Gas stoves for me, but not for thee


The Biden administration plans to ban gas stoves after U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s top leader, Richard Trumka Jr., said earlier this year that “a ban on gas stoves is on the table.” He says they are unsafe.

Already liberal-run cities have started restricting gas stoves, ovens, and home furnaces, now subject to bans or restrictions in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego.

“This is a hidden hazard,” Trumka said. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Trumka later said it would not apply to existing stoves, but only to new stoves.

On Thanksgiving, it became clear any ban would not apply to Vice President Kamala Harris or First Lady Jill Biden, who have posted a social media photos of themselves with their gas stoves over the past years.


  1. I can’t think of any cooking appliance that is safer, more efficient, and less polluting. Time to ban the CPSC – another corrupt agency trying to give our resources to the chicoms.

  2. Yesterday, I, like many of us, had four gas burners going at once and a roast in the oven all at the same time.

    Except for a heeler jumping onto the counter after dinner and stealng a pie, yesterday was free of disaster. No house, owner, or dog explosions.

    Yes, the heeler is fine and I’ll never know how good that particular sweet potato pie was.

  3. The country has been taken over and you are under attack. Republicans are pathetic. They will let skinny arm perverts take over their entire future and won’t even admit that it’s happening,.. because if they do, they might have to fight something.. I’m embarrassed that I even considered myself a Republican back in the day

  4. Let’s see how the folks living in villages do with out gas stoves ! Fricken nutty . Probably one of the best inventions of all time . I’ve got an old sears stove that fifty years old and works just fine . In fact a bear broke in and flipped the stove in 2003 and it still works fine .

    Crazy ideas and the left wonders why people are starting to question everything that comes out of DC !

    Let congress vote on this so we can smoke out the rest of the weasel’s!

    Dan and Lisa , what you say on this ?

  5. I’m smart enough to be able to safely cook on a gas stove. I have for many years.

    On the other hand, it could reasonably be hypothesized that liberal Democrats are NOT smart enough to use them safely!

  6. The queens and their male concubines are wearing no clothes. Only the total fool Democrats see them fully clothed.

  7. Americans shed one tyrant, 248 years later another pops up, dead union thug’s kid decides gas stoves are out, at least for working-class Americans.
    Rich Junior’s gold standard is the study done by the environmentally activist Rocky Mountain Institute which concluded 12.7% of current childhood asthma nationwide is attributed to gas stove use, similar to childhood asthma attributed to secondhand smoke exposure.
    About the study, Yale professor of medicine Dr. Harvey Risch said, “This paper does not do any research on possible association between residential natural gas use and risk of childhood asthma. It only calculates a percent of childhood asthma that —could— be attributable to residential natural gas use and risk of childhood asthma.” (emphasis added).
    The “Free Beacon” reported the two authors of the study don’t have relevant scientific education or background: RMI researcher Talor Gruenwald has a master’s degree in international affairs, while head of RMI’s “Carbon-Free Buildings” program Brady Seals has an MBA from University of South Dakota.
    Looks like Rich Junior somehow missed the report published in 2013 by the International Study of Asthma and?Allergies in Childhood, or ISAAC, which used data from more than 512,000 children in 47 different countries, which concluded there was “no evidence of an association between the use of gas as a cooking fuel and either asthma symptoms or asthma diagnosis.”
    Maybe Rich Junior missed the results of the 5-year ISAAC study because: “RMI told the Washington Examiner that researchers only used data based specifically in the U.S. or Europe, —thus making the ISAAC study ineligible for consideration—.” (emphasis added)
    What kind of “study”, especially one meant for a senior government policymaker, does that?
    Bottom line: Americans must not debase themselves by begging Rich Junior for permission to keep gas stoves or blessing to buy new gas stoves. The way to reach Rich Junior’s Consumer Product Safety Commissariat is by ceaselessly reminding elected officials that their job security depends on stopping bullsh…(oops!) exactly like this.

  8. Alaska is looking for growth ask the factory’s to relocate here and we can sell gas stoves. Screw the feds and if they want to retaliate then we open up the oil fields and become another country with out the feds.

    • I like your idea! The swamp in DC is beyond fixing. Time to say adios and take care of Alaska with its own resources. Any chance we can ship out all of the wokes?

    • Mark, your proposal, for Alaska to assert and reclaim its sovereignty from the fe(de)ral government in The District of Criminals, is the only moral, logical and sensible plan moving forward, with a rogue totalitarian uniparty cabal in permanent power, and that clearly is determined to do everything possible to destroy our rights and to destroy this country.

      How about “Freedom Sanctuary” cities and states?

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