Friday, Saturday: Anchorage marches to defund police


Protesters will gather again in a nearly empty downtown Anchorage on Friday evening to demand defunding the police, to demand the control of police be turned over to neighborhood councils, and to voice objections to police brutality.

At 4:30 pm, the Party for Socialism and Liberation Anchorage and its supporters will meet at 544 West 5th Avenue to march against the Municipality, which the group says has thus far ignored its 13 demands, which are:

1. Police officers must undergo extensive mental health training while the Municipality of Anchorage transitions away from police intervention to a civilian based intervention.

2. Decriminalize low-level offenses such as minor possession of drugs and sex work.

3. End Camp Abatements and Decriminalize Homelessness.

4. Increase Penalties for Sexual Assault and Harrassment.

5. Disarm Police Officers.

6. Civilian Control.

7. Neighborhood Councils Directly Control Police in their Neighborhoods.

8. Police Records Must be Public.

9. Three Strike, You’re Out. (Unclear who this refers to)

10. Abolish the Police Union.

11. Empower the Expand the Anchorage Police Community Relations Task Force.

12. Defund the Police and Reallocate Resources toward Community Health and Wellness Programs.

13. Justice for Dae. (Dae refers to the late Lufilufilimalelei  “Daelyn” Polu, who was pulled over by Anchorage police in February, and who pulled a gun on the officer, and was subsequently shot dead by the officer. The mother of “Dae” does not think her son would have done this, and has a petition demanding an apology of Mayor Ethan Berkowitz and that the case be reopened.)


On Saturday in downtown Anchorage, a Queer Wrath event is scheduled to meet at the Delaney Park Strip at 2 pm.

This is an event being sponsored by the “queer members of PSL” to stand together in “solidarity with the uprising in the Lower 48 and in opposition to police brutality.”

Starting at West 9th Ave & L Street, the group will rally and hear from LGBTQ+ speakers about their experiences with the Anchorage Police Department.

“We encourage folx to take this opportunity to voice your story with us,” the group writes. “Protestors can choose to participate in either the car caravan or the marching rally. Some car decorating supplies will be available 1 hour before the event.”


  1. Sing along with me now…..if there’s something strange, in the neighborhood, who you gonna call….’GHOSTBUSTERS”……

  2. Wait till they protest in front of your house, telling you that you have no right to own all that “stuff”. I’ll be waiting with my good friend Samuel Colt.

  3. What rock do these idiots crawl out from under? Alaska used to be a place of reason; not any more. Too many idiots have moved up here and are trying to change us. I agree with Jerry, they try to go too far and they will meet with a lot of Colts. So thankful I live in the Valley where most people are sane.

    • Wow, sounds like alot of last place trophy winners. They can walk or exercise in the privacy of their rented homes.

    • Anyone who supports the police should go downtown and show their support for APD Can you imagine the crime we would have without our APD?

  4. Every day I read the news. Every day my heart sinks a bit more, turns a bit more colder. Have these people who are behind these demands even know what they’re demanding?

    1. Police officers must undergo extensive mental health training while the Municipality of Anchorage transitions away from police intervention to a civilian based intervention.

    *They go through a rigorous psychological examination prior to hire.

    2. Decriminalize low-level offenses such as minor possession of drugs and sex work.

    *Now they want drugged out minors who can sell sex to support their habit. I wonder if they have any 14 year old daughters…..

    3. End Camp Abatements and Decriminalize Homelessness.

    *It’s not against the law to be homeless you idiot. It is against the law to destroy and pollute public lands.

    4. Increase Penalties for Sexual Assault and Harrassment.

    *Who are going to enforce these penalties if there aren’t any cops?

    5. Disarm Police Officers.

    *I have no words for this insanity. This is going Total Retard.

    6. Civilian Control.

    *See #5.

    7. Neighborhood Councils Directly Control Police in their Neighborhoods.

    *Again, read #5.

    8. Police Records Must be Public.

    *Personnel records are sealed and are protected under constitutional law. It’s called privacy you moron.

    9. Three Strike, You’re Out. (Unclear who this refers to)

    *Yeah, I thought you morons were against these “draconian” laws.

    10. Abolish the Police Union.

    *You want a cop, without any personal protection to perform a job without anyone on their side? Back to #5.

