistance. As a result, victims were made to feel indebted and believed that Maxwell and Epstein were trying to help them. Maxwell normalized and facilitated sexual abuse for a victim by discussing sexual topics, undressing in front of the victim, being present when the victim was undressed, and encouraging the victim to massage Epstein.
The grooming behaviors left the victims vulnerable and susceptible to sexual abuse by Epstein. Maxwell was present for certain sexual encounters between minor victims and Epstein, such as interactions where a girl was undressed, and Maxwell was also present for sex acts perpetrated by Epstein on the girls, including sexualized massages during which a child was fully or partially nude, as well as group sexualized massages of Epstein involving a child, in the presence of Maxwell. In some instances, Maxwell participated in the sexual abuse of minor victims.
Ultimately minor victims were subjected to sexual abuse that included, among other things, the touching of a victim’s breasts or genitals, placing a sex toy such as a vibrator on a victim’s genitals, directing a victim to touch Epstein while he masturbated, and directing a victim to touch Epstein’s genitals. Maxwell and Epstein’s victims were groomed or abused at Epstein’s residences in New York, Florida, and New Mexico, as well as Maxwells residence in London, England.
In the earlier phase of the conspiracy, from at least approximately 1994 through approximately 2001, Maxwell and Epstein identified vulnerable girls, typically from single-mother households and difficult financial circumstances. This earlier phase required the defendant and Epstein to identify one girl at a time to target for grooming and abuse.
In the later phase, from approximately 2001 until at least approximately 2004, Maxwell and Epstein enticed and recruited, and caused to be enticed and recruited, minor girls to visit Epstein’s Palm Beach Residence to engage in sex acts with Epstein, after which Epstein, Maxwell or another employee of Epstein’s would give the victims hundreds of dollars in cash.
Maxwell and Epstein encouraged one or more of those victims to travel with Epstein with the intention that the victim engage in sex acts with Epstein. Moreover, and in order to maintain and increase his supply of victims, Maxwell and Epstein also paid certain victims to recruit additional girls to be similarly abused by Epstein. In this way, Maxwell nd Epstein created a network of underage victims for Epstein to sexually exploit.
Where is the list of clients?
And sounds like drag queen hour at our schools and libraries. Grooming kids even younger.
Real in-depth reporting Suzanne. Good job.
“The Clinton Global Initiative made “commitment to action” to the TerraMar Project”
Although I’m worried about this line.
What were those submarines of the TerraMar Project actually used for I wonder. Ferrying children out of the view of satellites between Epstein island and other islands? Who might own those islands or visit them.
There is a historical pattern of Arkancide that follows the Clintons when it comes to their ventures surrounding “relief” and “humanitarian aid” efforts in impoverished nations. Hillary also created slave markets in Libya which have connections to NXIVM and the Bronfman sisters, heir to the Seagrams fortune. You don’t see much discussion about that.
Look a little deeper into her billionaire friend and former Clinton Foundation board member Frank Giustra, his philanthropy, and his Canadian shell company Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP) that bundled anonymous foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation. Was that a money laundering front? Interestingly Giusta as the former owner of Lionsgate Films also advanced the careers of Kevin Spacey and Director Bryan Singer. How do all these people end up in the same circle.
As a socialite Maxwell had connections to all of these people. There’s also the Mosad intelligence link of her father and Epstein being intel assets, which fits with running blackmail on people in high places.
So, Maxwell gets sentenced to jail for 20 years for sex trafficking young girls to…
No body?
How do you get convicted and sentenced to jail for committing a crime that officially never happened? How does one traffic underage girls for sex without actually having anyone as a client?
She’s the “enabler.”
Just like Bill Walker was Byron Mallott’s enabler.
Was Rogoff learning the tricks of the trade of pedophilia-shopping from Maxwell while she was in Alaska? Did Rogoff pass along the information to Byron Mallott, so as how not to get caught? Something fishy going on here.
When one seeks answers to another’s pedophilia, there are only more questions.
How many others were there before you got caught? Maybe Bill Walker knows more about his soul brother, Byron Mallott, than he would admit to. After all, Walker scurried away from the governor’s office four years ago when Byron got caught. And Walker has yet to address any of this. Wonder why ……
To a large degree a person is defined by the company the keep…..
And Gov. D just put Rogoff’s daughter on the PFD board?!?! After her mommy wanted to poach our PFD for her own ends? Just say NO! to Walker!
Hmmm…so Murkowski was good friends with Guillaume! That appears to tell a lot about Murkowski! Not my Senator!
Ghislaine…you get the idea!!
Thank you for the excellent read, Suzanne. Obviously, Rogoff is playing a very low profile now that her old chum Ghislaine is going to be in the penitentiary for 20 years. Pedophilia seems to be the Democrat’s hidden passion. Bill Walker’s soul-mate, Lt. Governor Byron Mallott, was a pedophile too. He probably had the same sexual proclivities as Epstein. When Mallott suddenly retired and Bill Walker quit his active campaign for re-election, a huge HUSH fell over the Alaska media, most notably the ADN. Was this hush an admission of Democrat guilt? Or was it to protect Bill Walker and Byron Mallott from potential criminal activity and an investigation into the inner workings of the Walker governorship? I suspect a little of each.
Scott Kendall, Bill Walker’s chief of staff at the time, was the one who began the cover-up. You can find Kendall involved in many of Walker’s snafus and foibles during his governorship. Now he’s Walker’s campaign manager, as well as consultant to Lisa Murkowski. Bad Democrats stick together like poop on a wool blanket.
As a public service, I can point out that Epstein and Maxwell had other prominent friends, one of whom was our last president. Pictures are easy to find, but I couldn’t figure out how to post here. Here is the link.
Wow, no way that story is crap. Everyone knows vanity fair is a bastion of truth. They’ve never fudged a story for increased sells or posted salacious false material for clicks. Get real AZ hat. I guess you don’t care about Bill Clinton and his relationship with Epstein…..
The Dems tried very hard to link Epstein to Trump. If you look at the Epstein/Trump photos there are very few and the ones that do exist are 1980’s vintage. When Trump found out about Epstein’s antics, he kicked him off his property. If there would have been something there, it would have been on every mainstream media outlet. Who knows, Epstein may not have gotten whacked.
Too light of a sentence in my opinion. She will get a judge like Judge Jackson who will review her case and reduce the sentence to 10 years or less for good behavior. She should have gotten life with no parole for subjecting these young folks to nothing more than being sex slaves! She is a predator that should never be free.
Epstein and his good bud, William Jefferson Clinton – perverse and desperately wicked. Toss in Prince Andrew, too. Maxwell deserves and gets a sentence of 20 years in prison, but the breadth and depth of the Epstein-related sordid crimes remain undisclosed.
Amazing. It seems that a lot of the rich and the powerful are tied together.
Maxwell is as good as dead as she knows too much. She’ll have an accident or get killed by another inmate. Her pal Epstein did not commit suicide, he was whacked. They knew when the heat came he’d sing like a canary so they silenced him, permanently.
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