Get ’em while they’re hot: Trump tickets for Anchorage


Donald Trump will hold a Save America rally in Anchorage on Saturday, July 9, 2022, starting at 4 pm. He will be in Alaska in support of Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Kelly Tshibaka, candidate for U.S. Senate; and Sarah Palin, candidate for Congress.


Alaska Airlines Center, 3550 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508

Timeline of Events: 
6 am – Parking and line opens – open seating
11 am – Doors open and entertainment begins
1 pm – Pre-program speakers deliver remarks
4 pm – Donald J. Trump delivers remarks 

General Admission Tickets: REGISTER HERE


  1. Fantastic! This will be a blockbuster political event for Alaska. Largest turnout expected in the entire state’s 63-year history.

    • Doubt it.
      President Trump will not out draw Pope John Paul 2, who had 46,000 Alaskans attend Mass on the Park Strip.
      I liked President trump, but he has “jumped the shark”, by endorsing the liberal Sarah Palin.

      • Give me a break. When I was in college they told me they were seven personalities on earth. Then about 35 to 40 years later I was to understand there are only three. Now that I have forgotten all my schooling there are really only two one that moves the fly ride back-and-forth and one tied to the end of the line.

        • Skip,
          If you were better at math you would know that the average Democrat has over 41 personalities on an average day. The smallest disagreement will trigger another personality. They have so many loose ends to worry about, the fly gets overwhelmed by the sinker. And the reel just gets wound tighter and tighter with each cast of the fly.

  2. I have my 2016 Trump coin, but it is only for annoying the TDS bunch.
    I would enjoy seeing Trump and DeSantis running against each other, but with a twist … that the winner would make the other his VP.

  3. This dude is an embarrassment, at best, to the Republican Party and America. Alaska doesn’t need him.

    • So, opening ANWR for exploration and increasing production to keep our states economy strong was bad? You sound like a typical tds uniparty member. How you liking fuel prices and inflation? Exactly what you voted for.

      • What I have found is the average anti-Trump individual is focusing on things that, frankly just do not matter. Equity, pronouns, abortion, etc… are way more important to people like Billy0 than increasing family net worth, lowering costs, and increasing employment.
        Heck, if the current pResident kept all the economic gains in place, I probably would not care that his Cabinet was hired because of what they are, not what they do. That is not an admission you will get from the left side of the political aisle.

    • After Getting record low unemployment, wage growth, low inflation, energy independence, Middle East peace, low taxes, low regulations, high growth, record stock market, a few people getting embarrassed by his tweets is a small price to pay.

      • Trump is a lot closer to a Venezuelan autocrat than any other president ever has been.

        As if his tweets were the worst of his offenses. He had no honor, no substance. He was a petty, vindictive creep who sullied the office. Yeah, Biden completely sucks, but that doesn’t excuse Trump’s behavior. America deserves better than both of them!

    • And we are unhappy with the changes recently presented to us by the SCOTUS. I think not. I will vote for Donald Trump every day and twice on Sunday for the what my vote in 2016 produced.

  4. Suzanne you made it first grade simple to register your site and you are a GOD send your effort for of and by the people ma’am WOW. Must read thank you for all the hope and fun you bring. Team trump is coming to town. The last president who came to anchorage turned it woke in a week, ran our mayor to a lay in way low situation berkowitz is still hiding. And Obama dragged off lots of oath breakers souls with him. Thank you president trump and team trump HOPE is alive ALL.

  5. Taking the day off of work. I’ll forfeit a day of overtime to try and save this great nation. MAGA 2024

    • As well I plan to do so. Not often in the history of this country does a great leader come along. What is sad is the kangaroo circus for Jan. 6, two false impeachments with no grounds for it; constant lying by the communist news networks; disrespectful politicians such as Tliab, Omar, Piglosi, etc.; all to take down the president that wanted to drain the swamp and make congress less corrupt. To protect America from illegal immigrants and terrorist coming across the southern border; to be energy independent; to investigate the on going voter fraud across America.

  6. I signed up. I will show up at 6 AM. I am bringing my wife and 12-year-old. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I can’t wait.

  7. I choose the Constitution over treasonous 45! He & Palin are both embarrassments at best! It is sickening the we are having him here in Anchorage! I’ll be at the protest!

    • So, you also support the recent SCOTUS ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization because the majority decision is 100% in line with the Constitution.

    • You may be against patriot Trump, but your opposition has nothing to do with the Constitution. Trump made America great in so many ways. A few people getting embarrassed by his tweets is a small price to pay. I’m glad to see you are reading Must Read Alaska. You can learn a lot; things you will never see in the ADN.

      • You have said that twice now, about the “embarrassing tweets”
        Those tweets gave the White house to Biden, they are not merely embarrassing.

        Slamming a War Veteran Senator, who Arizonians elected over & over, cost him that state, not crooked vote counting.
        How many Ariz vets said f this, I’m not voting for him?
        Pres. Trump was a draft evader, a “Fortunate Son” as Creedence would say

  8. Nobody is worth waiting ten (10) hours to see – I don’t care how big a celebrity they think they are. Good luck to those that go to this event.

    • I waited DAYS to get tickets and more HOURS than I can ever count to see Grateful Dead shows.

      And it was worth it EVERY DAMN SHOW I SAW.

      This reminds me of that. People who want to see some real in-person action.

      #notfadeaway #missyoujerry #TRUMP2024

  9. So wish they would have held this event at the Fair Grounds in Palmer! That’s going to be a Traffic nightmare in that part of Anchorage

  10. I’m not sure which group is worse. The raging progs suffering from TDS or the Cult of Trump followers (many also Palinheads) who are convinced Trump is the next coming of Jesus.

    President Trump was great for Alaska. He was damn good for America. If he had had two terms he would have probably been great for America.

    But his personal flaws and poor staffing decisions undid his time in office. These actions set the stage for a senile, corrupt, borderline pervert to become POTUS and drive us to the edge of national disunity.

    Unless he walks across the Susitna in full view of the Bishop, a Rabbi, and Rick Rydell, he’s just a man. Flawed like all of us.

    He can still be a force for good. Behind the scenes.

  11. I signed up right away and have not received my text to verify. My partner did the same. That was yesterday. Did again this morning, still no text verification?? Looks like anyone with an alaska phone number can’t get registered?

    • Good luck with that. If we sort out the people who think Trump is Jesus Christ there is wide agreement that Trump can’t manage his way out of a paper bag if he wanted to, and he doesn’t want to. You will over pay and he will underdeliver. Happens almost every single time the man does anything and you can verify that yourself if the truth means anything to you.

      • Were you living in a cave while Trump was in office? Biden can’t manage his own diaper changes. We’ve gotten steadily poorer since Biden got into office, have ANOTHER new war going on (No new wars under Trump), and food shortages everywhere. You’re really pretty dumb since the tickets are FREE…so how could someone overpay?! Leftists are evil idiots.

  12. Went to register and never got the code. Tried again and now it says my phone number has already been used. Soooooo…… ?????

  13. I too signed up and no reply. I wanted to see the traitor first hand, meaning Trump. Palin is a nut. The last I saw of her was a video of her and her house in Wasilla. It was something out of the The Twilight Zone. She is either crazy, bi-polar or a full fledged nut. Trump is a grifter. He is milking all the Rubes for donations to him. I used to like him in the beginning, but I stopped watching OAN and Fox. I realized now that I too was fooled by the man-child. I find him digusting. Did you know over 50+ women and stated they were assaulted by him. It is hard to believe all 50 are lying!

  14. Good day to not be in Anchorage. Trump is a loser and his minions are a scary bunch. Good luck to APD.

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