    11. Empower the Expand the Anchorage Police Community Relations Task Force.

    *This is called community policing and doesn’t work unless there are more resources for them but you morons want to de-fund and/or abolish them. Insanity.

    12. De-fund the Police and Reallocate Resources toward Community Health and Wellness Programs.

    *Yup, see how logical you idiots are? Read #11.

    13. Justice for Dae. (Dae refers to the late Lufilufilimalelei “Daelyn” Polu, who was pulled over by Anchorage police in February, and who pulled a gun on the officer, and was subsequently shot dead by the officer. The mother of “Dae” does not think her son would have done this, and has a petition demanding an apology of Mayor Ethan Berkowitz and that the case be reopened.)

    *So, let me get this straight: You would rather a non unionized person with no one on their side, unarmed, controlled by some Community Council to approach a person for a law that was broken, putting their lives on the line to be confronted by that person with a gun.

    It’s true folks. The asylum is being ran by the inmates. This list, which mirrors the idiotic one that CHAZ/CHOP put out has the dumbest, most unattainable demands ever published by a group of spoiled ass-hats that have it so good they need to destroy what they have. They’ve been sold the white guilt narrative so successful that they’re willing to burn it all down. The worse thing is that my collective government is bowing and taking a knee to these extremists.

  5. No doubt that the television news media will give the event/riot fawning coverage. And the current Mayor will announce his intent to meet with the protesters. Maybe he can help them burn an American flag or loot a random business or two.

  6. Something else to think about; Who organized this “protest”? Whose name is on the permit? Where did the money come from and who gets paid? Who is backing this? Money and people from outside, my guess. Local participants are just useful idiots who don’t realize they have been brainwashed and are being controlled like sheep.

  7. Coming at us. Take a deep breath and count to 12.7 (sound familiar, vets?). 10 isn’t quite enough anymore.
    This is just another day in ‘left world’. The weird thing is, many people seem to be going for it. Before it’s over, they will be expecting all Alaskan Americans to be on their knees, shining their shoes, saying “yes massa”, and whatever else appeasers do when they’re on their knees in front of their “betters”. A real shame to bring this crap to Alaska but they have. Alaskan Americans may well be forced to take real issue with these “newcomers”. Either that accept it, and that is not happening here. Seems the entire world is under assault and I would bet 98% of leftists don’t know what they are protesting or what they want. What they do want, they want for nothing. They have been taught that everyone “deserves” what everyone else has, with no contribution to earn it. They contribute nothing to society. They don’t recognize many words, including truth, faith, honesty, country and, surprisingly for many, family. The leftist thoughts seem filled with hate, not mercy, compassion or willingness to help. That is not America.
    November is critical.

  8. So a couple large gatherings in Anchorage by the Socialist & Queers, and yet Little Mayor Berky wants to mask the whole Muni??? I believe with Little Man running things we are in a Socialist society right now!

  9. If there are no police then we can get rid of the problem with no consequences. Sounds like a win-win to me.

  10. Anchorage Police Department are the biggest liars ever. I lost all respect for them three years ago when mymom was brutally killed and they let the killer go……Alaska needs a sheriff law enforcement system, where the residents vote for the sheriffs…….get rid of city police departments and State Troopers.

    • I’m really sorry you lost your mom. But I couldn’t disagree with you more. Seems we need even more police to cover areas we can’t cover and protect people.

  11. One way or another, we will take our state and country back from these slimeball socialists and they will never understand what happened. It seems that this started when they all came out of their liberal closets. Both the public and private education system in our country have failed us. Time to drain this swamp is way past due. Time to put political correctness back in the trashcan where it belongs.

  12. Let these people spend a night in Seattle’s CHOP to see what all this gets you. Tell them to bring cameras and film, that way they can be roughed up by ANTIFA.

  13. Too bad most of the useless moron that want these demand met are to stupid to see the resemblance of when the socialist Nazis party took control over Germany…. that had neighborhood councils that would bully and blackmail the citizens that had local neighborhood patrols that would rape women alone in thir homes…. maybe if these idiots had paid alittle attention in history class they would already know that millions were killed for not fighting against similar demands…. I agree never go full stupid like the mirobs making these demands!!!

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